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8/1/2014 4:44:36 AM
Whoever wrote that is the most misinformed and delusional person on the planet. How can you even review a game before you played it??! It is not a halo clone it shares a few similarities but it is definetly not a clone. I have played every single halo game and youd be an ingnorant fool if you said destiny is a clone of halo. Combat in destiny is so much smoother than halo and the ai in destiny are so much more unique and challeging. Shooting machanics are vastly improved in Destiny and guardians are unique characters that can be customized to fit your needs. They arnt faceless spartans. they are different than that. Also destinys story is completely unrelated to halos. In halo do you control space magic with the help of a giant orb to battle off the enemies of the light? In halo are you accompanied by a floating object with the power to bring the dead back to life? Destiny makes singleplayer missions enjoyable because everything you do can lead to immediate rewards in the form of weapons experience in game currency and more and unfortunately halo singleplayer lacked the customization options and repplayability when compared to destiny. Customization in destiny is perfectly acceptable. Lacking facial hair isnt something that completely breaks immersion or ones sense of creativity. Im sick of people undermining destinys credibility with false reports and personal opinions that arnt even valid because they have little or no experience playing the game! I put in over 30 hrs on the beta and not for a second was i disappointed. Destiny is an incredible game although i admit it isnt perfect but its the closest thing to perfection out there at the moment.

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