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10/11/2007 3:02:09 PM

NBA player Gilbert Arenas cheating at Halo 3

[url=]Cheater[/url] Look at all his games that he gets 1st place in. He joins up with a friend and has his other account quit out so he gets 1st place every time. How can this be allowed? My last words on this subject Live 08 sucks<<<<<<<<<2k8.... XBL gamer tag: DWade117 [Edited on 11.13.2007 9:30 AM PST]
#Halo #Halo3

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] nobody u kno Its unfortunate that so many people care what Gilbert Arenas does in a video game. Who gives a crap. He'll own all ya'll at the same time in basketball.[/quote]The egoism he showed in feeling the need to boost his stats in a video game is symptomatic of the terrible attitude of American basketball players. They're obsessed with their own performance and their own statistics. A team full of players like that loses to players who play to win instead of playing to look good.

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  • This is a got d@mn shame.

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  • what page is the bungie reply on? i want to read it.

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  • dude he can do wutever he wants to, hes gilbert arenas. he owns.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mortal Esteban It's unfortunate that so many people in today's world are so insecure with themselves that they must surround themselves with cash, cars, and EXP points that won't mean anything in the end.[/quote] Its unfortunate that so many people care what Gilbert Arenas does in a video game. Who gives a crap. He'll own all ya'll at the same time in basketball.

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  • It's unfortunate that so many people in today's world are so insecure with themselves that they must surround themselves with cash, cars, and EXP points that won't mean anything in the end.

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  • Nope, it's just the web page not showing his EXP correctly. Broken like most everyone else's.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] pretzelman94 Guy, I really don't think that Gilbert Arenas will care.[/quote]To those of you who don't think he cares: He wouldn't have boosted (let alone tried to justify it in his official blog) if he didn't. He thought we were going to Ooh and Ahh over his EXP when he bragged about his place on the leaderboards. Instead we are laughing at him not only in the forums, but also in major media outlets. To those of you demanding a ban: The above is justice enough. That someone so athletically and financially successful is so insecure and petty as to boost in a video game says a lot about his character. Maybe if NBA players were less self-absorbed, they could play as a team and the US wouldn't get smoked like a pancake in international basketball.

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  • Did his exp reset? He is back down to 140 exp. I take it bungie thinks this is cheating now and corrected it? [url=]Agent's Profile[/url]

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  • Its really funny that this happened I heard thiers a new site dealing with this and settin up tips and customs at

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  • Are you people serious its XP Points man its not cheating hes not better because he's played more games and that is what he was tryin to go for its not like hes bridgeing or modding hes simply speeding up a very Timely thing and last of all what kinda of boaring life do you have were you can make a thread bashing someone , Why hasent this thread been deleted yet? [Edited on 10.16.2007 12:15 PM PDT]

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  • you guys should be ashamed of yourselves!! This is nothing more than you guys wanting to get famous....and some of you already have. Stop your whining!! Last time i checked, Halo is a game....a game is a game! You guys are trying to make something out of NOTHING! People shouldn't have to deal with your obsessive accusations, especially a superstar like Gilbert Arenas!! Is it because Arenas is a superstar?? or that he makes more money than you?? stop hating!! Another hater added to Hibachi's list....i hope he uses this as motivation for an even BETTER season than last year!!

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  • In the end, it's just a game. I don't see the point why people are complaining that much. I just seem him as a regular person like me and it's not like he's breaking the law or hurting people by doing this. It's just a game (repeating myself)

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  • Best. Thread. Ever.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jdub03 Am I the only one who is sane? Its just a game! This is like Jimmy down the street getting mad at Bobby because Bobby read guides and cheated to get a butt load of achievement points. At the end of the day, its just a game. Jimmy isnt missing out on a free car, and Bobby isn't gaining one. Also, if you think what people do in a game equates to how they act in real life, or how they should act.....then you're more idiotic than Jack Thompson. Yeah I play Halo so I try to go on a shotgun and sniper spree in real life! I hope I get a triple kill medal! Oh no, I cheated to get experience points in Halo, I probably -blam!- little kids and I probably cheated on my bar exam. Matter of fact, I cheated on my wife! Because well, I cheat in Halo so it just came so naturally. See that crack in my character? I cant discern life from a video game. Kids! Watch out. Im not a role model boosted for EXP points in Halo 3 a video game. NVM the fact that I donate thousands to charity....Im seriously laughing right now btw. This is really beyond my comprehension. Like Bungie said, Its just EXP. Wow. Im imagining most of you being immense nerds right now. Its just....who in their right mind complains about EXP boosting! Instead of making a 50 pg thread about someones meaningless, pointless, ridiculously lame cheating in what boils down to a glorified toy/entertainment, why don't you all make a 50 pg thread about cancer, Iraq, China, communism, patriotism, cold fusion or thats a little more deserving than this. To me, both gilbert AND you guys are lame. Gilbert is lame for even doing it...really whats the point. Its just for bragging rights and now you can't even use them...and the forums here are EVEN lamer for caring so much. The funniest of all is perhaps the hypocrisy. Like tones said, almost everyone "cheated" to get the hyabusa armor. These same people helped each other to get the FFA achievements too. AND how many of you DL illegal music, movies, programs, roms ect? Yet hes such a bad guy all of the sudden? Put your life into perspective for a moment. Now Im sure you'll laugh at how nerdy you were for being mad, or even CARING that someone boosted for meaningless points in a video game. [/quote] true true

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  • cheater=noob

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  • cheating sucks

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  • well said

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  • Am I the only one who is sane? Its just a game! This is like Jimmy down the street getting mad at Bobby because Bobby read guides and cheated to get a butt load of achievement points. At the end of the day, its just a game. Jimmy isnt missing out on a free car, and Bobby isn't gaining one. Also, if you think what people do in a game equates to how they act in real life, or how they should act.....then you're more idiotic than Jack Thompson. Yeah I play Halo so I try to go on a shotgun and sniper spree in real life! I hope I get a triple kill medal! Oh no, I cheated to get experience points in Halo, I probably -blam!- little kids and I probably cheated on my bar exam. Matter of fact, I cheated on my wife! Because well, I cheat in Halo so it just came so naturally. See that crack in my character? I cant discern life from a video game. Kids! Watch out. Im not a role model boosted for EXP points in Halo 3 a video game. NVM the fact that I donate thousands to charity....Im seriously laughing right now btw. This is really beyond my comprehension. Like Bungie said, Its just EXP. Wow. Im imagining most of you being immense nerds right now. Its just....who in their right mind complains about EXP boosting! Instead of making a 50 pg thread about someones meaningless, pointless, ridiculously lame cheating in what boils down to a glorified toy/entertainment, why don't you all make a 50 pg thread about cancer, Iraq, China, communism, patriotism, cold fusion or thats a little more deserving than this. To me, both gilbert AND you guys are lame. Gilbert is lame for even doing it...really whats the point. Its just for bragging rights and now you can't even use them...and the forums here are EVEN lamer for caring so much. The funniest of all is perhaps the hypocrisy. Like tones said, almost everyone "cheated" to get the hyabusa armor. These same people helped each other to get the FFA achievements too. AND how many of you DL illegal music, movies, programs, roms ect? Yet hes such a bad guy all of the sudden? Put your life into perspective for a moment. Now Im sure you'll laugh at how nerdy you were for being mad, or even CARING that someone boosted for meaningless points in a video game. [Edited on 10.16.2007 3:07 AM PDT]

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  • Does it matter what anyone on this board thinks? Not really. What matters is what you think of yourself. And you know in your heart that if you got your rank in this way, you are a goddamn retard. When you go to sleep tonight, you will think to yourself "I'm so lame, why do I have to be such a jackass? I'm so stupid. I hate myself." And then you will cry a little.

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  • haha ha what a loser, I feel sad for him. [Edited on 10.16.2007 1:26 AM PDT]

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  • i feel like i should make some long paragraph about how XP boosting sucks, so here it is: Dont cheat or dont PLAY halo 3 but im sick of playing freakin high ranks and then owning all of them, most likely because they just boost up there

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jpjoie Guys, what we should do is provide all the names of cheaters and evidence that they are cheating. Make a list and send it to Bungie or whoever bans people from Live. I have a friend that is cheating. He is a Lieutenant and he skipped Recruit grade 1, and gunnery sgt. grade 1, 3, and 4. Something has to be done about this. This cheating has to stop and we need to be a part of it.[/quote] i play fair and it says i skipped some ranks so that isnt cheating.-.-

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] swordmonkeybob How sad. Your justifying boosting? Come on. You should only get a patch for exp if you deserve it and you have put in the appropriate time. Boosting doesnt hurt anyone else (your right about that) but it does reflect badly on your character. Your supposed to be a role model. You should be ashamed. Put in the hours and get your exp legitimately. Achieving colonel or brigadier is meaningless if you boost. gt is natethedarkjedi if you want to talk further ( i have no doubts you could beat me in game) but i think you should not justify boosting. Its almost as bad as cheating.[/quote] well said

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  • First off I would like to say I honestly don’t care about this specific situation as it does not affect me personally. And, the only reason I am responding to this thread is because I am extremely board and feel like being intentionally ornery. With that being said I will now give my 2 cents worth. Just for the hell of it. Now, I don’t personally know a lot about Gilbert Arenas. I am not a basketball fan and don’t really even like the game in general. It is very possible that Gilbert Arenas may be a great basketball player and even a great guy in real life. But that is not the question or the point in any way. The question is “Did He Cheat?” And the answer, according to Bungie and all of the Gilbert Arenas fans out there, is No. Do I agree with their answer? No. This may be hard for a lot of people to understand or believe, based on their personal definition of the words “Cheat”, “Cheating” and “Cheated” but the actual definition of the words “Cheat”, “Cheating” and “Cheated” are: “To deceive, or deprive, by trickery” and “To mislead, fool, or to act dishonestly.” Based on the actual definition on the words “Cheat”, “Cheating” and “Cheated” it sounds to me like Gilbert Arenas did, in fact, cheat in regards to the game of Halo 3 and the Experience earning system. At one point He says, “They’re calling me a cheater for somebody giving me wins all day but they should be calling him the cheater for disgracing the integrity of the game. I didn’t make him do it, I didn’t ask for it. There’s been thousands of kids who have lost to me. Most of the time it was because of my talent, the other ones were because I said I’d give them a jersey!” Now if I am reading this right, and I believe I am, it kind of sounds like he is even bribing people to lose games to him. It also sounds like He is saying that they, Him and his friends, are set up games to plan the winner. Well if that is the case, and obviously it is, that brings up the fact that the games are “rigged”. I would like to ask this question: If someone is “rigging” a game, regardless of it is Baseball, Football, Baseball, Racing or Halo 3 and regardless of the talent level such as College, Pro, Semi-Pro or even just casual friendly, isn’t that cheating? Again, I am in no way a basketball buff, nor do I know all the rules. But, I am pretty sure that there is something in the NBA rule book, for example, saying that if one team or player/coach/referee purposely loses a game because of agreed upon terms set up with another team or entity; that is against the rules and considered CHEATING. To me personally, the experience points that are gained in Halo 3 are not about winning and losing, that is what the ranking system and matchmaking is for. Experience points are just a depiction of the time spent enjoying the multiplayer aspect of Halo 3, ranked or not. If someone wants to boost there way up the experience ladder by playing 2v2 games with friends who quit, what ever that is there choice and it doesn’t affect me. Also if someone wants to climb the Ranking ladder by playing ranked team slayer matches with some of the best players in the world, so be it let them do that. The game type is meant to have the best team not just individual players. But, if I see someone who has a lot of EXP and only 1 or no rankings that are very high then I will not be too intimidated as it would then seem like they need others to support them. While on the contrary, if I come across a player that has multiple ranks that are high in multiple different game types, I am almost willing to guess they are a great player and will probably have a lot of earned EXP. Sorry for the length but I got a little carried away and thank you for your time.

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