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originally posted in: REALIZATION OF PVE PLAYERS
8/17/2014 12:47:27 AM
Ok -blam!-tard let's dance!! I totally, 100% support private matches. I think not having them in Destiny is frankly kind of poor planing on Bungies part. I also don't play PVP. You won't find a K/D ratio on my record anywhere. I didn't play it because I got burned out on PVP games along time ago and I just don't like them anymore. People do like different types of games. You do realize this is possible right? I mean I read your thread and although it did seem like the rantings of just another PVP player puffing his chest, spouting out ignorance, you can't be so -blam!-ing stupid that you think people only play PVP games and if they don't then they must just suck. If that's the case then you are truly so unbelievably moronic that trying to reason with you is useless.

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