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Edited by burritosenior: 6/22/2014 5:58:36 AM
Using games Call of Duty and The Division as an example of IPs that have timed exclusive content is ridiculous, and completely ignores the historical significance of this particular example. You'll notice people don't complain nearly as much about those games having such content, if at all. Now why do you suppose that is? Well, I'll tell you. It's because the developers for those titles didn't create a market on a particular platform. For this video to claim that the fact that Bungie developed exclusively for the Xbox is irrelevant shows a complete disregard to the historical significance of this problem as well. I don't know if this person is new to the community or what, but that is wholly disrespectful to make such a statement as that. Halo was THE Xbox game. It revolutionized the FPS genre in multiple ways, and cultivated a fanbase both around Halo and, more specifically, around Bungie. When Halo 3 released, it was on the Xbox 360. There were actually many people that followed Bungie to the console because they put out great products- not just people that followed Halo. Therefore, while switching to Playstation as a focus for their content, they are essentially forgetting about those people that followed them in the past, who developed a decade's worth of friendships and experiences on another platform largely due to Bungie. I've said this before and I'll say it again- nobody was complaining about Bungie including the Playstation with Destiny. Fans on the forums were actually PLEASED, because it meant Bungie was growing and would have a larger fanbase. The issue is that they aren't being treated equally- they're being treated BETTER. And after a decade of giving your all to Bungie as a fan of the company instead of the game, that is a very hard pill to swallow. Xbox fans were not asking for exclusive content because of their history with Bungie. Xbox fans were expecting equality. This video goes on to talk about how it is a good business decision. And from a money standpoint, it is... for Sony. And Activision. Not Bungie. And I don't understand how anybody could possibly say 'because it made them more money as a business decision, it is not a betrayal.' Excuse me? That's absolutely idiotic to say! Since when does profit determine morality? I'll tell you when: Since never. Insomniac games making games for Playstation then making an Xbone exclusive? Yeah, that sucks. But guess what? That doesn't suddenly make it acceptable or make it any less of a betrayal that a completely different company is doing nearly the same thing. Again, a really stupid thing to imply otherwise. Later, he goes on to say he would request Sunset Overdrive were only on playstation, but doesn't because he is a 'rational human being.' To which I reply... an ignorant one. This, my friends, is a classic example of somebody only hearing what they want to hear. You see, this user seems to be completely ignoring the fact that Xbox users are NOT asking that Destiny be exclusive to the Xbox One. They are NOT asking that they be given exclusive content instead. What Xbox users ARE asking for is that everybody be given the SAME content. And for this video to say that such talk is irrational? This seems like a very ignorant and close-minded person. Edit: Please note that 5 hours later, this subthread has far too many replies for me to get to everybody. Too many people are replying to random posts and's layout is not conductive of a large discussion. Since notifications only link me to the most recent reply, it is very likely I will miss a lot of you because the subthread is too long and too confusing to scroll through, now. Apologies to those I seemingly ignore.

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  • Actually I'm just ducking with you, this is what all the whining sounds like to me ... All over a game ... If you'd like to put a detailed response I'll gladly read it like I read your initial post

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  • Don't do it burrito. I swear to god he is like mental or something. It's just bait, nothing more.

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  • Holy crap just but a PS4 they're not asking you to chop your cock off.

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  • What you are asking for is someone to drop £400 or more pounds, you sir have too much disposable income. Some people can not afford two consoles.

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  • Sell the other one and get a job at McDonalds for a week, problem solved.

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  • Burrito you've nailed it, as always. It's just like discrimination. Say you didn't get the same content based on your race or gender, even though the product is marketed to all of humanity. Would this not be upsetting? We (xbox) are not getting the same game as PS users, even though it was marketed to us as well. To me it's not loyalty or fanboy, everyone should be treated equally. If it was only a PS game I would be bummed but not as upset as I am about it being cross platform and not getting the same toppings on my pizza as PS users. I know it's all marketing, money and corporate contracts but that doesn't make it [i]right[/i]. Xbox users have a reason to be upset.

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  • You are getting the same game, that has been established. Why do people like you have to exaggerate timed content into this huge act of betrayal? Just listen to how selfish and petty you sound, taking a business move personally is flat out foolish and above all else immature.

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  • You know something I just realised as a European citizen it is in my human rights to demand equal treatment, and selling in Europe means that this can fall under that. I know for a fact America has yet to sign some very important treaties, don't know about any regarding human rights. But I digress, Timed Exclusives are acceptable to me, it's when the time frame of "Timed" Exclusive is ridiculous that I raise an eyebrow.

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  • Tell me exactly what you feel you deserve from a company no longer associated with any particular console company, where you bought and paid for their product before and that product has literally nothing to do with the product that is being put out? You cannot involve anything from Halo is this viewpoint. Xbox players got their value by receiving the game they paid for. They don't deserve anything more. Period. End of story. Why? Because that's how business works. Only in the gaming industry do people complain about not getting more from a company after they've already bought their product. Now if you completely separate Bungie's history with Halo from Bungie' present and future in Destiny, you can see there is literally nothing different between this and The Division.

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  • You feel as if being a fan entitles you to paid $60 or pounds and they gave you their video game...that is where all debt is payed liking all of their games isn't because you simply chose too, they worked hard to make the fans happy and you guys were happy...but saying " I bought their games and was a loyal fan, and I feel betrayed" is too much[spoiler]not you...just general angry xb players[/spoiler]they payed and worked to make the game, you payed and enjoyed their results...they tried to build up a fan base by doing things that get them fans, you became their fan No debt, no betrayal. Oh and equal treatment is not required in the entertainment industry...their giving PS some timed exclusives and so what... Let's say you buy a ticket to a concert that says women will get a free CD on their way out...they chose to do it because they want women to enjoy it a bit more.... The only time you can complain about equal treatment is if the ticket says 'free CDs to everyone' and the men are prohibited from taking any [spoiler]I like a respect both consoles so don't think of me as a fanboy[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by burritosenior: 6/22/2014 2:39:32 AM
    The history with Bungie IS what separates this from The Division. That is literally the ENTIRE reason that people are upset! You cannot just disregard that- that would be absolute idiocy. It is the most important thing to the argument.

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  • The problem is, like I said before, those who claim to be upset are owed literally nothing from Bungie anymore, or Microsoft, or anyone. They bought the product and they got their own value out of it. There should be no expectation for anything more beyond that. And that is the BIGGEST problem with this whole problem. It's the Xbox players viewpoint that they are owed privileges to a game that has nothing to do with Halo because they bought and played Halo! Like I said, if you take that erroneous and facetious claim out of the picture. It is literally no different from other exclusivity. Why do you think you deserve anything from Bungie? What claim can you make that you deserve anything from them?

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  • [quote]It's the Xbox players viewpoint that they are owed privileges to a game that has nothing to do with Halo because they bought and played Halo![/quote]I'd like to correct you. That is not the argument at all. The argument is about the loyalty to the company- Bungie. Not to the series Halo. It's about the dedication towards those people, and Bungie's past as a community oriented company. If you would like the actual argument, [url=]I can provide you with a 10 page word document post that I hope adequately explains the position[/url]. Though written in 2013, it still applies quite well, I find. [quote]Why do you think you deserve anything from Bungie? What claim can you make that you deserve anything from them?[/quote]To this I would definitely say see the link. Or any of my posts in this thread, I suppose.

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  • And it is still a flawed argument based on the purchase of their product. It doesn't matter what you say, brand loyalty (which we are all guilty of) is a flawed argument. You're not going to convince me otherwise.

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  • [quote]And it is still a flawed argument based on the purchase of their product. [/quote]Which it isn't. It is not loyalty to an item. You would know that had you read the post.[quote] You're not going to convince me otherwise.[/quote]Well not if you're going to close you eyes and ears and go 'lalala' I'm not.

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  • Its still brand loyalty. Obviously you can't see beyond your narrow point of view in only the game industry and if you take this situation outside of it, it is just as ridiculous as it sounds to everyone else.

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  • [quote]Its still brand loyalty.[/quote]It's loyalty to a group of people that have traditionally been community oriented and are betraying that community they spent so much time cultivating.[quote] Obviously you can't see beyond your narrow point of view [/quote]Hello, pot. I'm not sure if you noticed, but your skin is also rather dark! [quote]in only the game industry and if you take this situation outside of it, it is just as ridiculous as it sounds to everyone else.[/quote]Not really, given the historical significance of this particular event. Did you read my post I linked you? I would honestly encourage it. It may change your mind.

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  • I have been trying to figure out why this game bothers me so much. I think you hit one of the big reasons why. Why is there not parity in content. For many of us bungie is halo and they are both more then microsoft. When diehard halo fans go to buy destiny they are buying the faith they have in bungie which is more then just the game. Now they have put just a little doubt in our heads.

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  • Bungie =/= Halo. That's a flawed point of view. So if you want to complain because you have a flawed point of view, go ahead and do it.

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  • Actually Halo has built Bungie's reputation for being top notch games developer, without Halo what would Bungie be? A group of people attempting to make a game with nothing they can point to or other people can point to in the last 20 odd years and say yeah they made that game, this proves the quality of their work. Halo is in an odd sense promoting Destiny, and that knowledge is pretty much global in the Games Industry, for Gamers and Developers alike, Bungie are pretty much top-dogs of quality, so why is this persons point of view flawed? That history you so quickly call out as unimportant is actually very important.

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  • Halo's success has nothing to do with destiny's success

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  • Kinda does, if Bungie was only a start up company they would not have this reputation that can show the quality of their finished products. They have a good resume, without one they would be a nobody, that was simply my point is this post.

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  • [quote]Actually Halo has built Bungie's reputation for being top notch games developer, without Halo what would Bungie be?[/quote] You are sadly mistaken. Halo did not build a damn thing. Bungie made Halo and in doing so obtained the reputation for being a top notch game developer, if not for Bungie what would Halo be?

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  • Yes!!!

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  • Correction, halo was going to be a Mac game till ms bought it!!

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