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6/5/2014 10:21:47 PM
As much as I hope they use the geographic qualities and topography of Mars, Actual, I doubt that they will for freedom of creativity. It would be nice for us to climb Olympus Mons, however, it's a HUGE geographical feature. If they made it into a playable area, I doubt the whole of the mountain would be available to explore, unless that's the only place we can go. I can only guess, of course, and that guess comes as somewhat of a assumption, that they would keep to the time tested format of having several "features" or key areas commuted by large, vast and almost empty, landscapes connecting them. This serves two key purposes : 1. It saves memory (if you have intricate settings spaced reasonably apart, the memory can "forget" those features to make room for new ones, somewhere on the horizon.) 2. It adds playtime (similar to grinding gear, items, or whatever repetitive motion injury that has been inflicted upon us, the gamers, physical distance and travel time play a huge part in gameplay time. It's an action that's necessary to get anything you want to get done, and a way to add something else that you wouldn't know you wanted to get done.) However, that's an awesome idea, and I would really be stoked if it were the case. Good thought, and great research.

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