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originally posted in: "The Law of the Jungle"
6/9/2013 9:44:40 AM
Finally, Bungie gives me an alternative to what Microsoft and 343 continue to call Halo. I know this argument has been done to death but I really did feel a pang of emptiness and betrayal once Microsoft and 343 started destroying Halo. I literally only bought H4 because there was nothing else to fill that void. Knowing full well what Bungie is capable of, Ive already pre ordered this game and can't wait to unbox my "Legendary" version. As for H5, it'll be the first Halo aside from CE that I didnt buy Legendary in advance and pick up in the middle of the night. I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I only ever bought an Xbox and then a 360 to play Halo. Without Halo there really is no reason for me to shell out who knows how much for a console that forces me to have internet AND pay for used games (Good luck with that microsoft). It's as simple as this, I don't expect the internet as a requirement to play. If I did i'd game on my computer!

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