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Edited by DeeJ: 1/25/2013 1:04:41 AM

Another UPDATE for the Bungie.Next BETA

As part of our continuing mission to bombard the Beta with your better salvos of feedback, we’ve deployed another update. If you take a deep inhale, you can smell the fresh code. It smells like… victory. In keeping with our pledge to keep you slightly briefed on our grand conspiracy to reinvent your home in our domain, a list of the more apparent changes are found below. First, some highlights for this new version. Here are the fixes we think you’ll be most excited about… [b]Throw your voice into a specific Forum Category.[/b] We’ve added some structure to the party, thus preserving the unique discussion parlors that you’ve come to know and love. Forum Categories are exclusive buckets of conversation – so you’ll only be able to pick one. They can be selected from a dropdown menu as you draft a Topic. Yes, there’s a reservoir for The Flood. You still have the ability to apply tags to each post, but you won’t be able to use the official tags that drive the Categories. [u]Please Note[/u]: Older topics will still straddle multiple categories. New ones won't. [b]We’re dark (again) bro.[/b] One or two of you may have mentioned that they missed the smoky aesthetic of the old and busted We can’t imagine why, but we love you way too much to let such polite feedback float away on the breeze. To turn out your respective lights, visit the Display options on the Settings page under your profile. That should hold you over until the end of the beta. [u]Please Note[/u]: You may find holes in the new dark theme. Keep Calm and Report to #Feedback. [b]If you crave every last detail[/b], here’s the rest of the changes (some large, some small): -you can now filter the Activity feed by the people you’re following -the Social feed on the front page displays the entire entry -the autocomplete no longer returns duplicate users -email addresses are now a hidden value on your profile page -when you sign out of your account on the profile page, it goes away -links on the careers page have been fixed -fixed the display for all time latest topics -the navigation bar for the mobile view scrolls when zoomed in -Ninjas can edit replies to official posts -a new menu for Display Options is available in Settings -the reply button now appears when you access a forum reply via permalink -issues with capitalized file extensions for embedded have been fixed -the FORUMS link at the top of the display leads to the Categories menu -forum titles are now active links that refresh the Topic index That’s all for now, and that’s enough. This was not the first to update to It won’t be the last. We’re still tinkering with the controls on the bridge, and there are still items on your wish list that are being made real. Some fixes just take longer than others. Keep the chatter coming. Let us know how the new changes impact your experience.

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  • Bigger avatars, please.

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    • mobile friendly and zoom friendly site versions please!!!! #Feedback #FEEDBACK

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      • Edited by DefiniteInfinity: 1/25/2013 5:59:14 AM
        [u]Problems that persist (as I see it):[/u] #1. Clicking a "____ followed you." notification does nothing. It should take you to your followers page if you ask me. #2. Clicking a "____ messaged you." notification does nothing. It should take you to the message if you ask me. #3. Rate of notification updating. Many times I'll stumble upon someone replying to me before I get the notification. #4. A Facebook-esque (x) on the tab would be nice where x is the number of unviewed notifications you currently have. Unless that's patented or something -- I know people are big into patenting stupid ideas like that so nobody else can use them. #5. Please make the thread status indicators cooler. They're so boring now. Bring back at least some sort of color variety and maybe a little graphic of a flame for hot topics. Red flame for 50+, blue flame for 100+? Seriously, I just don't care about them anymore they're so small and out-of-the-way and boring. #6. Make impersonation impossible. You can't have the username of anyone else. It's becoming a (small) problem on the forums and I don't want to have to click on people constantly to verify they are who their username says they are. One username change per 6 months and letting us identify people as impersonators (like the report button but for usernames) would be nice. [original #7 redacted] New #7: Ability to set a default size of the reply box so I don't have to drag it to a bigger size when I want to make big replies (which is quite a lot). #8. No preview button. I understand not wanting to bring it over for the BETA cause it's unnecessary, but can we have confirmation that it's returning? #9. Is there a way to make an empty quote (i.e. [q uote][/q uote]) in BBCode a straight line so we can use them as dividers like we could in Bungie.old? It's more awkward looking now. #10. Mobile Forum App... when you have the time. Please and thank you. #11: 'Loading' image needs to be optimized (color-wise) for Go Dark. #12: 'Saved Threads' please. Same thing with the preview button: if you can just confirm that they're coming back post-beta, that'd be swell.

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      • Edited by ElRenoRaven: 1/25/2013 4:27:26 AM
        Really glad to see the forums look somewhat like forums again. The way it was set up before was awful. It made reading them impossible.

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      • Edited by Verachi: 1/25/2013 7:11:22 AM
        The darkness is throwing me off now.......I'll keep it for a couple days and see how I like it. Thanks for the update and fixes. (Staring to like it already). I would like the cronologicall order and pages to come back. Reading through big threads is discouraging. Also going back to it sucks seeing that old posts can get bumped. I feel like if I read through a big thread I have to do it in one go. Unlike the old where I could stop on page 2 then later on come back and start reading again on page 3. Also the recent posts/Post history page is a pain in the ass to use. The old one was way better and easier to use.

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      • Edited by Puma Knight: 1/25/2013 4:03:44 AM
        [quote][b]We’re dark (again) bro. [/b][/quote]Thank you. It's feels good to be back in black.

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      • I can't express how much better the dark is . . . thank you.

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      • Awesome, I love the dark much better, thank you DeeJ Also great job so far with guys! I will keep finding new stuff for your feedback! ;)

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      • Thank you to runningturtle, Achronos, stosh, Halcylon, DeeJ, and the whole team for the updates. Keep up the good work!

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      • Edited by Mass Craziness: 1/25/2013 3:46:49 AM
        Nice stuff. I'm digging the official dark theme. Also, I noticed: The front page got larger height-wise. It's a little annoying, but not a huge deal. Also, my conversations (PM) box became HUGE! I click it, and it's extremely large width-wise. Other than that, I'm cool with all this. I especially like that the outline around avatars is gone. EDIT: The top bar (notices, PMs) do not follow me down when I scroll in the dark theme. :|

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      • Edited by ZER0: 1/25/2013 2:59:13 AM
        Thanks for the update. Now we need forum posts that are posted chronologically with page numbers. Avatars need to be even bigger, like they were before.

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        • Yeah buddy!

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          • A step in the right direction. Especially the dark theme and the new dropdown categories.

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          • Awwww yeah, although I have to say, I'm starting to like the white. Will it stay as an option? inb4MAKEUPYOURDAMNMIND

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          • me stupid but I dont know. Does #Universe / #BungieUniverse go in #Bungie or #Gaming?

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            • I have a suggestion DeeJ. When you're viewing a thread in a 'sub forum' clicking the Forums bannar should take you back to the forum. It would be a little more helpful than it taking you to a list of all the forums.

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            • Great update! This fixed basically all the problems I had with

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            • Great update, alot of the major issues and complaints addressed in one fell swoop!

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            • Edited by Spartan Ken 15: 1/25/2013 1:06:47 AM
              This site is glitching and I am having a hard time posting I kept getting these messages when I try to post, respond to, or make a thread: "Only topics may be marked as questions.(508)" "Invalid post body" After clearing my cache 5 times and deleting all my cookies seemed to help, for now.

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                These are all positive, welcome changes. Now if I could just get these posts in a preferable, true chronological order, we'd be just about perfect. LOVE the categorized forums, again. I suggested basically the exact same thing in a group Mr. DeeJ may have seen, so basically, all credit goes to me AND NO ONE ELSE!!! <3 Great work web team!

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              • Good work. Keep the improvements coming.

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              • Edited by Jessica: 1/25/2013 1:53:27 AM
                [quote]We can’t imagine why, but we love you way too much to let such polite feedback float away on the breeze.[/quote] Why? Because light-on-dark is more readable on backlit screens. Scientifically proven fact and everything (probably). However, you need to tone down the brightness of the text and reduce its weight (and probably reduce line spacing slightly - that one goes for both styles; still waay too much whitespace. this isn't python). The aim isn't entirely to invert the colour scheme, it's to soften the contrast. Dark-on-light needs relatively heavy text because otherwise it's drowned out, light-on-dark is the opposite. You guys got this spot on with the old hotness, just reproduce that and job's a goodun. Also, filtering [i]out[/i] tags would be nice.

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                8 Replies
                • I like that you introduced the ability to disable the warning message for external links, as it was kind of pointless. The dark theme is nice, but it is still too light. Instead of white on gray, it should be very very light gray (basically white, but not) on a dark gray background. You want to have high contrast without utilizing the extreme ends of the spectrum from white to black. This is, of course, my opinion, but it seems that many of the people who have posted agree with something of this sort. Other than that, keep up the good work!

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                • Hnnng. Much better.

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                • My eyes are just ecstatic right now.

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