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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update
3/17/2007 5:47:30 AM
Hey is that Mister Chief in the background holding a knife? Don't do it Chief, noooooo... That talk about the huge battle and stuff sounds like the most awesome thing since 300came out a week ago. That movie was pimpeeist movie evaaaw. Made me think about Halo though...Cool update, ya I got a call from the game store saying my legendary pack is more expensive now, and was like oh well, it's not stopping me from getting it. Now if it were $600, and even if it had Blu-ray,I wouldnt get it. Sounds like another familiar product I did not get thanks to its embarrasing price and lack of games that really show what next gen gaming will be like. But really, what if it snowed in San Francisco??? Think about that... [Edited on 3/16/2007]

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