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10/29/2004 2:36:35 AM

Forerunner and a Prophet

[b][color=red]Warning: This thread contains Prophecy and possibly spoilers (I haven't played the game). If you are prone to flaming, you have been warned![/b][/color] Welcome to my mother of all thread (thus far). For those of you who are familiar with my previous posts on the topic, this is new stuff. I have handpicked several passages from The Word. They're quite frightening at how they are [i]appearently[/i] coincidental... Or I'm just crazy (I like both answers). [i]If anyone would like a list of the passage titles, simply PM me for them and I'll be more than happy to send 'em your way.[/i] ([i]If you are [b]not[/b] a skeptic of my findings, skip this paragraph[/i]) I understand that some (if not, most or all of you) do not believe as I believe. But for all of you skeptics out there, please try to answer these questions: [color=yellow]Where else do you hear about the Flood wiping out entire populations? Where else do you hear about the Prophets of the Covenant? Where else do you hear about the Reclaimer bringing salvation to mankind?[/color] With that said, [b][i]let the intrigue begin![/b][/i] (any thoughts I add will be [i]italicised[/i])
#Halo #Halo2

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  • wow, awesome job coming up with all that stuff. sounds much to coincidental to not at least be partly the truth. i enjoyed reading it too

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  • ice weasel i like your theory and the way you think its pretty cool.

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  • Kamizar wrote: [quote]Some one once told me all stories new and old can be found in The Bible. [/quote] its true, all stories that have the basic principal of good vs evil can all be found in a certain form in the bible. [Edited on 10/29/2004 9:09:52 PM]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kamizar Some one once told me all stories new and old can be found in The Bible.[/quote] The book of Ezekiel (or was it Ecclesiastes?) states that "there's nothing new under the sun." (mind is slowed down by fatigue, ...must... ...reveal... ...TRUTH!) The resivoir of my findings begins to fill and swell again, when the wall breaks, an update is born. UPDATE PENDING

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  • Some one once told me all stories new and old can be found in The Bible.

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  • It's not hard to find similarities between what happens in the bible and Halo because they both happen to be [i]fictional[/i] stories that are meant to convey a great sense of universal import. No offense intended, you understand.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] fannin a pastor's son i am telling you that you need to get a life and stop reading the bible it's poisoned your mind and now you can't even play a video game without making connections, don't ruin the experience by including the bibly in halo. [/quote] As a pastor's son, why would you take the Lord's name in vain in your own sig.? How could the Bible poison any thing? I have a Life. (...the log and the speck...) To me, God's Word doesn't ruin any experience. It enhances everyone. Yes, every single one. I've said it before, I'll say it again. [b]Petty arguements between me and the those with uncomfortable pants belong in the PM system[/b] where the MOD's [i]may[/i] not consider banning you. Don't want a flame war in more than one sense, do you? In the trusty words of Cortana regaurding halo:[quote] [b][color=red]"According to the data in their networks, the ring has some kind of deep religious significance."[/b][/color][/quote] Keyes:[quote] Well...that's true. The Covenant kept saying, "Whoever controls Halo controls the fate of the universe."[/quote] [Edited on 10/29/2004 8:20:52 PM]

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  • First of all: Why is it so wrong to make comparisons? Just because it happens to be Halo and the Bible doesn't make it any different. A comparison is a comparison. Secondly: Thank you for compiling a great deal of information in a small package in one place. I've been "researching" (if you can call it that) the connections between Halo and the Bible for quite some time now and I'd have to agree with pretty much everything you've said. Now let us dance...

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  • a pastor's son i am telling you that you need to get a life and stop reading the bible it's poisoned your mind and now you can't even play a video game without making connections, don't ruin the experience by including the bibly in halo.

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  • I think we all know that revelations and halo/bungie are connected in more ways than one.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Casey [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SPARTAN347 Ice, these theories are very interesting and its very obvious that they are related to halo's story line. But did you notice that u have commited the biggest sin. You are twisting the word of god and kind of adding game related phrases and stuff. I I think it says in revalation that if anyone adds or changes the words in the bible, they are commiting the biggest sin. I kno u are not literally changing things in the bible but what ur doing is not right. According to the bible its a sin to do this... If ur an atheist I kno u dont give a damn... If u are a budhist i kno u dont give a damn... if u are not christian or a muslim and kno u dont give a damn!!!! But if u are a christian ICE, reconsider what ur doing... and if ur not a christian... just stop for out of respect for us christian!!! ITS A SIN!!!![/quote] Did you know that the bible has over 20,000 innacuracies and changes in it? For example, in the King James version, every time that a word is italicized, that means it was actually put in there or changed to be in there by the people who wrote it. The Bible, although it is one of the peices of scripture that is the word of God, is chock full of changes and inaccuracies. Also, the greatest sin is having a perfect knowledge of Christ and then denying it, not changing scripture (even though, if you're doing it to MISLEAD Christians it's bad. Don't take it so literally where you think that because he's applying it to symbolism used in a Video game that you think he's committing a sin--all he's doing is showing us the comparison). The second worst sin is adultery, followed by murder. [/quote] Right. According to the Bible, it is unforgiveable to have a full knowledge of Christ's saving power and then disregaurd it. After that, all sin is forgivable if you repent.[b] I cannot go into further detail [i]here[/i] in this forum[/b] because we must give to Caeser what belongs to Caeser. If anyone has any more questions about that PM me and I'll be glad to discuss it... UPDATE PENDING...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MJOLNIRdragoon nice find ice weasel... so what if whoever wrote the story for Halo is religious and everything... whats your point? im not meaning to flame... but im not seeing the purpose...[/quote] The point? The point is to open the eyes of the public. Regaurdless of anyones' belief. If you look around New Mombasa, there are few threads containing thought or deliberate coherent messages. I want to be one of the few to change that.

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  • ummmm... one of the biggest.. ok..

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  • nice find ice weasel... so what if whoever wrote the story for Halo is religious and everything... whats your point? im not meaning to flame... but im not seeing the purpose...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SPARTAN347 Ice, these theories are very interesting and its very obvious that they are related to halo's story line. But did you notice that u have commited the biggest sin. You are twisting the word of god and kind of adding game related phrases and stuff. I I think it says in revalation that if anyone adds or changes the words in the bible, they are commiting the biggest sin. I kno u are not literally changing things in the bible but what ur doing is not right. According to the bible its a sin to do this... If ur an atheist I kno u dont give a damn... If u are a budhist i kno u dont give a damn... if u are not christian or a muslim and kno u dont give a damn!!!! But if u are a christian ICE, reconsider what ur doing... and if ur not a christian... just stop for out of respect for us christian!!! ITS A SIN!!!![/quote] Did you know that the bible has over 20,000 innacuracies and changes in it? For example, in the King James version, every time that a word is italicized, that means it was actually put in there or changed to be in there by the people who wrote it. The Bible, although it is one of the peices of scripture that is the word of God, is chock full of changes and inaccuracies. Also, the greatest sin is having a perfect knowledge of Christ and then denying it, not changing scripture (even though, if you're doing it to MISLEAD Christians it's bad. Don't take it so literally where you think that because he's applying it to symbolism used in a Video game that you think he's committing a sin--all he's doing is showing us the comparison). The second worst sin is adultery, followed by murder.

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  • Are drones the spiky flying things ? Are they Covenant ? And in the 60 minute ad, at around 37 secs or so, you can see Master Chief shooting at some weird things jumping on walls... What are those ? I don't know of course... but i really have the impression a third race is in HALO 2... I mean, just look at that spider machine spitting out big jets of streaming plasma... doesn't look Covenant to me (none of the slick and purple we have been used to).

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  • Nice finds Ice. These biblical connections make a lot of sense, and I myself do not doubt that Bungie included religious refs. in halo. I mean, the basis of it all is a holy war. Good finds though.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] wido makr woah.....................................mind is blown. iceweasil(excuse speling),I have met preists not as virsed in the bible as you are.[/quote] I'm flattered. But I have it literally [i]right in front of me[/i]. I also read it extensively. When I notice something in the halo universe, I can make a connection, wether it is implied or not.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SPARTAN347 hmph... like at the beganning u started to take out some bible phrases and added in halo phrases. Thats what concerned me. But for the most part its ok. Just as long as u dont take out and add stuff. u kno what i mean?[/quote] I know exactly what you mean, and I'm glad you brought it up. I try to be careful in how I present The Word, in the way that I am not dropping pearls to the swine, nor should I be changing any of the context. But I probably should of mentioned the part about the "dot dot dot" more clearly and how it links non sequential verses. I believe that this is a way for me to extend my gifts of understanding so all maybe able to see and percieve.

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  • woah.....................................mind is blown. iceweasil(excuse speling),I have met preists not as virsed in the bible as you are.

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  • hmph... like at the beganning u started to take out some bible phrases and added in halo phrases. Thats what concerned me. But for the most part its ok. Just as long as u dont take out and add stuff. u kno what i mean?

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  • I understand what you are saying, and I'm glad you brought it up, and I have considered this prior to my posting it. I have not changed, added to or taken from any verses. But where you see "..." it is indicating that I am moving to other verses within the chapter or book. Mark 4:21 [quote]Then Jesus asked them, "[color=red][b]Does anyone light a lamp and then put it under a basket or under a bed to shut out the light? Of course not! A lamp is placed on a stand, where its light will shine.[/color][/b]"[/quote] Mark 9:38-40 [quote]John said to Jesus, "Teacher, we saw a man using your name to cast out demons, but we told him to stop because he isn't one of our group." "[color=red][b]Don't stop him![/b][/color]" Jesus said. "[color=red][b]No one who preforms miracles in my name will be able to speak evil of me. [i]anyone who is not against us is for us[/i][/color].[/b][/quote] [Edited on 10/29/2004 5:25:37 PM]

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  • Ice, these theories are very interesting and its very obvious that they are related to halo's story line. But did you notice that u have commited the biggest sin. You are twisting the word of god and kind of adding game related phrases and stuff. I I think it says in revalation that if anyone adds or changes the words in the bible, they are commiting the biggest sin. I kno u are not literally changing things in the bible but what ur doing is not right. According to the bible its a sin to do this... If ur an atheist I kno u dont give a damn... If u are a budhist i kno u dont give a damn... if u are not christian or a muslim and kno u dont give a damn!!!! But if u are a christian ICE, reconsider what ur doing... and if ur not a christian... just stop for out of respect for us christian!!! ITS A SIN!!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Elite_elite Man great theory, I can't believe I never saw any kind of connection between reading my Bible and playing Halo. I saw the connection with The Lord of the Rings. I can't say The Matrick though, since I only saw the first one and never really cared for it.[/quote] Thanks! Great stories have always (or almost always) added a spiritual twist. They're like pieces of paper with a whole bunch of colors from the entire spectrum on it. When you put a color filter (colored saranwrap?) over it, some colors are brought out more clearly. (EDIT: your sig. is awesome!) [Edited on 10/29/2004 1:29:59 PM]

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  • Man great theory, I can't believe I never saw any kind of connection between reading my Bible and playing Halo. I saw the connection with The Lord of the Rings. I can't say The Matrick though, since I only saw the first one and never really cared for it.

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