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2/9/2008 1:28:22 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 02/08/08

OMG Fix Melee. OK, we will - and here's what we're going to do... [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=13233] click for full story [/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Primoboy360 I dont fully understand the melee thing But I still think they need it to be the FIRST ONE WHO PULLS THE TRIGGER IS THE ONE WHO WINS. It's like....just they way it needs to be[/quote] Why so people can shoot "just enough" to have their opponents health down and then pwn them as they are worried about still trying to shoot? Nah, besides... I trust bungie to make an awesome fix. does OK Corral sound anything like Ivory Tower to you?

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  • If the melee system fails again I will not play halo anymore.

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  • "Next week, folks all over the world over will celebrate their love for one another with diamonds, chocolates, baguettes, romantic nights out and then wives and girlfriends will then proceed get headaches and go straight to bed after dinner, so what will the husbands do? Hopefully log in to Halo 3 and check out another one of those seasonal treats we’re putting together. " I realize that women aren't a major component of the Halo3 players, but I think it might help every guy's secret cause of getting his wife/girlfriend to enjoy video games if you refrained from writing things that are insulting and exclusionary. Seriously, lady gamers have to put up with a lot of this crap from the people we play. I kind of expected more from someone who was writing an official update for the game. But nice work on the melee fix.

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  • I thought that the Commando Shoulders were unlocked with the "Killing Frenzy" achievement and not the "Steppin' Razor" achievement?

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  • Good stuff but still the BR needs to get fixed.I've played H3 three days straight on LAN and shots were still not registering...Nobody complained about the H2 BR,just make it more accurate/fix the spread please.

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  • a defection. CoD 4 how could you? finally something is being done. keep up the good work. Ahh 1 more thing since its only 2 maps now i think is it still gonna be $10.

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  • 100ms? WHAT A COP-OUT! Australians average 250-300ms of ping to america. This means if we beat down 200ms BEFORE the host we will still miss the battle! Bull-blam!- much? No Team Snipers mention still? Just pinged Cogent in America and got an average of 200ms, with Google it is 260. Considering that they are high-end servers connected into the backbone of the internet think how bad average households in America would be. This melee system is going to be epic fail I can tell already. Back to CoD4. [Edited on 02.09.2008 1:47 AM PST]

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  • sweet update. i didnt read the whole thread so i dont know if anyone has mentioned it-----but OK corral sounds ALOT like beaver/battle creek. itll be sweet if they bring it back.

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  • Melee is still going to be flawed in my opinion, better, but still flawed. I think melee should work like two players shooting rockets at each other. It doesn’t really matter where their shields are at, or who has more/less health, or who shot their rocket first/last. ALL that matters, is did each player do enough damage to kill their opponent. If so, then both die, but no one is [b]awarded[/b] anything. The same should go for melee. There is no need to award the kill to anyone. If someone is on the brink of death and enters a melee contents against someone with more health, but still manages to do the minimum amount of damage to get a kill, then both should still die. The player with more health doesn’t deserver the kill any more then the player on the brink of death. I realize that this will create a lot of simultaneous deaths, but honestly, if both players performed correct actions to get a kill, then both deserve a kill. On another note, an average of 100ms lag, OMG!!! No wonder this game is so ridiculously inconsistent. Back when I played Counter Strike, I would refuse to play on servers with anything greater then 50ms lag. 100ms is pretty bad; Bungie should really consider implementing a damage recognition beep similar to that of Halo PC. Give us some in-game feedback on whether or not if we are connecting with our opponent, or just shooting at a delayed ghost image.

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  • lol "Bennett, i thought you were.." "dead?" Does anyone get that? "Do you know what day it is matrix, its pay day!" ahahaha, nice refrence bungie

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frojoe186 Nice update Bungie! Although I won't be around to see the update anytime soon (Not too long hopefully). What I do hope to see fixed is the 100 custom items limit (Films, games, maps, etc.). Whether it be making the limit 999 or something, or just getting rid of the limit altogether (The better choice in my opinion) would just be fantastic.[/quote] It does make me wounder why I paid for the 120GB hard drive... overall good update

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] s4ndp4p3rm4n [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Piles of Ril3S 1st post ...hey death, um no you couldn't. of got first post i was refreshing my page anxiously because i am legitimally the BIGGEST fan of the melee fix flaw. finally!! [/quote] Shut up, kiss ass. Yeah, Commando shoulders, that's great, Now what about the Security shoulder glitch? I've gotten more than 750 gamerpoints, Bungie. I want my shoulders back.[/quote] That's odd that you can't get the Security shoulder pads, because I was able to get them. You can have mine if you want; I don't really want them. Also, you couldn't technically get your shoulders back, because you never actually had them to begin with. Anyway, why get mad at someone for being a fan? You don't have to insult him for it.

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  • [u][b]Melee Fix[/b][/u] You just had to show some CQB Spartan getting beat down didn't you? jk [u][b]Cheaters[/b][/u] I am glad that there are systems in Halo 3 that can narrow down and eliminate cheating. [u][b]Commando Shoulders[/b][/u] It is a very good idea that you are giving them to every player with the update. [u][b]A Host Migrated[/b][/u] Happy to hear that steps are being taken to relieve the tension on this issue. [u][b]Hammered and Nailed[/b][/u] Just amazing that user created maps get a hopper, I am proud of you guys. [u][b]Decorators Love Center[/b][/u] Once again teases of new map features, I want mooooar! [u][b]Time of the Season[/b][/u] Valentine's day hopper supplying info to online tournament? Need more info asap kthx. [u][b]Finally[/b][/u] Excellent shots but I have a question. Can Bungies employee's only use the flaming helmet with the Recon helmet? Or could it be any other helmet? Just curious. [u][b]P.S.[/b][/u] Well done for a good cause. One love <3 [Edited on 02.08.2008 11:08 PM PST]

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  • umm last that was cool when is the maps going to be released

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  • and yet still NO explanation why a person takes damage from performing a melee. I have lost count how many times I have slugged some clown from behind just to have him turn and shoot once and be killed. Fixing this huge problem would eliminate the melee issues.

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  • Nice update Bungie! Although I won't be around to see the update anytime soon (Not too long hopefully). What I do hope to see fixed is the 100 custom items limit (Films, games, maps, etc.). Whether it be making the limit 999 or something, or just getting rid of the limit altogether (The better choice in my opinion) would just be fantastic.

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  • Soooo.... no notice on fixes such as 1. The fixing of hitboxes (LOL - from the neck to top of the head is fine, not from the top of head to some space above it - that's for the sniper, the Br is from the chest to neck? Come on Bungie) 2. a Br spread reduction (although not as noticeable in a LAN environment, it still plays a role in determining the outcome of any particular 1v1 Br battle) - and to those who argue against this change, Bungie already argued themselves into a corner by saying in this article (not exact quote) that randomness in a game is basically unacceptable. I am well aware of the fact I have to lead shots / aim for the neck / chest (a ridiculous thing to do - but it works, apparently). However, when all things are considered, adding in the fact that 1-2 bullets per clip could potentially miss / not go where you aimed, is unacceptable and needs to be addressed. 3. I am well aware of the fact that certain weapons are "built into" a map for starting weapons - it's just the explanation of why the Beam Rifle / Carbine (particularly) could not replace one of these built in weapons (or two) is what bothers me. It seems more like an oversight than a design feature, TBH. 4. Hit detection / latency issues - unless on a ridiculously good host (T1 connection or higher) I almost feel as if the hit detection / latency issues in this game are worse than H2's (and I thought it could sink no lower). Perhaps they are working on these lag issues - and that's one of the "transparent" fixes that they are implementing, who knows. But some word on it would have been nice. 5. I have not seen this issue brought up anywhere else, and I do not even know if Bungie knows about it (and I have no idea how they would fix it) but the POV switching when someone falls off a map during a gameplay whilst recording is very annoying. The screen even glitches as though the game were suffering a seizure. This would obviously not be an easy flaw to fix (and it is a glitch, a bug, not a design issue). However, I think Bungie should be aware of this issue as more and more players are using MLG's Gameroom to upload videos (even bypassing a capture card in many cases) and in many cases (especially on Guardian, where falling off the map is relatively easy to do) this glitch occurs - and it becomes very difficult to watch a video when you feel like having a seizure yourself after watching the screen shake until the end of the video. 6. Why does one care about host advantage anyways - the melee is the least of your worries if you face me on my host. The Br advantage I get is probably worse than Halo 2's host Br advantage (and that's saying something!!!!). Seriously - why not make it so whoever hits first, wins? Or maybe, just maybe, turn off this leveling of advantages in LAN play - because it's ridiculous to have a melee battle decided by even 3 frames in a LAN environment. My average reaction time is less than .05 secs, let alone less than .1 secs (the length of three frames). I'm sure many people's reaction times are faster than mine even. And if I'm reading this correctly, if I melee someone within .1 secs that my opponent melees me, and our health is within 28.5 damage of each other - we both die, and outside that damage range - we still get the same system as before??? Imagine if it took three frames instead of 1 to wavedash to a shine in SSBM for Fox - everybody would be able to infinitely wavedash!!! that's the kind difference we are talking about. 7. What was wrong with jumping melee taking out full shields - running melee taking out 3/4 shields and walking melee taking out half shields? This is of particular relevance to objective item melee strength and its balance. A jumping objective melee kill takes skill - and should be implemented back into the game in some way or other. Nothing is more exhilarating (well, in a gaming sense) than meleeing someone with an objective item when it was a jumping melee. 8. Touch return needs to return (no pun intended) and be fixed - right now, I can return a flag top mid on Isolation from rocket spawn? WTF!!!!!! 9. Not that I care very much - but it does bother me a tiny bit when I play doubles with one of my longtime Halo 2 friends - he starts off as a 24, I start off as a 35, and at the end of the night, he's a 42 and I'm a 38? I don't care - it's just an extremely noticeable flaw with the matchmaking system. 10. This would surprise, perhaps delight, but here's a suggestion (I don't know if this is implementable at all) - add in a weapon, that is able to be started with, that is only customs compatible (ie. - forgable) that is a single shot weapon similar to the pistol (you know what I mean - you need to lead across distance, it can shoot across map, etc.) - with an individual damage modifier separate from the overall damage modifier. All of the problems with, all of the complaints, all of the rants from the competitive players, would simply vanish in one flick of the AU1 (or 2) switch. Oh - and I hope all of you kids less than 18 have your way with the commando shoulder issue (or whatever it is) - you are seriously taking Bungie's attention away from other serious problems to fix an achievement issue? Thanks - but you are the kinds of people who will not be playing this game three years down the road - I will be. Thanks for potentially ruining about 500,000 (or thereabouts) competitive gamer's experiences by turning Bungie's attention to the most minor of glitches with the system. I hope you are happy - I know I won't be wearing my commando shoulders out of pure spite to the winy crybabies who care more about the look of a game rather than its gameplay. It's a no wonder you can't appreciate Bungie's masterpiece of a game - Halo CE. /rant I sincerely hope the melee was not the only issue that was looked into (and I'm sure it wasn't) - because it is NOT THE MAIN ISSUE WITH THIS GAME!!! Frustrating, to be sure, but not as gamebreaking as it may seem on the surface - some of my issues outlined above are issues playing on the mind of a lot of Halo players - and I hope more information is made available soon. [Edited on 02.08.2008 10:23 PM PST]

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  • I enjoyed that, you explained things on a more technical note (to a degree), instead of subtle hints or incredibly dumbed downed versions. Whilst I'm sure there could have been a much more technical writing, it probably would have wooshed over mine and a lot of people's heads =p Nice to know what your planning also. A bungie favorites forge hopper would be orsm [Edited on 02.08.2008 10:19 PM PST]

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  • So if an AR bullet does 7.5 damage and a BR bullet does 6 damage, how much damage does a needler round do?

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  • Is Frankie an artist? That pic is awesome! Nice job Frankie 5/5 :P [Edited on 02.08.2008 10:17 PM PST]

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  • I'm so there!!!

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  • Cool update, I'm excited. If pictures are trying to get to us like fish trying to get upstream, I'm sure one will make it's way to this part of the river soon, so I'm excited about that. Maps sound even more fun than last time, glad to see the melee thing being worked on, and a Forge playlist thing-a-ma-bob? I love it!!! Keep it up, can't wait for the next podcast, that was good stuff. Definately include some talk about the superbowl. There are things that need to be said lol... [Edited on 02.08.2008 9:30 PM PST]

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  • I am SO buying that!

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  • weak, the new melee feels like its going to be a cop out, but yeah for the Team Doubles Valentines day hopper. and yay for more hoppers

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  • cool update, although the melee "fix" sounds the same..guess I just don't understand latency issues much. The Valentine's day hopper is just going to be 2 vs 2 Slayer games?? We already have double team...I don't get what's different. Oh, and freakin blacklist the annoying spammers that leave stupid posts just saying "First!!!!".....

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