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10/8/2007 5:14:30 AM

Anyone else insulted by this?

"What you’re seeing is roughly the same situation as you would have in Halo 2, but with movies and screenshots available to examine this stuff, you’re seeing more alleged injustice on a frame by frame basis. The sniper IS harder to use now, so sack up, it requires more skill." This is what we got in response to asking why the hit detection is glitchy in the sniper rifle. Are we really being told, in the face of irrefutable evidence that the sniper is glitchy, that we should just deal with it because it's now "harder to use"? I wouldn't mind if the hit detection was a little off and from time to time shots go through heads...I can deal with that. The problem is that IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. By the way, for those who are going to tell me it's's not. I've done it in local games, and against stationary (afk) players on Live. It's not a lag issue. It's a hit-detection issue. I've got over 15 clips of this happening in the past 2 days. (I've uploaded some of the more blatant ones, and more are coming later) PLEASE, Bungie, don't throw this back in our face and tell us it's our fault. The first step to fixing a problem is to admit it's there. PLEASE admit the hit-detection's a little off...even if it can't be fixed. And don't even get me started on the Double Reload glitch... By the way, I know this has been discussed, but it's so infuriating that I needed to vent a little. I was really pissed when I read that "sack up, it requires more skill" crap. Sorry.
#Halo #Halo3

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JGolden125 I have no problem using the sniper. What's the big deal?[/quote] You would have a problem if you shot someone directly in the face and they didn't die. Now say this happens at least 5 times per sniper/shottie game. It's a problem. If this hasn't happened to you, then count yourself lucky because your probably one of the people that's been shot and hasn't died.

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  • No problems here at all. I'd like to see it replicated with a stationary shooter shooting a stationary target on a local game. Show me documented proof of that and I may start believing in a glitch. I've played many games and halo 3 is a halo game finally like halo CE. I just think all this sniper and melee crying is from those so used to halo 2 which was BUNCH of lies.

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  • I have no problem using the sniper. What's the big deal?

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  • [quote]I am REALLY interested in this since I have never once encountered this problem. And the majority of my kills is from snipers. ( I love Shotty Snipers). But, I've seen the vids and the evidence is there. So why does it only happen to some players? This is really interesting......[/quote] Whats you're location and If you are in america do you usually get host yourself or fellow americans as host, the issue would probaly happen if u had a UK host and from USA or vice versa.

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  • Does this also occur with the beam rifle?

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  • By the way... In before bungie closes this thread. I've noticed a recent trend of proper threads like this that relate to key issues with the game getting closed without feedback nor reason given.

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  • I am REALLY interested in this since I have never once encountered this problem. And the majority of my kills is from snipers. ( I love Shotty Snipers). But, I've seen the vids and the evidence is there. So why does it only happen to some players? This is really interesting......

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  • Just wanted to throw my support behind this topic. If there's a problem it needs to be fixed and not addressed like it was. I have also noticed how cocky they seem to have gotten.

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  • Wow I didn't know Halo 3 brought Xbox out of the red :O (not sarcasm by the way) Edit: Even here in Scotland there was massive Halo 3 posters along the side of almost all public transport lol, and Scotland doesnt have a high population yet they still cared to advertise in such a way here. [Edited on 10.08.2007 7:35 AM PDT]

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  • Finally someone else who has noticed that Bungie can be very immature, they way I've seen them handle issues around the forums and weekly what's update, it's very immature. Especially for people of their age and position. There's tonnes of proof of problems with the sniper and not just headshot hitbox issues, but bodyshots. If you're oblivious to the fact there are some issues, you don't play this game competivitely at all, so you shouldn't even worry about this thread. When I saw the WWU, I wasn't really shocked by bungie with their statement, because I've seen it in past updates with issues, I was more shocked by how they dodged so many important questions about other errors in/with the game. I seriously hope bungie matures just enough to adknowledge a few bugs and issues/problems, and works on a patch that they release as soon as possible. Sorry to be so harsh against Bungie on their forums, I never post here, I used to post at h3f and mlgpro, but even now I don't really bother. I just really dislike issues not being resolved when they are so obvious. If you're a hardcore bungie fan, don't bother to flame me because I won't see it.

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  • [quote]No. I dont have any problems with it. It is a skill based weapon. Bungie was right. Blame your internet provider.[/quote] Wow you are indeed an ignorant fool, please do shut up unless you know what your talking about. I wont waste my time debating any issue with someone who probaly doesnt even read what he is responding to correctly.

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  • [quote]No. I dont have any problems with it. It is a skill based weapon. Bungie was right. Blame your internet provider.[/quote] If having green ping all around is still enough to cause this to happen multiple times in various games then Bungie needs to re-evaulate its color-coding system. Either: a. Bungie needs to fix this so damage on these shots do register or b. Bungie needs to make it so that these shots do not display on our screens as hitting (i.e. with blood and impact sparks) I have a sneaking suspicion that option a) is what they'll eventually end up deciding upon. The sniper is broken. Deal with it. How pathetically un-optimized does Halo 3's net-code and XBL have to be if this really is lag? It happens way too much to way too many people. I was playing FPS's 10 years ago without this type of problem.

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  • Yes, fix the sniper rifle.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] I EaT TiMMieS No. I dont have any problems with it. It is a skill based weapon. Bungie was right. Blame your internet provider.[/quote] Only if ur hosting.... if not...blame the internet provider form the host.

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  • ever since i shot that sniper i had a feeling something was wrong seems like my crosshairs are right on a guys forehead but no head shot

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sh0gun1t3 I mean they did make ALOT of cash from this game.[/quote] This game alone brought XBOX (yes, the entire division of Microsoft) out of the red...

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  • No. I dont have any problems with it. It is a skill based weapon. Bungie was right. Blame your internet provider.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MasterBawney121 Its actually not a hit detection problem. I decided to look into this with depth from all the videos and complaints. What people seem not to realize is that the bullet entering the player is all that does the damage. The stream of smoke behind the bullet very rarely matches up where the bullet hit. I looked at some clean head shots I got and noticed that while the bullet hit the head the stream of smoke was off enough that if I were to judge by the smoke I would believe I had actually missed. The bullet entering the player is literally less than a frame. This creates a problem because in the theater when in slo-mo you are moving forward at at least 10 frames thus a majority of the time you are missing the bullet completely. What you guys need to do is record with a cap card, and look at it in a program like Sony Vegas that can break the film down into milliseconds. Hope this helps <3[/quote] you could be right... but what your say: 10 frames if you watch slomotion isn't true.... at how much FPS do you think we play?? If a fast squeez on RT jumps 10 frames it must be a hell of a lot. We play only at 45 FPS orso.... human eye wont see a difference between 45fps and 100... [Edited on 10.08.2007 7:19 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] C Moth The sniper used to be my worst weapon and would avoid it like the plague. Now, it's my #3 kill producer. [/quote] I have heard a lot of people say this... the only reason why people kill so much with the sniper is because every other freakin slayer game is shotty snipers...

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  • Its actually not a hit detection problem. I decided to look into this with depth from all the videos and complaints. What people seem not to realize is that the bullet entering the player is all that does the damage. The stream of smoke behind the bullet very rarely matches up where the bullet hit. I looked at some clean head shots I got and noticed that while the bullet hit the head the stream of smoke was off enough that if I were to judge by the smoke I would believe I had actually missed. The bullet entering the player is literally less than a frame. This creates a problem because in the theater when in slo-mo you are moving forward at at least 10 frames thus a majority of the time you are missing the bullet completely. What you guys need to do is record with a cap card, and look at it in a program like Sony Vegas that can break the film down into milliseconds. Hope this helps <3

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  • My first expierience of Bungie and Halo is Halo 3, And so far from what I've seen and heard from bungie they seem totally unprofessional when dealing with the community and such, and the attitude of the person who answered that Q&A made them look pretty bad IMO, Reminded me of one of those Leet kids online who think they own everyone. This is one of the first games I've expierienced where the game company to community communication has been so low and pathetic like they dont even care(you'd think because its such a big game this would be a bit of a priority), most others try and have some relationship with the community and not be total pr,icks. I'm sure they could employ some person to be the middle man between community and bungie and maybe tell us some useful information and what is actually going on, I mean they did make ALOT of cash from this game.

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  • lol you guys want glitchy. My friend in the campein of the covenanet lvl(can't spell lol) my friend went in the sarcabs and destroyed the back part of it to be destoryed. however when he destroyed the back panel he was about turn and run off when all of a shudden he is thrown out of the sarcab and is thrown right out side the lvl bounderies. he tried it and it happened again for 6 times then all of a sudden it stopped doing it. Glicthy or what?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TeMp3s7 I have yet to experience anything like this so far. My XBL ran out so I haven't played online yet. But, if what you guys are saying is true, Bungie definitely needs to start patching and get a move on it, before i experience it. >.>'[/quote] Lol. they will patch, but dont expect after 1 and a half week the bugs can be fixed... hell, even in CoD2 on pc there are still glitches and bugs.. it all will be solved.. cept for the the lag issue then.. that is to us self to fix.. as far as i know i never played a NEW game without any bugs and glitches, and all the games i played are patched afterwards... so it will come.. we just need to be pacient.. and see the positive side of the game. cus they still overrule the negative side bigtime.

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  • I have yet to experience anything like this so far. My XBL ran out so I haven't played online yet. But, if what you guys are saying is true, Bungie definitely needs to start patching and get a move on it, before i experience it. >.>'

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  • I've not had it happen to me but I can understand people getting annoyed if it happens to them quite often. What I can't understand is the needless crying and berating Bungie for making a rubbish game and being rude. Given the amount of things they've squeezed into Matchmaking I'm willing to forgive a few glitches. Why? Because thanks to the wonders of XBox Live, problems can be patched and downloaded, along with new maps and game variants. Given the amount of people calling Bungie inept over a possible glitch I consider their response quite restrained. If you'd busted your nuts creating a game and had people calling you rubbish over one tiny thing, how would you react? Would you stay calm while trying to fix the problem or would you throw your toys out the pram and start hurling abuse? Quite frankly I applaud Bungie for putting up with this on a daily basis. They didn't NEED to tweak weapons in Halo 2 and they didn't HAVE to do those map packs. They did it because they want people to have a great gaming experience. Be thankful that they spend that time looking at weapon balances etc and don't just release the game and forget about making any changes. Criticise the game all you want but please, try and show some maturity. What do you seriously think would happen if you said some of the stuff here to the face of a Bungie programmer? Nothing, that's what. Maybe you'd be ejected from the building but ultimately you would not be taken seriously. We're talking about experienced programmers here, people who have taken an idea and used their years of education and training to turn that idea into reality. Long nights would've been spent correcting bugs or developing something revolutionary, like a Theatre feature for instance. Do you really think they value the opinion of someone who says "You're -blam!- because..."?

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  • HA HA HA! popping people from across the map like a coward isn't so easy anymore is it? Not only am I SO glad that they made that change, I'm glad they're completely unapologetic about it.Them saying that it's harder to use now confims my halo 2 suspicion: that it was too damn easy to use in halo 2. So seriously, to quote bungie, SACK UP. Crybabies.

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