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7/29/2012 9:17:09 PM

Community Carnage: Mass Effect 3 (Concluded)

The Community Carnage has arrived with their first installment to the Mass Effect series! You know the routine! [quote][b]Game Information[/b] Saturday, August 4th, 2012 3PM PST (Bungie Time) Please make sure to download all the [b]FREE[/b] multiplayer DLC beforehand. #1: Resurgence. #2:Rebellion. #3: Earth.[/quote] [quote][b]REGISTRATION - read this bit carefully: [/b] In order to be selected to play you MUST post your Gamertag and username in this thread. [u] Proper format:[/u] Username: Commander GX Gamertag: Commander GX Failure to do one without the other will result in your request being ignored. Once you have been chosen your name will be edited into the post below. Come the day of the event, [b]you are expected to send your Team Leader a friend request.[/b] If you do not, the next player in line will be chosen.[/quote] [quote][b]Important Note[/b] : Please take careful consideration of the time and date. Please [u]do NOT sign up until you are completely sure that you are able to make it[/u] to the Carnage. If you are having trouble locking down the local time, use a [url=]time zone converter[/url]. Also note that the Carnages run off of "Bungie Time", which is PST. Please check this thread regularly for updates. If you signed up to this event and are no longer able to attend [b]please[/b] notify us either by sending a private message to one of the Organisers (preferred method), or by posting in this thread.[/quote] [quote][b]General Information :[/b] Anyone signed up must be able to play on the 1st of August at 3PM PST. If you are not online, a substitute will fill in for you. Please make sure to send your Team Leader a friend request; he/she will NOT send one to you. You're responsible. Don't be afraid to send any of the Organisers a message if you have any questions pertaining to the event. Anyone who has signed up and is not there for the start of the event will be moved to the [b]bottom[/b] of the player list or may not get opportunity to play at all. It is critical that you are on time, and even better if you are early. You are expected to be online, and in the lobby [b]five minutes prior to the event[/b]. If you aren't in the lobby and are unresponsive, you invite will be ignored and someone will fill in for you.[/quote] Please review the following post below for game and participant information: [i]Visit the official [url=][b]Community Carnage Group[/b][/url] for more information and to help with future events. Twitter users check out [url=]@7rueCarnage[/url], and Facebook users behold our [url=]official page[/url]![/i] [quote][/quote] [quote][b]Location, Enemy, and Difficulty[/b]**[/quote][quote][b]Game 1:[/b] Firebase White: Cerberus: Bronze [b]Game 2:[/b] Firebase Reactor: Reaper: Bronze [b]Game 3:[/b] Firebase Ghost: Geth: Silver [b]Game 4:[/b] Firebase Glacier: Reaper: Silver [b]Game 5:[/b] Firebase Dagger: Cerberus: Gold [/quote] [quote][b]Teams[/b][/quote][quote]Group One 1. Team Leader: Commander GX (GT: Commander GX) 2. triggerhappy964 (GT: Purely Trigger) 3. SRQ baller24 (GT: SRQ baller24) 4. LLP SGT knox614 (GT: xKnoxy) [/quote][quote]Group Two 1. Team Leader: Boss of OWNAGE (GT: Boss of OWNAGE) 2. burritosenior (GT: quesadillajunior) 3. YahwehFreak4evr (GT: YahwehFreak4evr) 4. OctaviusFalcon (GT: OctaviusFalcon) [/quote][quote]Group Three 1. Team Leader: Phoenix1710 (GT: Phoenix1710) 2. st3althsniper22 (GT: High Charity) 3. Spartain Ken 15 (GT: Spartain Ken 15) 4.ThirstyAvenge (GT: t3hAvenger77) [/quote] [quote][b]Substitutes[/b][/quote][quote]1. MiloOmega (GT: MiloOmega) [/quote] [b]**Note:[/b] [i]If the substitute list exceeds 10 players, another set of teams [u]may[/u] be included, and you may become your team's leader. Check back in this thread for updates.[/i] [quote][b]Stats:[/b][/quote] * Group 1: Wins and Losses * Game 1: Victory * Game 2: Victory * Game 3: Victory * Game 4: Failure * Group 2: Wins and Losses * Game 1: Victory. Full Extraction * Game 2: Victory. Full Extraction * Game 3: Victory. Full Extraction * Game 4: Victory. Partial Extraction (Burrito RROD'd last wave) * Game 5: Victory. Full Extraction * Group 3: Wins and Losses * (Waiting on info) [quote][/quote][quote][b]The VIP[/b][/quote]Everyone has to agree on one person that helped their team the most towards victory. If it's not a unanimous decision the position will go by the person with the overall highest score. Group 1 VIP: xKnoxy Group 2 VIP: Boss of OWNAGE Group 3 VIP: (Awaiting Pick) [quote][/quote] See you on the warzone! [quote][quote]Created by: Commander GX[/quote][/quote] [Edited on 08.04.2012 10:26 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Boss of OWNAGE With the Fury you want to max throw because it adds to your biotic explosion (BE) damage. The way throw works is if you have a level 6 AF, it primes the BE to BE level 6. If you only have your detonator (Throw) at level 3, the BE only explodes at BE level 3 damage. You get a lot more damage out of your biotic explosion if you max throw and at least one of your abilities as your primer. When you play Fury, most higher level people only go for BE's, as the Fury can do them so quickly just by priming them by being within four meters of the enemy. You get in, see them turn purple, throw. [/quote] it doesn't do any more damage if you max it out, level 5 is the only part of throw that increase BE damage (by 50%). The amount of force does not increase BE damage just affects how far and hard it can throw enemies and will enable it to stagger stronger enemies like the atlas. [Edited on 08.04.2012 9:48 PM PDT]

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