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9/25/2004 10:49:14 PM

Self banning from groups and Misuse of Ninja.

[color=cyan]Hey I've been seeing all these people being banned by themselves on the group forums. I know that we now see the cool unleashing ninja power under names now but be careful. First thing is that you will ban some one out of that group so unless you really want to do it you shouldn't click the logo. Second the only way to undo the banning is to go into the blacklist and delete his name so he can get back in. Third If you ban your self then you have to wait 7 days or have someone else let you back in. [b]Finally Ninja is a powerful thing. Dont play with fire or else you get burned. [u] Dont play with Ninja Fire or else you'll get banned[/b][/u][/color] [Edited on 9/25/2004 3:22:51 PM]

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  • [color=cyan]As you can see you now have a verry important and powerful tool, Ninja. Ninja is a tool which alows you to blacklist anymember who is violating and/or group rules. It helps suport good discipline and order as well as protect other rule obbideing members. However it is a powerful tool that can have serious consiquences if used improperly. Unleashing Ninjas If you havn't notice before. Under everyones avatar (including yours) in the forum you can see the words "unleash ninjas". Clicking on that link will automaticly blacklist any one temporarily for 7 days. You can blacklist youself and any one else so please don't click on it unless you have to. The Blacklist The blacklist is the list of all banned members. It is where you can ban someone, set how long they are banned for, or remove some one from the blacklist alowing them back in. If you accidently banned someone you'll need to delete their name from the blacklist. Removeing and blacklisting users. Next to the member list you may see the words "blacklist" or "remove". Remove just removes user from member status. A way for removing defunct or inactive users. Blacklist will ban a user. blacklisting user wil bring up a blacklist screen. Username: Name of user being blacklisted Blacklist reason: A message to the blacklisted user telling him/her why he cannot post to the group. Experation Date:Date when blacklist ends and user can get back on the forum. Leaving this blank will result in no experation date and permanitely bann user.[/color] [Edited on 9/26/2004 12:15:50 AM]

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