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7/29/2014 12:51:30 PM
The destiny Beta reminded me of the Guild Wars Beta in many ways. Unlike in GW, however, Destiny did not even offer text chat, which was a bit awkward. While this is more a PC game thing, I believe that Destiny would benefit from having at least a chat window - this is a game with a social component afterall. Also, many people, including me, dislike voice chatting with strangers, and a bit of text can go a long way to get a fireteam to work efficiently. There will always be haters and trolls, but many people forget that there are also players who are out there to simply have fun, not to cause mischief. Finding people to play Destiny with would be much easier if there was a text option - and USB keyboards are cheap. Unlike headsets, if one expects at least decent quality. Add an optional profanity filter, tie it to the consoles' parental controls if you have to. Additionally, ignoring rude text chatters is a lot easier and less agitating than sifting through the player roster, clicking through menus only to mute one offensive voice chat. That's all I can think of for now... I should go.

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