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originally posted in: Destiny withdrawal support group
7/29/2014 8:41:23 AM
Hi, Im lethal, some call me bman... big b.... or batman..... and im a destiny addict. Ive been experiencing shakes, itching, and indifference to my other games. my clan of friends are all experiencing symptoms of withdrawl as well, but im the worst case. Ive found myself curled up in a ball staring at my xbox wondering what is the point of even waking up for the next month. does anyone have anything that will act as a temporary distraction? i just need something to hold me over. just for a month. just until launch night. ive found myself staring at the poster on my wall of the fallen, aching for when i would be able to nova bomb them again. and steal the purple ball and soccer ball from innocent children and hurl them over the edge and laugh maniacly as the other guardians sacrificed themselves to try to save these children of the traveler. please help me..... i need to do something evil again.....

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