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originally posted in: Weekly What's update
6/3/2005 10:26:21 PM
HEY DANC1005, commiting suicide can be cheating because i played a game with some -blam!- ass -blam!-get with a gamertag called xxiloveguysxx, and he kept running into a wall while throwing grenades, so that he would kill himself. he eventually left after his 16th suicide!!!!! THE -blam!- DID THIS ALL ON PURPOSE!!!! AND HE MADE OUR TEAM LOSE HORRIBLY!!!!! at the beginning of the game he said he was going to make us lose, so if you see any gamertags called xxiloveguysxx or somthing like that, try to boot him from the game!!!!! (if it is a custom game and your hosting it, boot him from the game, or if it is matchmaking and hes going on a suicide spree, sometimes you can run up to him and get killed from him, but might get the opportunity to boot him from the game. that is not a promise that it will happen on first try, but you can boot people from the game if you are betrayed a certain way.)

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