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7/21/2014 1:52:33 AM

Request to adjust the FOV.

I'd like to request an option to change the FOV. I play on a 22" monitor next to my computer and the FOV in this game (or just as likely the motion blur) is making me sick to my stomach. The gun taking up 1/3rd-1/5th of my screen is just crazy. I have and play Warframe on ps4 and it has both an option to disable motion blur and a field of view slider. That game is free. I paid 60$ for this game, and I'm just making a request to have some quality of life features, not all of us play on a couch 20 feet from the 50" TV (my wife and kids took that over years ago....). If the free games can offer them, I see no reason the expensive triple A games can't. Thanks, Liandri.

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