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originally posted in:The Black Garden
Edited by Hobbes92: 4/23/2015 7:14:02 PM

Domitoris Awakening Chapter 3

This a fan-fiction, a fan-fiction about an Exo during the Golden Age and some of his adventures in the Destiny story (all fiction) [b]Domitoris Awakening Chapter 3: Unknown Enemy Part 1[/b] Transport Vessel on route to Saturn’s outer rings, 0915 hours Three weeks passed as I gradually made myself useful to Ambassador Wess’s’ security team, three very long weeks. I had gotten to know most of the security team rather well, but time would tell if we could work together. I’d met Jk-Bx finally, not much different than his brother (Bm-Bx) to be honest, but they both seemed genuinely interested in working with humans. Wess and I got along well (mostly), his daughter (Julia) and got along alright as friends; she had a kind heart and wasn’t afraid to talk to me, regardless of what happened the first night I watched over her. The security team was a little tough getting used to at first; they didn’t follow all the protocols I had been instructed to follow, but often took dangerous and daring actions to protect and serve humanity. Max was a young Exo, talked a lot and acted like a teenager sometimes, but he seemed to have his heart in the right place and typically took his job seriously…enough. Henry was a tough nut, his only concern normally was about the health and safety of humans (which was good, I liked having someone who took their job seriously when it came to taking care of others they may or may not understand what they’re going through), in addition to maintaining Exos; he complained a lot about the places we went and often went off the wall about not having his supplies when he wanted them. Didn’t get to meet Steff, she was taken by Shoo-Lawn Inc. the day I arrived; she was the pilot and mechanic of the crew, from what I’ve been told. Then there was Charles…he hadn’t spoken a word to me since I arrived, but his eyes always followed me when I came around (as if he was suspicious of me or something). Overheard Charles and John talking the other day; it seems John may be getting transferred to Earth in a few months because of some family issues. Through the conversation, it was hard to hear Charles voice because it was really hoarse and gruff (sounded like his voice box was old or damaged and needed a replacement). He seems much older than he appears and it was strange how his body was pieced together like a puzzle with different Exo series pieces (his hands index fingers were quite unique, probably very sensitive to touch for when he was using his rifle). Cicatrix was still a mystery to me, hadn’t met him yet, but the story goes is that he is really “powerful,” has to do with the time he spent inside or around the Traveler; it’s also been said he’s quite... strange. We were in a large transport frigate headed to Saturn’s outer rings; waiting around in the cafeteria, we just shot the bull and anticipated our next location with ease. “Hey, Exo-0300.” Max said to me. “What do we call you? I mean, we can’t keep calling you Exo-0300 1TH4M4R all the time; best come up with something before we give you some kind of odd name.” Max was sitting on a chair in a reversed manner with his arms crossed while Charles sat on a table sharpening a knife (while looking at me). John was at the lunch counter talking to the chef or something, while I stood next to Henry (who was sitting and poking around on a small holo pad). “Still haven’t thought of one Max,” I said. “Thank, God.” Max said as he threw his head back. “So glad you didn’t call me *makes quotation marks with his hands* ‘private Maxtor’ or something else ridiculous like that. There’s hope for you to be normal yet.” Jk-Bx and Bm-Bx had been sitting and messing around with some machine parts they found in a scrap bin in the hanger and had started making small toys and trinkets out of them. “What about…Markus?” Bm-Bx asked? “Oh, or Jones?” Jk-Bx said quickly. “No,” I replied. “Daisy, Daffodil, Rose,” Max began rambling names on his fingers. “There's also Duncan, Wallace, Volo, Mike, or how about Vinnie?” “No,” I said again. “I like Vincent,” Bm-Bx proclaimed. “No, no; that won’t do,” Jk-Bx protested. “What about Buck?” “No,” I said. “Let’s do this some other time.” “Would you rather talk about where we are going and why?” John said, sitting down next to me with a tray with assorted foods on it. “Sure!” Jk-Bx and Bm-Bx exclaimed. We all sat or stood around John as he set up his silverware and opened his beverage. “Mr. Wess’s’ position as Peace Ambassador is only one thing that he does, as you all well know,” John began. “He is also a representative, advisor of the Vanguard, and so and so forth. We are investigating a space station on Saturn’s outer rings that have had-shall we say-unfortunate mishaps lately that have resulted in Vanguard resources disappearing into space. Satellites, probes, rockets, and supply crates have all gone missing in recent months from this station, without answers, and we’re going there to investigate a little bit.” “So Wess is going to be doing the talking thing while we do the protecting thing, right?” Max asked. “Correct.” John replied. “Figures,” Max said. “He does the talking and we sit and wait for the tea party to end to move onto the next planet in dire need of someone to tell them that everything will be ‘okay.’” “You don’t make a lot of sense,” Bm-Bx said to Max. “We’ve had all sorts of fun working with Mr. Wess! Don’t forget the time we got detained on Venus…” “How could I forget,” Max said, rolling his eyes. “You two idiots thought it would be SO cool to dress up as Vanguard Elites and recite poetry in Mandarin.” “Odds are there will be action,” Bm-Bx continued. “I mean come on, perfect opportunity to nab a Peace Ambassador if you ask me. Not a whole lot of security, lots of…space…for space pirates and stuff.” “There’s no such thing as space pirates,” Jk-Bx broke in. “Are to,” Bm-Bx argued. “Are not,” Jk-Bx countered. Jk-Bx and Bm-Bx proceeded to have a small argument over which was right, but John continued with is briefing. “The fact is that we have more important things to worry about than some missing equipment,” John continued. “We have orders to be on the space station no more than thirty or forty minutes, it’ll be an easy in and out mission. Special orders came from the Vanguard and we-” “Captain John to bridge, Captain John to the bridge.” A voice boomed over the intercom system. “We must be docking,” Charles said. “Report to bay three boys and be ready.” John said, finishing off his tray of mystery meat and veggies. We took a left at the doorway and John took a right as we left the cafeteria in single file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bridge, 0930 hours The bridge was a small oval shaped room filled with monitors and computer screens of every shape and size; the crew ticking away and working to accomplish their duties. The captain was at the helm… “What is it?” John asked as he stepped into the bridge. “We received a distress signal from the moon Titan,” The captain began. “Should we stop to investigate?” John thought for a minute before responding to the captain’s question regarding investigating Titan. “Is there anyone else who could investigate?” John asked. “No,” The captain said. “We also haven’t got a response from the distress signal since we received it an hour ago.” “How many attempts have you made to respond and get an answer?” John asked. “Several,” The radio correspondent said. “Let me hear the call,” John ordered. [b]Continued below[/b]

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  • [b]Continued from above[/b] The message played (audio only): “This is Outpost Sessvile II; we have been attacked by an unknown threat and require assistance. Please respond. We have high casualties. Over and out.” Message ends. “We keep trying to get a response,” The captain began. “But we can’t reach them. Sessvile II is but a small colony, no major resources of any kind or fortresses to speak of; why would someone attack them? And who?” “I don’t know,” John responded. “Keep heading for the space station, but keep me posted.” “Yes, sir.” The radio correspondent said, scanning the radio waves for a response. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The space station, 1040 hours Kept going over it in my mind, couldn’t figure out why this space station didn’t have a name, but it didn’t matter, we had a mission to do. Didn’t get to see what the station looked like on the outside; we were loaded into this small transport craft (with no windows and one door leading in and out) like sardines and whisked away to the space station. After we docked, a small security team of Emissary Exos escorted us to a meeting room. The dock was empty, we had the only ship in port and nothing was left outside for anyone to attempt to steal. Once inside the space station, the artificial gravity took hold and we took notice of our surroundings. It was a smaller space station, not like the larger ones used for gargantuan sized supply transports. We were told that the station was mostly vacant, that the space station served as a depot for refueling or repairing space craft of all sorts. Staff here was shorthanded, but they weren’t too busy to begin with. “Ah, yes,” A man began as we came to the conference room. “Mr. Wess and his security team; Please *motions with hand for Wess to enter room*, come in. The rest of you-save for Mr. Wess’s’ body guard- may wait out here, if you please.” “Sure,” John said, stepping aside and letting Wess and I go through. “This sucks,” Max remarked as the doors closed. “Could be worse,” Jk-Bx began. “You could have to wear a dress and be Bm-Bxs’ dancing partner.” “What are you talking about?” John asked. Bm-Bx punches Jk-Bx across the face. “Nothing.” Bm-Bx said. “My brother is just being stupid.” Once inside, Wess and the space station tenant began to talk. The room was thin with a long window that showed Saturn in the distance; a long table with ten chairs down the sides and one on each end was also in the room. Aside from a counter that was directly to the right of the door (and a door on the far side of the room), the room had no other entrances or furnishings. “Mr. Wess, my name is Quen (q-wen),” Quen began. “I’m the…manager, I guess, of this space station and a Vanguard representative such as you. I’m very glad you are here today, for I have a pressing manner to bring up that I don’t want to get out into the public eye.” “What is that?” Wess asked. “There is something more than missing satellites, drones, and supplies?” “Well,” Quen began. “We have had sightings of strange ships off of some of the moons, such as Titan- from which we received a distress signal about fifteen minutes ago.” “I know,” Wess said. “Could be that Mr. Dudley-” “No,” Quen began. “These ships are different. Larger, unknown firepower capabilities, don’t know if they have hostile intentions, and they don’t look to be of human origin…” Wess and Quen continued to talk while I tried to contact Athena. “Athena?” I hailed into my com link. “Yes?” Athena asked. “How can I be of service?” “How are things back in Charlemagne?” I ask. “No different,” Athena said. “How is the security team assignment going?” “Okay, I guess.” I responded. “Just ‘okay?’” Athena asked. “Yeah,” I began. “There all fine, but Charles is a strange one and those two young brothers…” “Jk-Bx and Bm-Bx,” Athena interrupted. “I’ve met them; they’re really quite sweet once you get to know them.” “I bet,” I replied. “I’ve been specially tasked by Mr. Wess to watch over his daughter…” “Ah, Julia,” Athena began. “Isn’t she the sweetest little thing? She was really excited to meet her new bodyguard I’ve heard…” “Yeah, she was…” I responded in a letdown tone. “Why, something happen that changed her mind?” Athena asked. “I scared her,” I admitted. “I didn’t mean to…” “I’m sure everything will be fine,” Athena reassured. “She is very forgiving. I have no doubts the two of you will become good friends.” “Sure,” I say; having doubts about what Athena said. “What do you know about this Charles? Or an Exo named Cicatrix?” “Wait one,” Athena said. Wess’s and Quen's chatter could be heard as Athena did her research. “We haven’t seen any strange ships in the past eight days,” Quen said. “But we’ve lost three more drones in the last twenty-four hours.” “Perhaps we should send some more security out here?” Wess asked. “No, no.” Quen said. “Don’t want to give people the wrong impression.” Athena chimed back in after a few minutes. “Charles is only marked as an Omega series Exo,” Athena began. “Nothing to really bring up about him aside from that he’s an extraordinarily old Exo….really old. Cicatrix is an odd one; he’s wanted desperately by Shoo-Lawn Inc. for study, but acts independently working for the Vanguard by choice. Cicatrix was once a scholar…an apprentice or something of the Traveler. These are restricted files, can’t get hold of too much right now…” “That’s fine,” I remark. “Where is Cicatrix now? Can you find out?” “Sure,” Athena said. “He’s there on the space station actually, but I don’t recall…” “Where?” I asked, somewhat alerted. “Outside talking to John presently…” Athena informed me, but trailed off. “Hello Exo-0300,” Cicatrix interrupted. “Been waiting to meet you for a long time; seems like it's been a couple hundred years...” His voice was somber, but smooth. “Where have you been?” I asked. “Around,” Cicatrix answered. “Thanks Athena, I’m sure we’re quite done talking with you for today.” “Athena?” I inquired. “I-I got to go,” Athena said as she cut off from the conversation. “Athena?” I found myself saying out loud in a worried tone. “Are you alright?” Quen asked me. Quen and Wess were both looking at me, though Wess had more of a scowl on his face that informed me that I was being rude. “Yes,” I answered. “Just a little call to check up on where Cicatrix may be, sorry for the disturbance sirs, it won't happen again.” [b]Continued below[/b]

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