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11/19/2007 8:30:36 PM

Heroic Map Pack Announced for Halo 3

With the content announced and priced, we talk to a couple of the DLC leads for some more details. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12983] click for full story [/url]

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  • time to wash the sheets as Bungie has once again sh1t the bed.

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  • Is 10$ really going to kill you guys ? [those who are complaining] Like someone mentioned earlier, you have the choice of waiting until they become FREE. . . I cant wait to play these new maps and I think H3 needs a few smaller sized maps as well..Midship!! haha

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  • if only if only one of these maps were set in the [b]night time[/b]. then the gameplay would be awesome!

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  • w00t thanks bungie for teh maps. 10$? (Sighs sadley) il wait for the rest to come. / moonbase alpha sounds kul bit il wates for sum othur mapz / // ya i went outta my way to spell wrong ыр....//

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  • Okay, its great that we get these new maps so soon after the game release but cmon bungie 800 msp its ridiculous, they will rarely be chosen in matchmaking because very few will have them i know that it will be extremely rare in bigteam battle, if one person doesnt have the map then you cant play it another map is chosen. Please bungie 800 msp is dumb and controdictory of the seperation from microsoft which from what ive read was suppose to make things like this free i know you guys are making your money from this game and you want it to continue to roll in. Maybe you can make it free sooner at least wait until after christmas and give no refund. You have made an enormous profit of this game so far try not to milk it dry, please... P.S. yes there is die hard halo fans but i know Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare has taken alot of its glory a considerable higher score then halo 3 got on all rating sites i believe, so why are you trying to lose more people. I thought the map pack would start me playing halo 3 again and get me away from modern warfare but im not spending 800 msp in such a gamer rich time look at all the new games coming out, im just saying watch out. [Edited on 11.19.2007 2:14 PM PST]

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  • holy crap why do we have to wait so freaking long??? ha i was hoping for them before thanksgiving break

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  • The consistent complaints of Halo 3 players asking for small arena styled maps grew since Halo 3's release and what does Bungie do? They release 2 big ass maps and some small simplistic piece of garbage. I don't want to build my own map, I want a standard FFA map that will be included in Matchmaking. I'm just so upset that everything I've been looking forward to in Halo 3 has been crushed. I have no small symmetrical arena styled maps for a decent FFA/Multi Flag/1v1 game (ie: Warlock, Midship) I have no Carbine spawn games (I've been looking forward to that since the Beta) I've tried to look passed the bad RPG styled melee system and the newb friendly ranking system but damn... [Edited on 11.19.2007 2:16 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Frodo17 Still, if they just want small FFA maps, there are already a lot of those in Halo 3.[/quote]No there aren't. Every map in Halo 3 is HUGE.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JF Kennedy999 Great! I love it! Not sure whether my parents allow me to pay 10 bucks for 3 maps, but I'll eventually get them once I played them at friends I guess! :D[/quote] Prbably not because your parents have been alive longer and could look at it and say "that's a waste of money." And then you would say "yes it is but the more I spend on dlc the more ms can over charge. It's only $10." [Edited on 11.19.2007 2:10 PM PST]

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  • Great! I love it! Not sure whether my parents allow me to pay 10 bucks for 3 maps, but I'll eventually get them once I played them at friends I guess! :D

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  • Heh, they would come out on my birthday :)

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  • Cool! Thanks Bungie. Too bad I don't have any MS points.

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  • Standoff looks breathtaking.

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  • Standoff looks a lot like a Bloodgulch/Sidewinder hybrid or something, I can't wait to try it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] XxDeathHeroxX OMG, I saw the picture of the pelican on the 2nd map, and gasped.. I felt joy for 30 seconds, then read below you couldn't fly it... thanks bungie, you made my happiness fly away =([/quote] me too :( [Edited on 11.19.2007 2:02 PM PST]

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  • DLC has to be the worst thing to happend to gameing. Yes the creators of these maps should be payed and credeted but come on it's only been like 3 months since the game came out. A year later I could understand paying for them but not this soon. Maps look good btw.

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  • So is this all of the exciting news for the day? I'm quite disappointed.... I'll pay $10 for maps.... but 3??? I was hoping we'd get at least 5....

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  • Sounds pretty sweet but i think they should bring back midship that would make halo 3

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  • I've never been one to complain about paying for downloadable content but seriously, 800 points for 3 maps? Only 3 maps? Is that it? The maps look great but sorry that is pretty steep.

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  • Foundry is just what Halo 3 needs. Excellent news.

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  • I feel kind of let down. For the people who went for the legendary edition all we really got was a lot of extra "stuff". I would have liked to see some perks for dishing out that kind of money. Don't get me wrong, I think its a raw deal for the $60 crowd too. I'm just saying it would have been nice if the better editions comped the dlc's, then it wouldn't make it sting so much when i have to prove my fan-hood again.

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  • "All three maps will become available for free download via Xbox LIVE Marketplace in Spring 2008, just prior to the next wave of new Halo 3 multiplayer maps." - [url][/url] If you don't want to shell out 800 points for the maps now that's fine, but you've got your options. Either pay up now or wait until Spring '08 - there's no use complaining about it.

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  • BUNGIE if your listening these maps look amazing and I'll pay the ten bucks instantly ... but that is more than the average game so there's a lot of pissed people seems like it wouldn't be worth making people mad and getting bad press......... just my thoughts on it anyway [Edited on 11.19.2007 1:52 PM PST]

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  • I'm excited about these maps. I can see why people are upset, because they want symmetrical FFA maps... Still, if they just want small FFA maps, there are already a lot of those in Halo 3. I'm personally happy that Bungie is adding larger maps. You know, Bungie doesn't get all of the money from Halo 3. Microsoft gets a lot of it too. Ten dollars may seem steep, but I think Bungie is doing a smart thing by offering Matchmaking for those who have the maps and those that don't, at least until they're available for free. I'll probably buy these maps when they come out. Also, I'm fine with Bungie holding out a multiplayer map from Halo 3's launch because they wanted more time to work on it. They still gave us eleven great multiplayer maps. I'd be happier if we were getting more than three maps, but hey, beggars can't be choosers.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Reclaimer919 Bungie, Any news on that Moonbase alpha map you were talking about a few weeks back? I was hoping/thought that would be included in the DLC.[/quote] Next set of maps. These are the first batch. That said, I propose a boycott unless the price drops to 500 points or less. EDIT: I have made a group protesting the price. Please join. [Edited on 11.19.2007 1:55 PM PST]

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  • Bungie, Any news on that Moonbase alpha map you were talking about a few weeks back? I was hoping/thought that would be included in the DLC.

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