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originally posted in: 1 More Month Until Reach Dies
1/8/2013 6:23:24 AM
Black ops II is up there with Halo: 4. COD and 4 Suck. And 4 is just like COD. Plus the fact, the number of pre-pubescent 12 year olds such as yourself out-number the amount of actual games by 10:1. Also knowing that pre-pubescent 12 year olds love to scream their panties off (private joke, you get it) while playing COD. Also taking into consideration that Halo: 4 is filled with screaming pre-pubescent 12 year olds. I think I might see a trend. People who play COD unskillfully decided to play an arcade shooter almost twice as bad as they make COD to be by just being there. probably the reason its that far up the charts ;)

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