You see it's very simple, you press and hold Alt-F4 whilst typing out your curseword of choice then you have used an invisible character between the first letter and the second one which circumvents the censor in the same way as using í in Nazí but without the inflection.
You also no longer have to use Bold or Italics to break the rules :D
After some experimenting, I have found a flaw in the App for mobile.
[quote]Yeah you have to hold the power button while typing it out, it doesn't turn it off but tricks the bungie app into ghost posting where it doesn't register your post as a proper reply yet it is still displayed. It does depend on the model but it works on my HTC, provided I don't let go of the button while typing.
That way you can type all the swears you want to avoid the opresive bunge system.[/quote]
I hope this leads to many cultured and well thought out responses.
wtf OP? Stop giving out secrets to the newfomans.