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10/8/2007 5:14:30 AM

Anyone else insulted by this?

"What you’re seeing is roughly the same situation as you would have in Halo 2, but with movies and screenshots available to examine this stuff, you’re seeing more alleged injustice on a frame by frame basis. The sniper IS harder to use now, so sack up, it requires more skill." This is what we got in response to asking why the hit detection is glitchy in the sniper rifle. Are we really being told, in the face of irrefutable evidence that the sniper is glitchy, that we should just deal with it because it's now "harder to use"? I wouldn't mind if the hit detection was a little off and from time to time shots go through heads...I can deal with that. The problem is that IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. By the way, for those who are going to tell me it's's not. I've done it in local games, and against stationary (afk) players on Live. It's not a lag issue. It's a hit-detection issue. I've got over 15 clips of this happening in the past 2 days. (I've uploaded some of the more blatant ones, and more are coming later) PLEASE, Bungie, don't throw this back in our face and tell us it's our fault. The first step to fixing a problem is to admit it's there. PLEASE admit the hit-detection's a little off...even if it can't be fixed. And don't even get me started on the Double Reload glitch... By the way, I know this has been discussed, but it's so infuriating that I needed to vent a little. I was really pissed when I read that "sack up, it requires more skill" crap. Sorry.
#Halo3 #Halo

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  • Makes me happy to have the Assault Rifle again...

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  • well when ive noticed when i have these problems it happens several times in the same game because of a bad host. since i have a good connection i rarely see the problem until i get a bad host. so, i think it's lag, bungie said it was lag, and i think the glitch on lan/single xbox is hear say.

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  • I have videos of STICKY Plasma nades (two in a row) going right THROUGH my head, and body right before a sword someone.. I will send to anyone that wants it.. I felt bad for the guy that I killed, he really got fu.cked

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  • Yea i have noticed this problem and i know its not a matter of lag. My friend actually has a nice file from live that shows him shooting a guy sitting still on Narrows you can see the bullet enter his frontal lobe and blood spray as the bullet is exiting the back his head...funny thing bout all that is the guy never recieved any damage at all his shields didnt flash or nothing when he should have been dead. I too wish Bungie would just admit that there is a problem rather than saying "sack up"

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  • What may be getting on my nerves more than Bungie's smug answers are the people that keep saying "It's harder to use deal with it etc". I am HAPPY with the new sniper, the lack of AA, slower fire rate, everything. It feels much more like the Halo 1 sniper. So please stop using this as an excuse for which could very possibly be a bug. You sound like a moron when everyone is having an intelligent discussion and you jump in repeating Bungie's comments verbatim. What everyone is talking about in this thread is the hit box/collision detection issue, not how the sniper "plays". If you don't understand that distinction go throw your opinion on some other thread. The fact that this happens a) with stationary targets and b) on LAN/system link points to it possibly being a bug and not lag. ~telengard

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  • I honestly can't put much of an opinion on this simply because I'm not the best with the sniper yet. It is a lot different than the snipers from the other games and I'm still getting used to it. I have had a few weird things happen with it, but I honestly don't know if bungie wants you to lead your shots slightly like in Halo CE, if there are wind resistance factors, or if the bullet drops over time from gravity. These are all possible explainations, but again I really don't know. [Edited on 10.08.2007 11:39 AM PDT]

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  • I don't have any problem using the sniper. In fact it is my best weapon... but I have seen what you are talking about. It has happened to me.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] x Foman123 x [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ver7ig0 God, I can't believe this is still going. IT IS NOT LAG IT HAPPENS IN LOCAL GAMES. NO ONE SHOULD STILL BE DENYING THIS GLITCH'S EXISTENCE. Just STOP.[/quote]Jesus, dude, it's just a video game. It is happening to everyone from time to time. No game is perfect, and if your tender ego is offended by someone saying "sack up" then you have chosen the wrong hobby. Take a deep breath and reevaluate why you are getting so frustrated over the occasional glitch in a video game. I highly doubt that you're not going to have a place to eat or sleep tonight because of it.[/quote] This was more in response to my astonishment at this thread's continued existence than my frustration at the actual glitch. I'm not even particularly concerned about the glitch itself; I'm pissed about how it was responded to. In the context of the post you seem to have based a psychological analysis on...I was informing the people, in the simplest and plainest terms, that the issue is not lag. People are harping on latency as the cause of the issue in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary. If this thread, which started as just a vent, is going to continue to exist then it should at least remain intelligent.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] npt ii snake It happens when you snipe, it also happens when someone snipes you. Stop complaining, nothings perfect.[/quote] Yes, but in general, I think people can put up with 'imperfect', but have a minor problem with 'absolute bull-blam!-'. [Edited on 10.08.2007 11:37 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ver7ig0 God, I can't believe this is still going. IT IS NOT LAG IT HAPPENS IN LOCAL GAMES. NO ONE SHOULD STILL BE DENYING THIS GLITCH'S EXISTENCE. Just STOP.[/quote] First of all, I'm no expert, but if there are multiple 360s system linked, doesn't one of them host and the rest are clients? If so, then it could still be lag. Secondly, is there any evidence of this happening in local games besides hear say?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] theHurtfulTurkey 'Why, when 2 people melee, only one gets a kill?' Response-'Well, in a real situation, the person with the most health would win.' Why????Why can't they both die? Bungie, instead of telling your news writers to make up fake and stupid reasons, GIVE US ANSWERS AND FIX IT.[/quote] How is this a stupid reason? Why should both die if one has more health than the other?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ver7ig0 God, I can't believe this is still going. IT IS NOT LAG IT HAPPENS IN LOCAL GAMES. NO ONE SHOULD STILL BE DENYING THIS GLITCH'S EXISTENCE. Just STOP.[/quote]Jesus, dude, it's just a video game. It is happening to everyone from time to time. No game is perfect, and if your tender ego is offended by someone saying "sack up" then you have chosen the wrong hobby. Take a deep breath and reevaluate why you are getting so frustrated over the occasional glitch in a video game. I highly doubt that you're not going to have a place to eat or sleep tonight because of it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] XxMerlinxX No, it's not latency, people have done this in custom games all by their lonesome and have had the same problem. I've noticed it too, a lot here recently, and it's pretty annoying. Personally, I'm not a big fan of the sniper rifle to begin with, so when I get stuck in a Shotty/Snipers game, I've already given up hope of winning considering now I'm not even sure if my shots will register. [/quote] How can this be done with one person? Even in custom games there is a host and client. Right?

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  • Addressing the melee issues: 'Why do my opponents go flying back through the air when I hit them?' Response- 'I think it's funny' WHAT THE HELL KINDA OF RESPONSE IS THAT. 'Why, when 2 people melee, only one gets a kill?' Response-'Well, in a real situation, the person with the most health would win.' Why????Why can't they both die? Bungie, instead of telling your news writers to make up fake and stupid reasons, GIVE US ANSWERS AND FIX IT.

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  • This happens to me all the time... I want a fix so bad.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AJAQ I thought they said save films were FROM the host? Latency doesn't affect when you shoot someone that didn't move.[/quote]No, they have confirmed many times that saved films are what is recorded on YOUR Xbox. If you're not host, neither is your saved film.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AJAQ I thought they said save films were FROM the host? Latency doesn't affect when you shoot someone that didn't move.[/quote] I missed that. Do you have a link for reference?

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  • P.S. I wonder if this would occur if other game makers put saved films in their games. I bet their games would all go under the same scrutiny. Gotta give Bungie props for having balls.

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  • I thought they said save films were FROM the host? Latency doesn't affect when you shoot someone that didn't move. [Edited on 10.08.2007 11:16 AM PDT]

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  • Just want to throw this out there: Everyone is using the saved films as "proof" that the sniper is broken. They claim it isn't lag, but I was thinking logically for a second (yeah, only a second) and thought that the saved films feature saves what happens on your Xbox. If you're not host, then it doesn't really matter, does it? The principle behind host is that what happens on the host box is what really happens in the game, right? So even if you can go back and look at the saved films on your box, by this logic, it doesn't disprove the problem was latency. Thoughts?

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  • Check out my screen shots for TERRIBLE hit detections. Not just with sniper rifle, but with ~a GHOST running someone over(no damage) ~Being 3/4 through a melee, and having someone shoot and melee for a kill in that last 1/4 ~Getting assassinated when the other player has their back to me. ~Having a Battle rifle shoot 40 degrees from straight. Having a Shotgun shot and a melee destroy an overshield, resulting in death. I can understand a sniper being off here or there, but a GHOST missing is an issue. (especially when you can jump 7 feet over a ghost, and get killed. Check out the I missed picture especially. He took NO DAMAGE. (There is a video clip as well to show this.)

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  • I really like the sniper.

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  • I don't mind having to actually aim the sniper rifle, I just want the shots to register once I actually hit the target. I have had to fire about 4 times in someone's head to actually make them die. I do not care if it only came up as "you killed so-and-so" and not "you sniped so-and-so."

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  • I am insulted by your moms but, its too fat and big

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  • the sniper rifle has yet to be a problem for me. there have been times that i could've sworn he/she should be dead, but when i watched the reply i was off by a hair. and when bungie said it requires more skill, it does. too many people are whining that the sniper sucks in halo 3. BULL -blam!-! that weapon kicks ass! learn how to use it. my neighbors and i went on an 8-9 shotty snipers spree without problems. noscopes, quickscopes, and long-range shots all worked to perfection (except when his hand would come up to reload and the bullet hit his hand, which is an incredible amount of attention to detail). bungie wisely removed auto-aim and quick fire to add more strategy to the game. when someone gets hit by a sniper round and loses their shields, they have time to react now, which is exactly how it should be. look at the other great multiplayers. Rainbow Six Vegas: all snipers are bolt-action except the PSG1 (which is balanced by a lower accuracy) COD 2/3 (not saying COD 3 is a great game): all snipers bolt-action, and the ones that aren't i never saw in multiplayer, only campaign Gears of War: single-shot bolt-action the list only starts there. and in none of those four-games is there an obvious auto-aim. the sniper rifle in halo 2 is not all it is hyped up to be. it really demands little skill from the user because it would shoot for the user. the only part of aiming that had to be done was to put the leetle blue circle near their body. the game did the rest. everybody calls the sniper glitchy, but i won't until i have issues. i never did in the beta and i don't now. and there is no point in bringing your anger and frustration here. bungie won't change the game for a handful of the million players worldwide. i understand you are angry and upset that you can't kill your opponents, but even if you have a good connection the host may not. and don't forget standbying. moral of the story is... if you have a problem, fix it by reaquiring skill with a new weapon. don't -blam!- and moan that it doesn't do what you want it too. sorry everybody, but the game won't kill for you. so "sack up, it requires more skill".

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