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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by N E S S I: 8/19/2014 11:32:10 PM

No private matches or clan matches (Source included)

Destiny has no private matches at all. Proof provided by this youtube video above, go to 1:15:00 he says private matches aren't in the game and there aren't clan battles either. This company would be literally stupid to not add this. How will clans work without custom games? How will friends play against eachother? How will any tournament exist? How will people train for matchmaking? How will 1v1s be possible? Honestly without custom games this game is pretty dead, there will be no competitive scene at all because there won't be any chances to prove it. I've played Halo for years to know that custom games are something I do every day and is very important. While this isn't Halo, it's important. Desired custom game options: Edit: Stop attacking a straw man and don't put words in my mouth based on what you assume. I bring up valid points. While you may not want a competitive scene in Destiny, it should be there. I don't think Bungie hired a competitive lead and said they would take steps towards making competitive gameplay for nothing. There is a ridiculous amount of narcissistic replies saying how they're thankful they don't have to deal with "competitive players" ruining their game. This is so pathetic.

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  • Prior to Xbox Live, we all only had the ability to have LAN parties with original release of Halo: Combat Evolved for the original Xbox. These LAN parties became an epidemic across the country and really helped Bungie understand what their community wanted, thus spawning the competitive multiplayer that we saw in Halo 2. Custom games were a big part of this. Yes, this isn't Halo, but I think keeping a feature that was so integral to the success of their company from day 1 should have continued over to this new IP. They had a great vision with the original Halo:CE, they changed multiplayer to what it is today on console gaming and in my opinion, leaving this out is a mistake. Go watch: [url=http://]A Brave New World[/url], they discuss their history and you will see their discussion on LAN and custom gaming.

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    3 Replies
    • Did anyone actually watch the video? [quote]This is the first iteration of this...[/quote] [quote]This game is very easy to be iterated upon...[/quote] [quote]We'll always have an open communication...[/quote] [quote]Anything can change...[/quote] The last quote says it all. Deej really didn't want to talk much about things not in the beta so this might not even be true, and if this does turn out to be true it can change. This topic [i]is[/i] trolling and sensationalist because OP is riling up the community over a quick blurb in a beta talk video. Move along everyone.

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      • ITT: the game isn't how I want it so it's wrong.

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        • This is not a tournament game, its different to halo and cod its co-op pve based game they want it to be social not antisocial like cod and halo.

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          • Don't worry the new cod will be out soon. Then you can prove how awesome you are.

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            4 Replies
            • I'm guessing that they will probably put it into the game a later point as part of an update.

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            • Ohh noo whatever shall we do no competitive play

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            • Calling yourself competitive and not putting in a decent clan system and private matches is the biggest thing that pissed me off about Brink.

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              4 Replies
              • Yay im so happy its not in there i look forward to killing all of you who want it in there and dancing on your corpse, crying because you and your body Can't bullshit and find glitches on the map, you want to train play the game it will do the same thing

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              • Edited by wolferoid: 8/15/2014 8:43:28 AM
                I feel like a lot of people are missing what's pissing so many of us off. I'm not pissed because it nerfs what clans can do. I'm not pissed because I'm a pro gamer and want to do tournaments. I'm pissed because Halo is what made me a Bungie fan, and this completely departs from what made Halo so fun. Campaigns were great, sure, but you [i]really[/i] play Halo to goof off with buddies and kick their asses. That's what people bought Halo games for - if Halo 3 or Halo Reach dropped it, they would've sold like shit. I understand that Bungie is trying to do something new with Destiny, but they're also trying to stay true to what makes them great: well-designed and simple gameplay, compelling story, and kick-ass skyboxes. Not including private competitive matches is a [b]huge[/b] departure that takes a ton of the allure out of it as a Bungie game. Destiny is still a great game - I played the beta and loved it. It absolutely holds together all on its own, even if you don’t consider Halo’s influences. But getting rid of private competitive matches means they’re going away from the entire thing that made them so well-loved in the first place. I’m still keeping my pre-order, but I’m going to be extremely disappointed if this ends up being true. And, honestly? They’ve already fired Marty O’Donnell, Joseph Staten, Marcus Leto, etc. between Halo: Reach and Destiny, all of which were [b]incredibly[/b] important to what made Bungie what it is. I’m really concerned about the future of my favorite game company. We’ll just have to see how this all goes down on September 9.

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                8 Replies
                • Yay im so happy its not in there i look forward to killing all of you who want it in there and dancing on your corpse, crying because you and your body Can't bullshit and find glitches on the map, you want to train play the game it will do the same thing

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                • Edited by TwoPieceSpecial : 8/15/2014 4:43:34 PM
                  Yay im so happy its not in there i look forward to killing all of you who want it in there and dancing on your corpse, crying because you and your buddy Can't bullshit and find glitches on the map, you want to train play the game it will do the same thing

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                • Lol you don't need to train for matchmaking lol

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                • I 100% agree with this.. deej if you are reading this please say something about this in the weekly update and give us some hope otherwise the game might just go down the drain in hype after a while because no one will have anything to look to.. i mean yea, pve is cool, but pvp is what gives people the motivation to be better.. no one believes me but when they took out ranking system from halo games starting with reach, everyone saw the decline in popularity and I can almost bet my life that that is the biggest reason why..

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                  1 Reply
                  • Oh well. I saw a cliff near me I wanted to try out in this case....

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                  • hahahahaha what a joke pre order cancelled

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                  • If this is true I'm kind of torn. I like the fact that we are forced to play with random players, kind of reminds me how live was before parties. But there are times I like to goof around with friends in custom games or learn maps. Overall I'm more upset about this news than happy, but I'm still going to buy Destiny. I believe even with this news the game will still be amazing...just a shame, a missed opportunity by Bungie. I'm sure they'll add it after launch if enough gamers complain enough

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                    5 Replies
                    • >Destiny What a joke.

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                    • Competitive gamers and clans are what keep a game going after the initial shine wears off. I'll buy the game, but there's starting to be way too many red flags raised for something that was supposed to be so awesome.

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                      5 Replies
                      • [quote]Destiny has no private matches at all. Proof provided by this youtube video above, go to 1:15:00 he says private matches aren't in the game and there aren't clan battles either. This company would be literally stupid to not add this. How will clans work without custom games? How will friends play against eachother? How will any tournament exist? How will people train for matchmaking? How will 1v1s be possible? Honestly without custom games this game is pretty dead, there will be no competitive scene at all because there won't be any chances to prove it. I've played Halo for years to know that custom games are something I do every day and is very important. While this isn't Halo, it's important.[/quote] Clans won't work without private matches so clans at this point are strictly for pub stopping and raiding. 2. Friends won't be able to play against each other without chance. 3. The tournament would have to be supported by bungie in some form or Playlist so also most likely not happening. Which is a shame because I love to play in local tournaments. 4. Just whatever is on the play lists 5. If there is a 1v1 Playlist So far this is the biggest mistake bungie has made. This game had the potential to be a game changer. As it stands now it is limited a huge part of the community.

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                        6 Replies
                        • 1
                          its a must have feature! i can understand the "vision" of the game doesn't co exist with privates or customs as they want there game to be experienced the way they have made it. But saying that within 1 month the game will be done and dusted and they need privates and customs to keep the game alive otherwise people will get bored and grow tired of playing this "competitive multiplier" with no real purpose to it anymore.

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                        • Honestly this is -blam!-ed. I was really looking to custom games and was some of the best hours of my gaming career playing custom games in Halo 3 with friends. Trash man on trash compactor, fat boy, Jenga, duck hunt, racing games and so much more. I am really disappointed in you Bungie.

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                          2 Replies
                          • Glad it's not got them

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                          • How will it be a dead game, if gameplay is good? Answer that. Honestly, patrol/explore to me was more fun than custom games. I'd just fly to where I pleased, shoot some people, collect spin metal, and relax. One of my favorite things to do was to sit near the rocket yard, and whenever some level 5-7's came in for a strike, I'd kill everything in their paths for them (because the stuff there level level 8 or 9). If a game didn't die in a week for me, with a very limiting beta, I can expect a few months out of it (by which point, I'll have Forza Horizon 2 and the MCC, so Destiny will go into the rotation, and I'll still play it anyway).

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                          • IDK how many times it needs to be said, but Destiny was not, I repeat NOT designed to be a competitive FPS game. Now that you get it from the horse's mouth what people like me have said all along, that this is a social game at it's core, all of sudden Bungie is making a mistake? No, Bungie's doing everything right, crafting a game that anyone will want to play. I know people who don't even like FPS games who're excited about Destiny because it has soldi play without being as I said in previous thread "anally reamed by over competitive, over compensating, sweaty palmed tweeners who call themselves "pro" and think COD and MLG are legit sports because they suck so much in actual sports they had to come up with one of their own." If you want competitive, stick to COD and BF. Destiny's not that kind of party. (Insert "DEAL WITH IT" GIF of your choice here).

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                            6 Replies
                            • If private & custom matches have all loot, xp etc etc turned off then I don't see the problem with them.

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