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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update: 7/20/07
7/21/2007 6:25:10 PM
A real warthog. Yeah ****ing right, until i see the actual engine, and pictures that don't look like it was done in 3D programs, a photo-imposed image or anything else other than the "real thing", but until that time it would make a nice wallpaper. Oh wait, no it wouldn't, as I have something better already; pictures of, a lambogini and a ferrari in all there glory, and guess what they are nice and "real". SO you fail in impressing me, bungie. Also the idiots who "imagined" the warthog being in their countries army/navy/ services, shoot yourself right now, no seriously that is the most pathetic idea ever. [Edited on 07.21.2007 10:26 AM PDT]

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