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Edited by Exalted Evil: 9/3/2014 2:00:53 AM

Prox chat griefing, WTF bungie.

The only thing I can find as to why prox chat/in-game voice is not in destiny is because of little kids and trolls griefing other players. Now I don't know about you but almost all of my online friends I met through random encouters, be it Xbox live or PSN or If every game had bungie's attitude toward socializing with people you DON'T know the online gaming community would be dead. If you don't like meeting new people and only want to play with those you do know maybe it's time you jump in your delorian, hit 88mph and have a lan party back in 90's EDIT: I think most of the nay sayers are missing my point. We all play online games Ps3, ps4, xbox 360, xbone, doesn't matter we all have a friends list, full of friends, made up of mostly people we met online in whatever game it is you play. If the various different games youve played over the years did what bungie is doing just how many people on your list would be gone? Never met because why? Well it's because all people who talk are annoying so voice chat should be removed. REALLY? ARE YOU PEOPLE KIDDING? I just don't buy it, I don't believe that none of you understand this. EDIT 2: /Game chat, if as one guy said they are bubbles, then turn the tower into a game chat bubble, only 16 players on your screen at any given time with an off option so its manageable, too many jackasses, orbit, back, new 16. Don't get me wrong im not just arguing prox chat, a open text based system in the tower would suffice, so long as there is some form of communication outside your fire team. As it stands without the ability to speak to "that cool lookin titan over there" this game is no more social then CoD or halo, infact it is less so since you can only communicate in game with those in your fireteam. EDIT 2.5: IMO Most griefers are CoD players, thats why I don't play CoD anymore (that and the game play went down hill really fast after CoD 4) I now seldom hear idiots screaming at other idiots, without the ability to 360 no scope in an mlg pro 1v1 lobby, those players will be gone soon enough.

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  • Edited by Kuromugi: 9/2/2014 4:35:06 PM
    You're assuming they didn't run into technical issues with the way they designed Destiny to work and the effects that it may have had on implementing a proximity chat system with the way that players phase in and out of different game instances.

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  • Edited by NightHawk_12: 9/2/2014 4:52:59 PM
    My entire friends list is made up of people I know in real life. I don't add anyone I meet online. I know you, and some others might, but I would appreciate you not making sweeping generalizations. Not everyone is like you.

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  • AFAIK, there is fire team chat, so you will still have plenty of opportunities to meet random people in strikes. I suspect the lack of proximity chat has more to do with their T for Teen rating than anything else. Personally, I'd like to see prox chat available but disabled by default; I'm not sure what the situation is on PS but xbox parental controls allow good control over internet chat.

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  • If I told you they added prox chat would you go stand on a soapbox in the tower and do your ranting with your mic there?

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  • If I find someone who sparks my interest I'll inspect them and then invite them to a party chat.

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    7 Replies
    • Edited by Ultron: 9/2/2014 2:34:46 PM
      no proxi chat is dumb , who ever is against it : Weak, sensitive , dumb, low iQ, anti social, only play single player.

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      3 Replies
      • It would make sense if your in a fire team but other wise its kinda stupid logic

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      • DeLorean*

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        • As long as its off by default then I dont see it being an issue

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          4 Replies
          • I don't really want proximity chat, it's not a feature I'd use and most of my friends list is randoms I found, or other friends found. I'd be happier if I could talk to people on my team in crucible or randoms in strikes, it's not as if these are so long I can't deal with someone or mute them if I had to, and communication is kind of important if you're working with people.

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          • I met exactly [b]one[/b] of my friends randomly while playing online ... in a game with no voice chat ... Your point of view is just one of many

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            • Edited by Aaron Teriyaki: 9/2/2014 3:11:54 PM
              Yes [b]Bungie[/b], pleeaaase! this is the only thing that bothered me so much about this game. It would be so simple to just have an option that can be turned on when entering any sociable area, that allows proximity chat. Anyone who isn't interested in this, can just leave the proximity chat option turned off. At least give us the option! Answer your [b]Community[/b] Bungie!

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            • Edited by iGreenTreeFrogg: 9/2/2014 3:28:46 PM
              I agree with you man..i def think we should have the option to turn on prox chat or game chat if we want to...100% agree...a lot of my friends were randomly met through the old Halos. and not only that, but it will suck if we have like 4 or 5 people in a PvP game and the other guy on our team just wont hear us and we wont hear least give us the option to communicate with people that arent in our party... when i recieve random party invites, i NEVER assume its someone trolling or just being a i dont expect people will join my parties even when we have good intentions.. not to menion, xbox party chat is A JOKE.

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            • Xbox has their own chat system. If you want to talk, do it through there. No need to set up a proximity chat just for the very few who want to talk in chaos in close proximity.

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              • Actually, my friends list is either people I know IRL or people I met playing Demon's Souls, which didn't have Prox Chat.

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                16 Replies
                • Has Bungie said Prox chat won't be in the game?

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                  • I meet over 200ppl in Online Games My question to You: Does this mean All this 200ppl are Friends? My Answer: No Does this mean i must play every time with them? My Answer NO Does this mean they will spend 10 years in Destiny like i will do? My Answer NO And to your point with meeting ppl in Destiny, new ppl (making friends) Is it Really that hard how you are writing? No it is not! Invite them in your Fireteam and talk to them! From your Post it Sounds like, i must Talk with every Person what i have meet in Online Gaming! This is just dumb and ignorant in my Opinion! Why? Because 90% of ppl i meet are not the typ of ppl i wana play And call them Friend! Raids and this Game is Made for Friends, Real Life Friend or Online Friends you have meeted in all your Gaming years. So keep Cool, you can still meet here ppl if they plan to play Destiny for a very long Time. Or Dance with them on the Tower ;)

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                    6 Replies
                    • I wonder if Bungie had to isolate players to an extent to keep the T rating. Since it's an always online and with prox chat there would be no place to hide from trolls. I have no evidence to back this up just speculating.

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                      • When you say "the only thing I can find," do you mean in the forums? As in posts by players? If so, I would think you're going about your search incorrectly. Bungie probably has reasons for not including this, covering (at least) technical and design aspects, which I doubt you'll find here.

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                        1 Reply
                        • Sorry but I don't know how you can assume that people's friends lists are made up mostly of people we met online, that isn't always the case. 90% of my friends list is made up of people who I met IRL, and who I know personally. The rest are people who I met online. While I agree there needs to be voice chat in the game, you can't assume its because most of our friends are people we met online.

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                          1 Reply
                          • Proximity chat should be added with a option to mute all or chance the range of proximity (short, medium, long). This easily could nullify any worries Bungie has.

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                          • Yea I have no idea how/why Bunige keeps talkin up the importance of the social aspect but yet they have little to no way of being social during the game.

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                          • Totally agree. This isn't really a shared world shooter as the only extent of the sharing is someone stealing your kills. Hopefully after real world application, bungie will change. Till then we can just use the forum to grief each other

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                          • Edited by DEZARATH: 9/2/2014 1:15:03 PM
                            It's dumb. Take GTA V. Most of the time it's two idiots talking about getting high. Or it's actually some fun people trying to coordinate other players. I know what you're saying. They should have just put in the opposite where you can turn it off with an option if a Tower is full of jerks. I think it's because the Tower is so small is the way you have the way it is from the beta and alpha. If it was a massive city then players could spread out and it wouldn't be such a personal affair if some really hardcore asshat showed up and began making the experience unpleasant. I'm making friends on Warframe and we are all planning on playing Destiny. So if it stays the way it is I think other games will act as the proxy for friends forming up for Destiny. Crazy right? But that's what's happening.

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                          • It seems like they are trying really hard to walk this line between encouraging positive group play, and discouraging negative play. It's not an easy needle to thread, given that not insignificant chunks of content are group oriented. Personally, with group content such as it is, and the social features being what they are, I think the bar is set too high. I fully understand not wanting to implement a moderation type of system, but it seems to me that the current setup is much less than ideal.

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                          • Not every gaming community has people who behave like competitive FPS trolls. The vast majority of people I've met on-line have been decent, friendly people. But after a round of Titanfall, I had (kid) actually go thorugh the effort of PM through XB live, just to trash talk me about my play. It was a nonsensical, profanity-filled rant. One that I simply blocked and moved on. But THAT is the element that Bungie is trying to keep from getting a foothold in the Destiny community. You have some competitive FPS players who can REALLY act like jack@sses, and use any communication route to harrass and bully other players. Especially if they are anonymous, or in an environment that is very difficult to police. There's a permanent record of text communications....Voice comm...not so much.

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