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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update
8/8/2006 2:06:41 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] c0mfor7a31y_Num3 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] StaticWolf ZOMBIES!!! WWUD There's also some very nicely finished trees in one of my favorite mid-sized levels, complete with the now obligatory tree animation. It's one of those levels where you look around and say, "Hey, this would be a nice spot to picnic," but then somebody blasts you from a Banshee. It's also one of the favorite levels for one of our new gametypes, thanks to its obvious defensible positions and creepy, narrow hallways..... Sounds like a very good map.... Also, the gametype sounds like ZOMBIES!!!! [/quote] I see alot of this confusion in many of the posts. I believe the game type that frankie is talking about is entirely different from the "Classic Map" that he has described. Sounds like a Bungie flipflop to me to confuse some of us in guessing what will become of his statements. Yes, the Gametype sounds like "Zombies" however, Zombies would not fit into the play structure of the New "Classic Map" he describes. Do you picnic on Zombies? I don't think so. be carefull fellas. Read what Frankie is writing and not what he appears to be writing. Bungie and Frankie are infamous of this. Don't confuse the gametype in conjunction with the " classic map". This is only some logical advice to spontaneous posting and the people who actually don't really read the updates.[/quote] he just said that you coul.d hav a picnic on da map but not a picnic on da map while playing his favorit gametype on that map

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