New gameplay pvp and screens.
Looks so epic:
Did I see a map on [b]Mercury?!?![/b]
Do I spy a snow map around 6 seconds? Is that Europa?
That was sick nice one.
So Bladedancer = COD players wet dream
Also, only thing I didn't notice was any use of Blink? (Correct me if I'm wrong) I was hoping to get an idea of how much distance the teleport would cover
Holy shit that radiance just one shot melee'd a vehicle...
So the Hunter finally looks cool and OP. The warlock had some new lovely l looking gimmicks. But what about the Titan... Some new undies?
Bladedancer steals the show on this..... An electrified blade.....awesome. Just awesome.
Wow, I hope them warlocks are mad happy after this. I was always seein speculation on sunsinger and how it effects the player....well I'd say being able to melt a pike and destroy it and the player, dear god that's epic. Also a nice preview of the bladedancer for hunter and can't wait to play like an assassin!
This game is going to be so awesome #bladedancer for life. Wish some good defender play was shown :S striker gets all the love :,(
Love the charge time on those fusion rifles!!!! And the bladedancer ability that lets you shoot a wave in front of you looks boss
From all the third person angles does this mean possible theater mode?!
Anyone have any idea what that ranged attack was at the 0:47 mark?? Beautiful
That AR had about 70 bullets!
Ohh man those HD screenshots had me drooling. You can zoom so far in you can see an "S" under the safety button on the hand cannon. [spoiler]Starts slow clap[/spoiler]
That shot with the Titan in full Iron Banner regalia looks wicked cool!
Ahhhhh... yes please
looks like a pro battle and I'm ready for that
Edited by Seon Stolos: 8/15/2014 1:41:30 AMIt's surprising to see the distance between the Hunter and his prey when he used bladedancer super. He looked out of melee range yet they both died. I'm still holding out for the unrevealed 3rd subclass to be my favorite though. +1 great post Edit: watched it again and at 0:47 it was actually some time type of energy wave that the Hunter threw.
That assault rifle at 58 seconds.... I need it.
(O.O) whaaaa. Can someone please tell me Did the warlock melee twice. How he throw fireball.
I am so whet for this game!!!!!!!
Lol that sunsinger melee destroyed that interceptor.
At 43 seconds the Guardian is using a Auto Rifle that has a 70 round clip! It's not his heavy because he has a Rocket Launcher in his heavy slot!
bladedancer.... enough said.
Iron Banner equip looks so sick.