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Edited by burritosenior: 6/22/2014 5:58:36 AM
Using games Call of Duty and The Division as an example of IPs that have timed exclusive content is ridiculous, and completely ignores the historical significance of this particular example. You'll notice people don't complain nearly as much about those games having such content, if at all. Now why do you suppose that is? Well, I'll tell you. It's because the developers for those titles didn't create a market on a particular platform. For this video to claim that the fact that Bungie developed exclusively for the Xbox is irrelevant shows a complete disregard to the historical significance of this problem as well. I don't know if this person is new to the community or what, but that is wholly disrespectful to make such a statement as that. Halo was THE Xbox game. It revolutionized the FPS genre in multiple ways, and cultivated a fanbase both around Halo and, more specifically, around Bungie. When Halo 3 released, it was on the Xbox 360. There were actually many people that followed Bungie to the console because they put out great products- not just people that followed Halo. Therefore, while switching to Playstation as a focus for their content, they are essentially forgetting about those people that followed them in the past, who developed a decade's worth of friendships and experiences on another platform largely due to Bungie. I've said this before and I'll say it again- nobody was complaining about Bungie including the Playstation with Destiny. Fans on the forums were actually PLEASED, because it meant Bungie was growing and would have a larger fanbase. The issue is that they aren't being treated equally- they're being treated BETTER. And after a decade of giving your all to Bungie as a fan of the company instead of the game, that is a very hard pill to swallow. Xbox fans were not asking for exclusive content because of their history with Bungie. Xbox fans were expecting equality. This video goes on to talk about how it is a good business decision. And from a money standpoint, it is... for Sony. And Activision. Not Bungie. And I don't understand how anybody could possibly say 'because it made them more money as a business decision, it is not a betrayal.' Excuse me? That's absolutely idiotic to say! Since when does profit determine morality? I'll tell you when: Since never. Insomniac games making games for Playstation then making an Xbone exclusive? Yeah, that sucks. But guess what? That doesn't suddenly make it acceptable or make it any less of a betrayal that a completely different company is doing nearly the same thing. Again, a really stupid thing to imply otherwise. Later, he goes on to say he would request Sunset Overdrive were only on playstation, but doesn't because he is a 'rational human being.' To which I reply... an ignorant one. This, my friends, is a classic example of somebody only hearing what they want to hear. You see, this user seems to be completely ignoring the fact that Xbox users are NOT asking that Destiny be exclusive to the Xbox One. They are NOT asking that they be given exclusive content instead. What Xbox users ARE asking for is that everybody be given the SAME content. And for this video to say that such talk is irrational? This seems like a very ignorant and close-minded person. Edit: Please note that 5 hours later, this subthread has far too many replies for me to get to everybody. Too many people are replying to random posts and's layout is not conductive of a large discussion. Since notifications only link me to the most recent reply, it is very likely I will miss a lot of you because the subthread is too long and too confusing to scroll through, now. Apologies to those I seemingly ignore.

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  • Edited by Big John: 6/22/2014 9:12:10 AM
    You are really articulate burrito, a great contribution to this community, you help me understand and I appreciate you. You need to know that. "Business is business, I'll deal with whatever I want to with who I'm dealing with, good decision if business." That's the ruthlessness in whatever is going around is coming around. Greedy game publishers don't have to exist when you no longer have to go to walmart to purchase a DRM-free product. This might not work. Do I like this crap?

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  • ...

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  • Activision put up the money for Destiny to get made. 500 million dollars. It's the most expensive game ever developed. It's Activision's money, therefore, Activision makes the business decisions. Including exclusive content. Bungie betrayed no one. They are just making the game.

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  • [quote]Activision put up the money for Destiny to get made. 500 million dollars. It's the most expensive game ever developed. It's Activision's money, therefore, Activision makes the business decisions. Including exclusive content. Bungie betrayed no one. They are just making the game.[/quote][quote]This video goes on to talk about how it is a good business decision. And from a money standpoint, it is... for Sony. And Activision. Not Bungie. And I don't understand how anybody could possibly say 'because it made them more money as a business decision, it is not a betrayal.' Excuse me? That's absolutely idiotic to say! Since when does profit determine morality? I'll tell you when: Since never.[/quote]

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  • Since when does morality determine business contracts?

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  • This has absolutely nothing to do with morality. If Activision does not make money on Destiny then they will pull the plug. No more Destiny. Then Bungie's dream of a ten year run will come to an end. Morality has no place in business. This is not about right and wrong. It's about generating capital to keep the company running. Your getting the frickin game. You will get the frickin content. You get beta access. I hear all this talk about loyal fans, but honestly you all sound like a bunch of entitled brats. If Destiny runs for 10 years the wealth of content that will come out will be grand indeed. So what is a couple maps, armor pieces, and a few weapons compared to that. Here's something for you. I preordered for PS4 but switched to Xbox1. Why? Most of my friends will be on Xbox1. I don't care about the meager exclusive offerings. Its the experience that matters. And EVERYONE will be able to get in on that.

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  • [quote]This has absolutely nothing to do with morality. [/quote]Yes it does. [quote]If Activision does not make money on Destiny then they will pull the plug. No more Destiny. Then Bungie's dream of a ten year run will come to an end. [/quote]Which is not dependent on ostracizing half the community. [quote] Morality has no place in business. This is not about right and wrong. It's about generating capital to keep the company running. Your getting the frickin game. You will get the frickin content. You get beta access. I hear all this talk about loyal fans, but honestly you all sound like a bunch of entitled brats.[/quote] [quote]This video goes on to talk about how it is a good business decision. And from a money standpoint, it is... for Sony. And Activision. Not Bungie. And I don't understand how anybody could possibly say 'because it made them more money as a business decision, it is not a betrayal.' Excuse me? That's absolutely idiotic to say! Since when does profit determine morality? I'll tell you when: Since never.[/quote] [quote] I preordered for PS4 but switched to Xbox1. Why? Most of my friends will be on Xbox1. I don't care about the meager exclusive offerings. Its the experience that matters. And EVERYONE will be able to get in on that.[/quote]No offense mate... but what you care about in particular really doesn't matter.

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  • I must say sir. You are either brain dead or too young to know what you are talking about. If the latter is the case then you can't possible know about the halo's of the past. In either option, u have fallen for the same pathetic bandwagon as many others, as you worship a dying system that no longer reigns supreme in the gaming world, verified by the console sales charts.

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  • Right back at ya

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  • Yep you're a vagina

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  • I feel you burrito, but at it's core datto is right, it is a business, I've been here for 9 years as a member and a little more then 10 as a bungie fan, and I do feel like I have a connection to the company, despite it being a company, but after 13 years of halo on the Xbox I'm willing to give PS as much exclusivity as they want. I still won't buy a PS4 mind you, after playing the alpha I know I want to play it with an Xbox controller, personal preference, but I'm not angry at bungie for "betraying us",because they very well could have taken even more money to become Playstation exclusive, and they didn't, and I thank them for that.

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  • Edited by Z3N-me: 6/22/2014 6:27:48 AM
    Two words, Sunset Overdrive. It's all about emotional maturity, at least you get to play Destiny. Sony have put more into Destiny, time and money, MS have concentrated on other things, so you gotta ask your self, who really let you down? I would say you are coming off close minded, because you are completely ignoring the crux of his argument.

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  • [quote]Sony have put more into Destiny, time and money, MS have concentrated on other things, so you gotta ask your self, who really let you down? [/quote]Sony isn't publicizing Destiny because they like Destiny. Sony is publicizing Destiny because that's what is allowing them the exclusive content. Activision gave Sony exclusive content for nothing, essentially. Due to Sony getting exclusive content and having no prior cost associated with it, they can use Destiny as a 'look at my console it is awesome' type thing. Thus Sony will market Destiny because it helps their console, and Activision gets to keep more of their marketing budget since Sony is paying for it themselves. Microsoft has no reason to be publicizing Destiny when Sony has already gotten the exclusive content that allows them to easily do so. So if you're implying that Microsoft somehow 'let us down,' well, I'm sorry but I don't see it. [quote]you are completely ignoring the crux of his argument.[/quote]Can you state it for me then, please? Because I addressed every little detail of what the video said and nobody has made such a comment before.

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  • Edited by Z3N-me: 6/22/2014 7:31:16 AM
    The crux is business, they are in business. Also in business time IS money. Sony have spent a lot of time with Bungie in respect to Destiny, even before the PS4 was in production. See, I was an Xbox owner, didn't like what direction they were taking so I bought a PS4, maybe you should consider voting with your feet. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

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  • [quote]The crux is business, they are in business. Also in business time IS money.[/quote]Oh. I mentioned this. [quote]This video goes on to talk about how it is a good business decision. And from a money standpoint, it is... for Sony. And Activision. Not Bungie. And I don't understand how anybody could possibly say 'because it made them more money as a business decision, it is not a betrayal.' Excuse me? That's absolutely idiotic to say! Since when does profit determine morality? I'll tell you when: Since never.[/quote] Also... [quote] Sony have spent a lot of time with Bungie in respect to Destiny, even before the PS4 was in production. [/quote]I uh... I don't think that's true, mate.

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  • actually Sony did spend a lot of time with Bungie while the PS4 was in development, Bungie helped design the DS4 ... so yes they have invested time in Bungie and Destiny.

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  • It's true, and just because you mention a concept doesn't mean you understand it.

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  • [quote]It's true, [/quote]Source? Because the PS4 began development in 2008, and 2008 is when Destiny was still in its concept phase so...

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  • Edited by Z3N-me: 6/22/2014 7:42:57 AM
    Sony were in discussion with Bungie over the design of the dual shock controller, amongst other things. Development is different from production.

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  • [quote]Sony were in discussion with Bungie over the design of the dual shock controller, [/quote]So it wasn't about Destiny like you said? [quote]amongst other things.[/quote]Source?

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  • Edited by Z3N-me: 6/22/2014 7:51:07 AM
    Your being obtuse, it was with destiny in mind. If it bothers you so much, don't by it, simple.

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  • [quote]Your being obtuse, it was with destiny in mind.[/quote]Sony didn't know what Destiny was until relatively recently- post Activision contract. Microsoft obviously had to work with developers like Bungie for the Xbox One as well. So I don't really see what you're trying to get at. I do notice that this is the third time I asked for a source and didn't get one, though. So I'll keep that in mind.[quote] If it bothers you so much, don't by it, simple.[/quote]Destiny looks like an amazing game, and I adore Bungie as a company. Of course I'll buy it. Bungie betraying its older userbase doesn't mean I suddenly won't buy any of their products. It just sucks, is all. A shame how the people here were all for Playstation users to join the community, and now that you're here all you do is say 'shut up xbox users and do not buy Destiny.' How... petty.

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  • Edited by Z3N-me: 6/22/2014 8:05:09 AM
    I was an Xbox user, you just seem incapable of being objective. A lot of the posts regarding Xbox and Bungie come across as puerile,and whiney, they serve no purpose other than to vent the spleen. The term banging your head against a brick wall springs to mind. Not petty, realist.

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  • [quote]A lot of the posts regarding Xbox and Bungie come across as puerile,and whiney, they serve no purpose other than to vent the spleen.[/quote] The take away you should have here is that that "a lot" encompasses everything but "all" and its synonyms. If the posts that aren't whiny don't deserve at least an equally respectable consideration and reply , then you've made up your mind about this topic, unwilling to listen to the thoughts of others, and are thus welcome to politely excuse yourself from the discourse. What is up for debate isn't whether topics about console exclusivity, at least in the context of Bungie and Destiny are concerned, are "whiny," but whether a consumer of a good can hold a producer of said good accountable for their actions which appear to be entirely financial driven. Since nothing within your reply seems to be anything other than a cheap jab at the ribs of those participating in the discussion, I will come to my own conclusions about the relevancy of your business here.

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  • Edited by Z3N-me: 7/10/2014 8:38:03 AM
    Take what I say how you want, that is not necessarily how it was meant. I will say that "a lot" may encompass everything but "all" in your mind, but not in mine. I stand by that statement, I am well aware that the majority are mature, sensible and intelligent, but as is so often the case, the minority let the majority down and often shout a lot louder. There are many more posts complaining than there are posts taking an "objective" point of view, and THAT is the problem, people are letting emotion rule their actions, which is very rarely a good thing. Ooh, and I comment frequently on posts that aren't whiny, but of course you wont be aware of that. I even comment that it is a bitter pill to swallow, but of course you have already decided who I am and what I think. Cheap jab? Hardly. Do you feel like you are being jabbed with that statement? What purpose do these posts that I am referring to offer, other than to vent the spleen?

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