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10/11/2007 3:02:09 PM

NBA player Gilbert Arenas cheating at Halo 3

[url=]Cheater[/url] Look at all his games that he gets 1st place in. He joins up with a friend and has his other account quit out so he gets 1st place every time. How can this be allowed? My last words on this subject Live 08 sucks<<<<<<<<<2k8.... XBL gamer tag: DWade117 [Edited on 11.13.2007 9:30 AM PST]
#Halo #Halo3

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  • Major Mauser aka Col Panic your record is garbage. You should not even speak. You need to cheat. I know you don't get respect from anyone you play with. Your K/D ratio is 0.76. I hate players like you who drag the rest of the team down. If I could find you in person, I would slap you in your F#$king mouth. Even cheater Gilbert Arena would own you.

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  • You BLAMING Cheater... All I want to say is I hate quiters and to be on a team and then people quit .... why are they playing just to quit and ruin the game. If Baller did this and cashis clayis helped him level-up they are cheaters.

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  • Lames are everywhere. I will own Gilbert Arenas on the the court and on Halo. If he cheats, so what. Do you acually think because he's a star, he want cheat. How in the F@$K to you think he got to where he is at. If I get the opportunity to get ahead of any of you suckers, I will. Cheating or what ever else it takes. If you don't like it what are you going to do? Nothing, but type some f@#king more. [Edited on 10.14.2007 4:17 AM PDT]

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  • u seem surprised... i'm gonna go ahead and say it wass his friend cashis that boosted his rank to 42, btw. of thec random ts games i checked, neither were playing together.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CSP David [url][/url] "[i]Arenas was raised by his single father in Florida and California after his mother, a drug addict, abandoned them.[/i]" Come on, guys. His rough life obviously lead him to a life of cheating in Halo 3. It's not his fault.[/quote] Wow... What an amazing sense of humor you have....

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  • I didn't mean to offend anybody...

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  • thats so ridic to say

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  • [url][/url] "[i]Arenas was raised by his single father in Florida and California after his mother, a drug addict, abandoned them.[/i]" Come on, guys. His rough life obviously lead him to a life of cheating in Halo 3. It's not his fault.

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  • You guys need to all get a life. Who the hell cares? EXP points have nothing to do with Ranked games. Cheating is when you standby, or mod, or something else in a ranked game. Social Matches and your experience points are just to show how many games, or how "much" Halo 3 you play. That's why Bungie made it possible to run a Social Double Team with you and 3 friends playing against each other. If EXP points were different, Bungie would make it so that u can only enter as teams of 2, like in Ranked games. This does not affect ranked games. There are people playing split screen, 4 players on one TV on Social games for gods sake. If Gilbert Arenas, or anyone else for that matter wants to play socials as much as they want and quit out or whatever, then WHO CARES? I think people are just hating beause of who he is. I think that it is awesome that an NBA player, especially of his caliber, All Star point guard, shows that he is just like the rest of America and plays video games, like Halo 3. He is a gamer and proud of it. That's cool how he works out and trains and still has time to play a lot of Halo 3. I work a 40hr a week job and still cant play Halo as much as I would like. I have leveled up to a 42 so far in Lone Wolf, same level as him. So he is somewhere in my skill range I'm assuming. So go find something else to talk about. Gilbert Arenas, good luck this NBA season, just keep gaming. Maybe I will run into you someday in matchmaking. Beware though, cause I will teabag you if I kill you. Late, XBOX Live Gamertag: HITMAN x D

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RIP 0DB wow... first of all, u guys r pieces of -blam!-... Leave Gilbert alone, cause he did nothing to u... He plays Halo for fun... and second of all its not cheating. "cheating" is standbying, bridging, and host booting... He simply went into doubles with a friend and they quit out... its not cheating, its using common sense and hes being smart... Cause im sure after u guys heard about him cheating u prob all started doing it too. so shut the -blam!- up... Also, how is Gilbert waisting his time, when u guys r the -blam!-gits who r checking out every single game the guy plays... c'mon, get off the his nuts for a second... And a little message to MC187, ur a -blam!- -blam!-... I dont understand how u can hate on Gil, when u dont even know him... I bet u do have a Gilbert Arenas Jersey, and u prob jack off to it every night before you go to sleep... Ur dumb and btw on PTI, they did talk about Gilbert. and Do u know what me and Gilbert did when we saw that? We cracked up lauphing talking about how -blam!- u guys r... Get over it bad kidz.... -RIP [/quote]fail he cheats, thats what he did to us, I dont care if he's on you fav NBA team he cheated and we're not happy. and another note "bad kidz" as you said in your post is banned from the forums. [Edited on 10.13.2007 10:44 PM PDT]

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  • wow... first of all, u guys r pieces of -blam!-... Leave Gilbert alone, cause he did nothing to u... He plays Halo for fun... and second of all its not cheating. "cheating" is standbying, bridging, and host booting... He simply went into doubles with a friend and they quit out... its not cheating, its using common sense and hes being smart... Cause im sure after u guys heard about him cheating u prob all started doing it too. so shut the -blam!- up... Also, how is Gilbert waisting his time, when u guys r the -blam!-gits who r checking out every single game the guy plays... c'mon, get off the his nuts for a second... And a little message to MC187, ur a -blam!- -blam!-... I dont understand how u can hate on Gil, when u dont even know him... I bet u do have a Gilbert Arenas Jersey, and u prob jack off to it every night before you go to sleep... Ur dumb and btw on PTI, they did talk about Gilbert. and Do u know what me and Gilbert did when we saw that? We cracked up lauphing talking about how -blam!- u guys r... Get over it bad kidz.... -RIP

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] thomasjohnson376 Wow That is real lame...What a tool bag...How did he get to Skill level 42 if all he really plays is Social matches..Social will help your rank go up to a certain extent but in order to get to 42 you have to play ranked matches...?..I am stumped...because he has not played very many Ranked matches..[/quote] Ive won like 80 Ranked games and Im a 43... This guy Arenas, hes a retard, I dont like it when people boost, hes just retarded. It will take a skilled player a while to get there... a skilled player or a guy with no life =D

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  • Lol in that Washington Post artical it says somone showed him how to do it, but it looks like he was cheating since Sept. 25...

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  • How does it feel to be owned by an NBA player on a national stage? "You aren't very good." lol

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  • I can't believe how stupid people can be and how people like to complain about stuff that doesn't matter. Who cares if the guy boosted to become a commander or whatever. He's a 42 and got there legit. If bungie determines otherwise, they can ban him. Then, he can be like everyone else and sign up under a different gamertag. Seriously, as gaming is on the cusp of becoming "less geeky" we have an entire community up in arms because multi millionaire decided he wanted a different badge. Does everyone understand how stupid this sounds? If he, his posse, or anyone else decided to boost his stats, good for them. But please, spare the holier thank though BS. If you're better than him, beat him if/when you get matched up with him. I think people just like to complain because he's a celebrity. I'm sure if he ever saw you cheating he probably wouldn't question your work ethic at McDonald's much like you shouldn't question his character.

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  • everyone just relax i do not have an ego I just dislike everyone attacking an innocent Cashis Clayis and Agent Arenas, its not fair. I tried to explain it the best I could on my website I feel I covered the sitatuation nicely if you disagree then post on my blog and ill answer any questions you may have. Again the unegotistical -Cashis Clayis

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  • “That sounds fun. I don’t mean to be the bad guy here, but, I play 14 hours a day. Regularly. I know the rules and what cheating is. What I’m doing is not cheating.” 14 hours a day? Goddamn, he plays more than me. "I would like to thank God for giving me the man power and the heart and mind to stay up and keep playing Halo to the best of my ability." ??????

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NY Graffiti id go to cashis' blog to see his excuses but his ego is blocking the page.[/quote] LMAO

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] nickyfour92 Just awesome, two of GA's cronies coming in here and calling us haters. That just goes to show who he hangs out with....[/quote] Personally, I'm intimidated by how poorly they spell.

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  • Just awesome, two of GA's cronies coming in here and calling us haters. That just goes to show who he hangs out with....

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  • id go to cashis' blog to see his excuses but his ego is blocking the page. [Edited on 10.13.2007 5:38 PM PDT]

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  • Wow he just got Killing Frenzy today.... What next, 3 more dumby accounts to get the Quad kill? I might Suck but at least I know I earned my 2 triple kills.

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  • This has to stop. At first I just thought it was celebrities. But now the entire community of famous people is going straight to hell. We've got spoiled rotten icons of the entertainment industry driving drunk, doing so much drugs and alcolhol they are putting their lives an others lives at risk, anerixic modles that look more like twigs than real people because their sooo skinny and have giant silicone breast implants, world famous pop icons so despite for attention that she gets her kids taken away and is psychologically ill, and they all think they should just get away with it because they are famous and filled with money. Now your telling me, that in a world where social status and income level do not matter, celebrities and famous people still need to be above everyone else. So they cheat. They cheat and think that they should not be punished. I'm sure the second Microsoft finally bans them from Xbox Live, they'll have their multi million dollar lawyers ready to take up a case. Maybe they'll even find a way to get out of getting into trouble at all. The part that infuriates me the most is that while these celebrities and famous people are doing all these illegal and very dagnerious things, the people who look up to them, and think as them as heros, are being exposed to all this, and think that its OK to do. Now we even have this in virual worlds. [Edited on 10.13.2007 4:15 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cashis clayis this situation at hand is unacceptable Cashis Clayis is legit and so is Agent Arenas this is coming from Cashis himself. I explain it all on my site which is posted earlier[/quote] Legit as in never cheated? Boosting according to TOS is a form of cheating.... Slam Dunks and NBA Rank Whoring Lots of drama abounded (or perhaps rebounded) on Wednesday and Thursday as famous baller Gilbert Arenas got busted for EXP boosting on Live. Although it’s a little sad, it’s not strictly cheating at the game and he’s not really harming anyone. However, we should reinforce our philosophy and comment here. We explicitly want to encourage people to form parties and play with groups of friends for extended sessions, not penalize them for doing so by denying them progress towards a rating. EXP is simply a record of successful games played, and not an indicator of skill. There is nothing to be gained from boosting it other than the kind of embarrassment visited upon Mr. Arenas. It should be noted that his skill level, 42 when we last looked, is not the result of chicanery and is an admirable skill level. It seems he just wanted the shiny epaulettes that accompany a high EXP rank. Abusing the system in even minor ways is inexcusable but most of our efforts, both engineering and punitive are aimed at abuses of Skill level (which would adversely affect people’s gameplay experience) and other forms of cheating. Both are being dealt with far more severely and efficiently than in Halo 2. And as ever, we will be diligent and observant and adapt to change. Our tools are better than ever now. Don’t cheat and you’ll spare yourself the whiny shame when the banhammer falls.

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  • Did Arenas get banned?

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  • this situation at hand is unacceptable Cashis Clayis is legit and so is Agent Arenas this is coming from Cashis himself. I explain it all on my site which is posted earlier

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