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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update
5/13/2006 12:34:52 AM
Hey Frankie I PMed you to discuss this Halo 3 gametype, but you never got back to me. Here it is again. New GameType: Turn Based Multi-Flag/Assault This game type would only be for assymetric maps with the attacker:defender montra (examples being Zanzibar, Headlong, Burial Mounds, etc) and would be turn based, 1 turn for each team, and would be primarily for Big Team Battle (8v8 or larger), and the turns would be 5 minutes apiece. The best map that I had in mind for this gametype is HeadLong, so I will use that as an example, though if this were really implemented maps for Halo 3 would have to be designed more for it. On Headlong image if you were on defense, but you had several flags to defend. One in the spot it is currently on 1 Flag Capture the Flag, but there would be another on the top outside where the rocket spawns on the 4th floor, one in the basement stairwell, and one on the small bridge on the third floor connecting the biulding in the back (the sword way). When the attcking team 'caps' a flag the round doesn't end, they just get a a point for that flag, with the potential of getting four points for the round. If you score all 4 flags then the round will end. If time runs out and you only capped 3 of the flags then you get 3 points for that round. Now you will have to try and hold the attackers on your turn to getting less than 2 for the win, 3 for a tie, and if they use more team-work/skill and they get all 4, you lose. At first it will be easy to score flags because there are many flags and it will be difficult to defend the flags. As they score more, you can tighten your defense up, though they get to concentrate there attack as well. Due to the on-line nature of Halo (via X-box Live) I feel that the most important element is team play (also because of lag and host advantage it is important to take the emphasis off of 1 individual being able to dominate an entire game with the right combination power weapons. To emphasize team play I purposely made the rounds short so that attackers would have use team-work in order to cap all of the flags in time. This will hopefully help reduce the amount of quitters as well. If the attacker scores 3 of 4 flags their round you can still potentially win. And if you score 3 flags the first round you can still potentially win by playing good D down to the 4th flag. Flags would be numbered 1-4. When a flag is taken you would here the annoucer go, "Flag 2 taken!" or "Flag 4 returned". This will help the defender keep track of where their flags are. When the little 'flag taken' icon comes up, it will look like it does in Halo 2, only it will have the flag's number on it too. Attackers would have four small peripheral indicators pointing to the flags that are available for taking. Once one of the flags is capped, it is no longer available to be taking again. Only the other 3 flags remain. Assault games could work on these maps too. The thing would be that after you have scored in one of the score zones, you can no longer plant another bomb in that score zone. Also, all 4 bombs would spawn at once, but in slightly different areas just to help prevent spawn camping. Defenders will have 4 little peripheral indicators telling you which spawn points still need to be defended. To prevent spawn camping, the offensive spawn points should be built high up so that a defender would have to run for a while to get up to a spawn camp spot, but the attackers could get down relatively quickly to where the defenders are by dropping down through tubes or high ledges or what ever. These games can be played with classic touch return for bombs and flag or not. I have toyed with the idea of making some flags worth more points depending on there location/defendability. Lets say they build maps specifically for this game type. Some of the defensive points where the flag/arming spot is could be very easily defended while others could be difficult to defend. The difficult to defend flags though maight only be worth 1 point, medium difficulty to defend worth 2, and very difficult worth 3 or whatever works out best. This would again allow team strategy to play a bigger role. Should we go for the 3 "gauranteed" flags for 3 points that we can probably get even if we divide our forces? Should we concentrate our efforts on the big money flag? Should we divide into teams of 'good' players to try and get the difficult flags and a another team of average players to try and cap the easier ones? Should we allways try to gaurd just one bomber at a time, 4 bombers at once try to sneak in, each one assigned a partner? How many eggs hould we put in a basket, and where should we put that basket? If Bungie wanted to get really crazy with it they could bilud a map that allowed for multi-multi-flag or assault. These would have to be large symmetric maps with large bases at each end (Examples being WaterWorks or Beaver Creek and Coagulation but with the basesbeing on a much larger scale). Both bases could have 4 flags. Team work, communication, vehicle coordination, weapon managment and strategy would be crazy essential. And if they did do large symmetric base maps like this they could even do multi-mulit flag AND assult. Bombs going off, flags being taken, craziness man. Multiple teams. 8vv8v8v8!? Sidwinder style map with 4 arms and a base at each end? Discuss and design some maps that would work for these game types - Large assymetric attack defense style and Symmetric Large bases on each end or multiple bases for large multi-team battles.

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