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4/25/2014 3:47:25 AM
I have a feeling from the names that this will be the general background for each faction: Dead orbit: A more defensive force based out of a stationary location. most likely a more official militia. the "Doc" would be the abreviation for dead orbit corps, which makes sense for a government created military. they most likely have a base in dead orbit around earth so that their forces can move in and deal with problems faster. Seven seraphs: A seraph is a fiery flying entity, so they are either led by a small, tight nit group, or they just like illiteration. their ships are most likely fast and powerful, Which would allow them to keep moving, preventing the possibility of an attack on their stationary base. the name does not give you much to work with, but they most likely pimp vehicles to their advantage. New monarchy: A monarchaic country is a country ruled by royalty, a monarchy is the system of government in which one person or only a small council of peopple make the decisions. this is obviously a group of people with a leader who wants to be in charge of everything. the mindset of people in that faction would most likely be geared toward government control, in which very few people have power,and those who do have alot of it. The future war cult: This is most likely a science based faction. they are probably working towards a more technologically advanced future, by improving weapons and armor capabilities. and for those who don't know, a cult does not neccessarily mean what it means normally, it can also refer to a group of people who believe in the same thing. so, it is most likely a group of people that believe in the future of technology for warfare purposes. Osiris: Osiris is the name of the god of the dead in egyptian mythology, more specifically, he helped the souls of the dead find their way to the afterlife. this might suggest that this faction finds wounded people, and assimilates them by being kind, and helping them to heal. it may also suggest that they are hunting specific targets to kill, more like assassins than soldiers. the symbol is an eye, which might reference the wadjet from egyptian mythology, the eye of truth. this hints that they could perhaps be seekers of truth and knowledge in a world with many questions to be answered. this is by far the most difficult one to guess, as the only trails to follow are the name of an ancient mythological god, and a symbol that may be coincidence. These are my best guesses, maybe you agree, maybe you have other thoughts.

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