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Edited by Ethsentray: 7/22/2014 6:28:39 PM

My ideas and possible solutions

Flak damage should be reduced for the interceptor, if an interceptor approaches zone C from zone B it can shoot the pillar and deal damage to the turret with the turret absolutely helpless. During the Iron Banner everyone used assault or scout rifles, after a while I finally tried out an assault rifle (the first one you get) and it mopped the floor on all maps but shore of time, to which I used a scout rifle and did great. The hand cannon's recoil animation is too exaggerated. All other weapons send the gun into the air and the screen follows, allowing compensation. The hand cannon's recoil sends the gun diagonally upwards right, and the screen does not follow. You can shoot the gun faster than it can return to aiming position, making the RPM quite irrelevant. Pulse rifles... The recoil pattern is less controllable than assault rifles, and its damage seems less than assault rifles. I tried the pulse rifle in an iron banner match and I got a ton of assists and one or two kills. Either remove the super immunity of the Warlock and Titan class, or add it to the Hunter class. I am quite annoyed that every time I shotgun someone launching a Nova Bomb/Fist of Havoc in the face they have a sliver of health left rather than dying. Meanwhile every time I'm in a firefight with a Hunter and they bring the golden gun to the table, they die before their gun comes back down. Killboxes seem to have lag or be offset. Many times have I known I got a precise hit and stopped firing and then no hit-marker, while other times I know I missed and then ta-da insta-kill. The Warlock class item is too vague, I suggest going further and having the class item include the shoulder guard and possibly other arm attachments for rarity ranking. If level 8 is the permanent Beta level cap, then please let me loot/purchase level 8 gear rather than stuff I just have to throw away. Add more voice chat options. For example you should be able to choose proximity, or turn it off entirely. If I think of any more I will update this. Feel free to comment anything you think I missed.

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