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8/15/2014 12:18:24 AM

The RAIDS: Ultimate Strategy and Tactics Thread

Tactics should be shared with the community!


Tactics should be kept secret in the clan


Only simpler Tactics should be shared.


I think we need to start thinking of Strategy and Tactics... Those who have played the alpha and beta know how some enemies behave and have learned how to fight them. A simple example would be Thralls. Thralls cannot jump so if you stand on something like a cabinet then they cannot reach you. Oh and for those who don't know the difference between Strategy and Tactics, have a read. [b]Strategy[/b] is the long term plan... Getting your weapons and armour ready for the raid, making sure you have reloads for all weapon types before the start of the raid. Making sure your skills are going to be up to handling the raid. Yes, Strategy is all about the clan/group plans before you even see the front door of the raid. [b]Tactics[/b] are your plans while you are in combat inside the raid. "Player A fire from the left to draw the Spider Tank's attention so that Player B can rush in and rescue Player C". That is an example of Tactics. Another is "Player B run across that open area to draw the fire from the invisible sniper so we can figure where he is firing from". Yes, too many players think strategy and tactics are interchangeable... and they aren't. Just think of Strategy as the long term plan outside of combat while Tactics is the short term plans when in combat. In fact you can use American Football ideas of pre-planned "plays" to make your team more efficient. If your team know the plays you can run the combat more effectively. Here is a simple example using the rescue above. 1. You go into battle and player C gets killed by the Spider Tank on the left side of the map. 2. Players A and B rush over to C to resuscitate him but the enemy Tank tracks the group, fires and they all die. 3. Game Over! As you can see, no tactics and you lose out. But if you do the following you can easily rescue anyone from the powerful tank with no risk. 1. You go into battle and player C gets killed by the Spider Tank on the left side of the map. 2. Player A calls out "B Rescue C. A will decoy right." 3. Player B moves to cover on the left side and calls out "B ready" 4. Player A moves to the right behind cover and calls out "A distracting now!" and starts firing at the tank. 5. The Tanks rotates the barrel towards player A and player A takes cover and calls out "Go For Rescue". 6. Player B rushes out and resuscitates Player C and they both run for cover. All survive. This is a simple tactic that anyone can do but if you don't do it then there is a good chance you will all end up dead. Now here is a question.... will clans keep their Raid tactics to themselves or will you share with the rest of the community?

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  • Two warlocks,Two titans and Two hunters The two hunters are back up snipers taking the heat of the Titans The titans are the main attackers so they belong in the frontlines The warlock since we all know warlock can handle themselves they heal the titans when the are down but also are back-up just in case for the titans Hunters: Scout Rifles and Snipers Titans: Auto-Rifles and Shotguns Warlocks:Fusion Rifles and Rocket Launches My Tactics

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