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Edited by Otthild: 7/15/2014 4:09:21 AM

Flood, it's my turn for advice

Recently I got diagnosed with depression. Things have been, for lack of a better word, hard. Since that got pinned on me, I struggle to find happiness in my daily activities. I no longer find joy in tormenting all of you and my coworkers. As I get closer to my due date, I notice my boyfriend getting more and more distant. He won't answer my messages or hold me like he used to. Usually I'm not all touchy, feely, and all that fgt shit, but for some reason it's really starting to bother me. Anyways, I feel forgotten and cast aside. I told my boyfriend at the start of this relationship that if he was going to pull this shit he can go find someone else. But since I'm a bit attached right now (having his kid, yadayadayada), I can't seem to leave. Don't get my wrong guys, I love the -blam!-er. I just need more... attention, affection, and hell at least some acknowledgement. I've talked to him several times about this, but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears. What would you do in this situation? TL;DR: Otthild's ranting and wants advice on how to deal with a negligent significant other. EDIT: Baby is going out for adoption. EDIT #2: Guys, I have talked to him. I've talked to him a lot. He always brushes me off. EDIT #3: Yes, I will be going to counseling for postpartum. EDIT #4: Thank you for the advice guys. I'll try to apply it the best I can. Also, thank you for the limited amount of troll responses.

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  • The stupid lion says •^• hrmf....whimper.....(rolls over........ Cries

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  • You still have us, bby<3 For what it's worth at least.

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  • Sorry Otthy :(

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  • I'm not really sure what to suggest, but if you want useless advice from someone totally unused to such delicate situations, I'm here. Sorry to hear about all this. :(

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  • i cry

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    • :( goodluck, ott

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    • Does he agree with putting it up for adoption?

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      • I'm just going to go out on a limb here and take a guesstimate that you've talked to him over the phone. The best way to talk to somebody today is still by having a good old fashioned 1 on 1. He can't brush you off when you're there in person, not if you let him. From the amount of times he's brushed you off, he's definately getting cold feet. But, what I'm about to say seems like the most likely outcome. If he's giving you this much trouble now, and even trying to avoid you, things likely aren't going to work out. You can approach him in person, and even force him to talk, but that will only agitate things further, leaving a bad taste in his mouth and yours. You've got three choices. You can corner him in person until the barriers come down, and speak your mind and get him to speak his forcefully. You've get to get ballsey and make your point very clear on this one. You can wait and endure things until he's ready to talk. Everybody has to talk sometime. And third, which would be the hardest, is to leave his ass. You even said so yourself, if he started up with that crap you'd dump him. If you do dump him, and show him how damn serious you are about things, it might even prompt him to come out and start talking. It doesn't sound like there's a nice way to go about things at this point. But the best out of all of those would be to hunker down and wait for him until he's ready to start talking. It's a difficult time for both parties involved, and no doubt, he's got his own fare share of thinking to do. His whole way of life will be changed because of this, and right now, he's sitting in a sort of flight or fight response mode. Right now, it seems like he's going for flight, but that may change if given enough time.

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        • Hormones. You got 'em in a big way. Just have a talk with him. Let him know, without being bitchy, how you feel.

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        • When I feel depressed I punch things.Try that,just don't break your fingers or anything.....

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        • My dad was adopted...he has no idea who his real parents are and that leaves a giant hole in my traits and ancestry. I guess that's why I learn things quickly. I also have a couple friends who were adopted...they have no direction in life. If your baby is up for adoption. Make sure the kid knows who it's parents are down the road.

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          • How old are you? Anyway here's something helpful...

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            • Destroy anything that opposes you

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              • I thought you had seemed down and distant lately. Sorry to hear things aren't going well for you. My girlfriend went through depression a few years ago. It's tough to beat, but not impossible. It just needs more than one silver bullet (and it's not a quick thing, although perhaps yours is due to your pregnancy). I'd say talking to your boyfriend would be a good first step. Hopefully he's mature enough to realize that you may be acting different, but it both may be pregnancy based and, even if it's not, it means you need help and nurturing. I'd also say you'll need to find little ways to help pick yourself up. My girlfriend used a book of inspirational quotes and motivators, and found being out and about (walking/studying) helped. (If she ever reads this, I hope she doesn't get mad that I'm disclosing this. I love you, babe!) So perhaps look for things an situations that help and try to stay in those. I'm no expert on the subject, I am just a guy who has seen somebody who he cares a lot about go through it. It's tough to get through, and tough to be on the sidelines seeing somebody go though it and see somebody you love down so often with no real way to help. Just do your best and keep fighting. You're young, have a long life ahead of you to improve things, and have people who care about you. Don't even think about giving all that up just because things are bad now.

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                Depression is very common during and directly after pregnancy. Knowing that probably won't make you feel better, but it will pass, so take solace in that. The thing between you and your man is also very common during pregnancy. I remember my wife being way more affectionate than normal. I also remember me not feeling up to giving it to her. It wasn't that I didn't love her and our new child, but at the same time.. I was -blam!-ing scared. I didn't know how to react half the time and found myself just staring off at nothing a lot. So many thoughts running in my head. I won't offer advice because I don't know you or your situation well enough. But just know that you guys aren't alone in what you're going through. Seems to be a part of every pregnancy.

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              • Edited by DEZARATH: 7/14/2014 3:55:00 PM
                EDIT: Since you are putting the child up for adoption I suggest you seek medical and pychological council over postpartum depression after the fact.

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                • Edited by Meme Commando: 7/14/2014 3:23:03 PM
                  Talk to him about it? EDIT: Wait, oh you did. Lemme think up something else. EDIT NUMMER ZWEI: If I were you in your exact position right now, I'd just try talk to him about it. Yeah, sounds repetitive. But it's better than nothing. I myself would do it in sort of sarcastic tone so there's not too much stress between either of you.

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                    According to my girlfriend, she made it clear that all girls need attention from their lover. Uh.. Kill him? I'm horrible with advice ;-;

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                  • This whole depression thing seems to spawn from the immense amount of hormones flowing through your body right now. My step mom struggled as well when she was pregnant with my half sister, but she recovered. Don't worry. You will too!

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                  • Edited by Adamal123: 7/14/2014 3:14:06 PM
                    Edited because I'm stupid. He could be freaking out about having a baby for all you know and he's just keeping it to himself, who knows. I'm not necessarily the best at giving advice but just talking to him on a daily basis could help as well and possibly put his mind at ease. Don't force yourself or him to have a conversation. I understand you want attention as well, but given the current situation, he probably just needs some space and time to think. Assuming you've given that to him already try talking to him about the current situation. I know you're going through more than he is and it's not easy with your depression but men are bigger pussies about these kinds of things. If you're there for him hopefully he can man up and be there for you too? [spoiler]Don't hurt me I'm just trying to help ;_;[/spoiler]

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                  • I'm afraid that I can't be of any assistance in much regard because I live alone, and all I could say about your significant other would be things that befit my own nature surrounding people, which wouldn't help you. But I can give attention. And I can listen. Having a baby is no easy task, and it can be a frightful time with hormones and shit flying around all over the place. Your depression may have spawned from that. But that doesn't matter. You've got it now, and the key is not to let yourself slide down. And one thing that can help that is talking with somebody. I'm always around here somewhere. You can talk to me if you wish here, or over a PM, or through other means that I'll gladly make ends meet. I can't offer help with your significant other, but I will always be here to listen.

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                  • Talk to him! Guys aren't mind readers. Be straightforward and clear about how you're feeling, and if he isn't a complete piece of shit, he'll listen to you and adjust properly. If he's committed to you and the child, then he shouldn't have a problem with this. Maybe talk to him and see how he's feeling as well? Having a baby is a big step and can add a lot of stress to both parties, so it's important to make sure both momma and daddy are doing ok :)

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