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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Max Powers: 9/26/2014 10:22:03 PM


No I don't want a trade system


Yes I want a trade system


Destiny is without a doubt the best game I've ever played, you guys have nailed it. There is only one thing that could cheapen this amazing game and potentially turn players away ... a player to player trade system. Bungie community, join me and speak up about this pressing issue that has the potential to cheapen this stunning game. Do you value the hard work it takes to earn cool gear? Or do you not value the hard work it takes? "Become Legend", this tag line says it all. It insinuates that you will work to develop your character and thus work towards becoming a legend. We don't want to trade so that we look like a legend. The way the gear looks in destiny is stunning. When you see someone cruise past you in the tower with a sweet piece of gear, you know he's worked to achieve it. That is an amazing feat for a game developer, to create such awesome looking kit that everyone wants. If Bungie implement a player to player trade system this will be meaningless. The whole experience of earning something special is cheapened. To think that a noob who's played for a week and hit 20 could be given gear from his highly experienced and dedicated mate is a sad thought. All of a sudden the last two months I spent earning that same piece of gear are worthless. The pride I had for my equipment, lost. There are many of us who experienced this on games like World of Warcraft, Borderlands and Diablo and felt that it ruined the game. So much that I stopped playing games that I used to love. I would like to quote a few bungie developers from the video "out here in the wild" in the hope that if enough people vote on this, if our voice is strong enough, we can get bungie to make a firm stance against a trade system. Christopher Barrett, art director "the number one priority was to make a world that people wanted to be in, something that you want to go back to and you want to explore". If there is a trade system it will cheapen the game and people will lose excitement about going back and exploring. Luke Smith, design lead "you're going to see a guy wielding the cudgel of zanthor or the fate of all fools or whatever crazy names the writers come up with for these weapons and armor, you're going to understand where they came from and what they went through to get there". Man does this quote sum up my argument. With a player to player trade system we will NOT understand what anyone has been through to get their gear. In fact, we won't even know how long they will have been playing the game. *Edit: A lot of great counter arguments have been made on this post and I should clarify. I am certainly not opposed to a well done trade system e.g. if items could only be traded for equal level items, or include a BOA or BOP system for high tier gear. I was referring to the AH and gold trading/farming/selling with WOW. The item giving and duping in Borderlands. I should have been more specific and not so general and I didn't realise this post would attract so much attention. I still strongly believe that any system where people can give loot or trade for glimmer or parts would be bad idea. But if done right, a trade system would be great. SECOND EDIT: a lot of people are complaining about the "terrible loot system", just FYI they DID just say they're patching tha said system. We have to see the changes that come out of it. Also the game hasn't even been out for three weeks!!!!!! To me it's expected in a game like this that you have to play for ages to get good loot. 3 weeks is nothing.

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  • Yep, no trading please.

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    2 Replies
    • Why do you even care if theres a trading system? Big whoop, someone gave his friend a low level rifle he never uses anymore. Its being put to good use, instead of disenchanting for 5 glimmer

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    • I fail to see this as a bad thing...

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      9 Replies
      • I voted no, but really what I meant is no for exotics and legendary. Trading blue or lower I'd be ok with. This would allow you to help a friend that just picks up the game out, without lessening the value of the better top tier gear.

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        • I also voted no, it kinda kills the point of doing content to get better gear and weaponry, when other people can mod weapons and armor and have the best gear in the game aka Borderlands 1 and 2. And since you carry gear and weapons from pve to pvp I could see trading causing a hell of a lot of problems.

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          5 Replies
          • I'd prefer no trading as well. I like the idea that your walking around with your weapons/armor you invested time into (gathering items to upgrade them, use of item to upgrade) and if you see a guy with the nearly same armor/weapon but its not upgraded. You'd feel a sense of slight accomplishment knowing you dedicated that extra time (even more for those that have less time to spare) maybe doing the "not so fun stuff" of gathering materials, to make sure you could upgrade it. You didn't just run around doing all the funnest stuff available. Also slightly off topic... I'm more worried that everyone's going to "determine" whats the best armor for each subclass and then we will all be clones of each other besides color/weapons.... There are so many great armors looks out there (some we haven't even seen yet)... I want some kind of transmute/vanity options for armor.

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          • I don't want a trade system, you could give a new player a legendary weapon for the to equip when they get to lvl 20, it would defeat the point of some of the game.

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          • Bah to a trade system...I want a auction

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          • You all sound like selfish a holes seriously if you get a weapon that is crap compared to yours but better then your friend in your fire team why not help a homie out give him the gun and become stronger together after all your fighting together I'm not sure about you but I would want my buddy to be reliable in a battle, you want your homie to be a 2nd rate guardian and get you and the others killed over and over fine be selfish and keep all the useless gear you don't need. Now I don't want a trade system I see the draw back but at least at the end of a strike or raid if you get a weapon or armor the other homie needs there should be a pass the gear option at least!!!

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            5 Replies
            • Edited by Hot Juicy Pie: 8/3/2014 9:30:10 AM
              The best gear in WoW is BoP. It can't be traded. I'm fine with trading common and uncommon quality armor, and possibly even rares. But legendary and exotic quality should be bound to account.

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              1 Reply
              • Good thing Bungie doesn't want to have a trade system too. Don't worry, this is something they feel strongly about in videos/interviews so I don't see them implementing trade any time soon!

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              • Edited by Max Powers: 8/3/2014 9:47:49 AM
                I believe there are valid arguments for both sides. The problem is that if they allow trade then there are ways to manipulate the system. People keep listing examples of trade utopia where it's just between fireteam buddies etc. I don't know how it could happen, but to see how trade ruined other RPGs, my opinion is that if Bungie keep trade out of Destiny it will remain a very exciting game to play. If trade comes in, it can really be cheapened.

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              • They already establish this dumbass.hehe

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              • I'd like trading, but only between friends/fireteam members, and only rare or lower quality items. Such items are so common that you won't ever remember whee you picked it up.

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                2 Replies
                • I am abstaining from the vote because my vote is different. I am all for trading, but it has to be limited. I completely agree with you about having to earn the right to become a legend as opposed to simply looking like a legend. I am completely against random trades and selling of gear. What I propose is limited trading. Limited to your fire-team, in the post mission stats screen. Limited to gear acquired in that mission only. Once you leave that screen, trade becomes impossible. It is also impossible to trade outside of those who completed that mission. This way, you can trade that sweet piece of gear to your buddy if it suits their build more or if you have something else for that slot that works for you better. They earned it too, they just weren't lucky enough to be the one it dropped for. Add limited trading as an option and you get my vote.

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                  2 Replies
                  • ""Become Legend", this tag line says it all. It insinuates that you will work to develop your character and thus work towards becoming a legend." ...or you can come last in a crucible match and get handed legendary gear.

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                    2 Replies
                    • At first I liked the idea of player to player trading. But I've thought about it for a while and I am no longer so keen. I have an alternate suggestion which is a dealer in the tower to whom you trade what you find for credits, and from whom you can also purchase items traded in, but for stupid amounts of credits. So you have trade lots for that one thing you want. don't want to make things too easy now.

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                      • I wouldn't mind a trade system. I already have a fire team of my own, my dad, brother l, and my self. And since my brother and i have simmilar intrest in armor we can still have a diffrence with the color choices. So that is where the trade system would be handy. But i still see your point on seeing a new guy thay has been gifted all of this badass armor and he hasnt earned it. If they were to implement a trade system it would have to be very limited. Or for something of equal value and level would have to be traded for said item. That way little new guys cant be traded high ranking arsenals.

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                      • Trade would be stupid there isn't much when it comes to items, GEAR should definitely not be traded. You fools better do work yourselves. This isn't a true MMO. Go play something else.

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                      • Not really a fair poll, because you are pushing your voters in a certain direction. Anyway, I can see it happening, where I find an exotic handgun and a friend an exotic scout rifle, eventhough we wished it was the other way around. As long as both parties feel it's a fair trade, there's no harm right?

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                        5 Replies
                        • A trade system would be cool. They could limit the items you could trade but i mean whats wrong giving an item to friend who doesnt get to play as much.

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                          5 Replies
                          • No trading system PLEASE. If there is going to be a trading system, there WON'T be any truly showing off your gear. And that, to most, is the ONLY reason why they put in hundreds of hours of grinding. Indeed: BECOME Legend, and not BUY Legend...

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                          • Edited by aXiom: 8/3/2014 7:57:56 AM
                            If there wouldnt be duping, an Item Editor and other cheap ways to get the stuff maybe trading would be a good idea. But as I played the Beta I ve never thought that I need to trade my stuff cause thats not what Legends do. I like the Idea of a Clan Box. Cause you never now how a stranger got the stuff he wants to trade for your hard earned Exotic Weapon.

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                          • Speak for yourself, I think trading is essential for a RPG. Just my opinion though.

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                            2 Replies
                            • Deej has pretty much said trading won't happen between players. Only your own characters.

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