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6/19/2007 1:44:41 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Chomskyite Okay... here goes =P I have finished the largest part of the design (the 'Bisley inspired' Master Chief part) and thought I might as well post the result so far to see what people make of it. With that in mind, please understand that the ONLY thing that is complete is the actual Master Chief art. The background and designs for the rear and hood are incomplete and not represented in any way. Sooo.... um.... here it is: [url=]Pic 1[/url] [url=]Pic 2[/url] [url=]Pic 3[/url] I hope I get some positive feedback but any suggestions and helpful criticism would be welcome; just bear in mind I've been slaving over this thing for days! [url=]Here's[/url] the 'clean' image on a plain silver BMW.... I think it just helps to see the detail a little clearer because those other pics look a bit blurry =P[/quote] [/quote] Those pics are really cool. --The Voyager

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