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8/3/2012 10:36:37 PM

The Holy Council! 4 Years, and super strong. Uum....BOOBS!

[url=]You know, I've seen a lot of good groups, but this one is over the top. Just take a step in. Quit if you don't like it. What do you have to lose?[/url] Take the THC challenge. Stay for a day. If you like it, stay. If not, THEN GET THE -blam!- OUT. Nah, we're friendly. You never know if you'll like it unless you try it. Now join! One promotion to each member who joins today! [url=]Linky dink[/url] [Edited on 08.03.2012 2:36 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ArBit3R 818 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CrazyT [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ArBit3R 818 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CrazyT [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Im Invisible x is it a clan...?[/quote]No, it is not a clan. No gamenights, see. Just a group of people with some rude (ex)members.[/quote] If you're someone who likes to see people trick others, or enjoys getting getting trolled-- join this group.[/quote]Do not post false information or mislead other forum-goers. Yes, even if it is funny.[/quote] Do not try to fool the people reading my comments into thinking I'm lying. I am not enjoying saying this stuff, nor am I lying.[/quote]yet you say it anyway? how does you doing this, saying these things about the group, make you any better? need i remind you how it was your inability to comprehend the fact that you needed to understand that what you was doing was wrong? you intentionally caused trouble by intentionally taking all the posts at there worst, ignoreing our intentions, which was why you had to leave, i wanted you to stay, and help you become a better member, but you refused, do not blame us for your mistake [quote]I have given this group many chances. This group has also given me many chances. But it always ends with this group completely screwing over the people who care for it.[/quote]again, you continue to act as if your situation is the same as everyone else's, which isn't true, you ca be very stubborn arby, that, again, is why that happened, you where unwilling to accept your fault. [quote]Do NOT join this group. It has "started over" so many times that it's pretty much just a simpler way of saying that the group gets worse and worse, with nice increments of positive activity that rarely happen until drastic action has been taken.[/quote]again you condemn what you can not comprehend, even after you left you still make sad attempts to disrupt us, when you left the first time, the drama ended, when you returned, so did the drama, then you where kicked, and again its gone, you would have quit taking everything to heart, and quit taking every post at its worst, you would still be in THC. [quote]Said drastic actions usually happen too late anyways. The only REAL changes come when enough people have -blam!-ed about the same problem the blind Mods think are nothing. This group is not worth it. Its not worth your time. Its not worth your patience. It is not worth even looking at. :I[/quote]its not worth it to you becuase you where blind to your own mistake, you wouldn't cooperate, we all wanted it to end, you proved that you where its source, but was unwilling to do anything about it. your experience in THC =/= everyone else's experience in THC just becuase you don't like it, doesn't mean others wont.

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