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6/16/2014 4:24:28 PM

My report on #offtopic

so I guess around 2 months ago I went on #offtopic after you guys attacked #destiny for no reason to see what this place is all about. at first I posted alot to try and get to know u guys but people were acting mean and attacking me on the private messages and things like that so i just decided to lay low and observe so I wouldn't be harased by some people the first thing i realized is that you guys call yourself the flood/offtopites i still don't know why but for this thread i'll still just use the name #offtopic because that's what bungie gave you. I learned some of your inside lingo like OP and alt and things like that. i also realized some of you go onto other forums on and don't just stick to offtopic, which is cool because sometime this place can be mean. overall my time in offtopic has been kind of bad from what I can gather you guys seem to hate bungie and deej (who is the only bungie employee who would ever even go on these forums and post mail sacks and do weekly updates) for no reason. none of you seem to like destiny either and while I can understand why you guys don't its bungie and they have made other games and besides the alpha is awesome, it just seems like there's alot of misplaced anger on these forums. you guys try (and fail) to attack #destiny and others who are just minding their business just talking about the game in a respectfull manner and whenever there is a good topic on the forum in #destiny, you guys come in and become the biggest killjoys on so while i guess there are a few good people here that I cant wait to hopefully play destiny with when it releases (you guys are gonna buy it anyway lol) most of you have made my stay here on this forum really un enjoyable and i'll ask for the last time for you guys to just stop. [spoiler][/spoiler] also please keep the discussion here unbiased and don't resort to trying to make fun or attack me just because I have an opinion [spoiler][/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Qwerty: 6/16/2014 5:01:09 PM
    THAT IS A VICIOUS STEROTYPE AND I RESEMBLE THAT REMARK! Lol, anyway, you've got it a little wrong; I will now breakdown your things. [quote]Flood/Offtopites[/quote] Im not going to go into detail, but anybody with an account before 2013 is a member of the "flood". Just recently, the parody term for a newer name was created; "Offtopites". These names have just stuck around from what was originally a joke. [quote]You guys hate #Density *cough* #Destiny[/quote] We dont hate Destiny, we hate #Destiny. This is more of a "the flood hates destiny" then an individual, as I frequent #Destiny every few days to see whats new. We dont like them, due to their absurd grammar and blind faith in a game. The largest of the hatred spawned from the comparision of a Gaurdian to Master Chief; and, like all hatred, it developed into an irrational vicious malice that disregards any truth in the message. NOT ALL OF US ARE LIKE THIS [quote]You guys dont like Deej[/quote] We like Deej as a guy, he is swell. We dont like him as a community manager because he doesnt manage. One of our members was recieving death threats to him and his kids. When he told Deej, the reply was along the lines of "Dont make yourself such a target". [quote]You guys are failing at messing with #Destiny[/quote] Believe it or not, it is not our sole goal in life to bother you guys. [quote]my experience has been bad[/quote] First off, you must know the [i]Qwerty's newfoman guidelines[/i]: 1) Never admit your roots, we all came here due to a game 2) You are not original or cool in anyway shape or form 3) If you think of something witty or funny, read rule 2 4) "Whut cless u genna pley" Is the only way to type such related questions ...list goes on..... [quote]Conclusion/TL;DR[/quote] Your sterotyping us, which only certain aspects apply to each of us. Our hatred spawns from a similar stereotype, and the fact no one in offtopic has ever been loved If you truly want to fit in around here: like everyone's posts, and if you want to enjoy it: Stick to the popular threads at the beginning, then go searching for the diamonds in the rough. Also: If anyone says anything, an acceptable response is always "stick it in her pooper" Please no copy pastrami ravioli give me the formuoli

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