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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update!!!
5/30/2004 10:50:03 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] halofury i wonder if you can fire dual weapons wile riding the atv also.....that would be sweet[/quote] well duel weapons probably wouldn't happen because you kind of need one hand to drive the frikking thing. Unless he could like drive with both feet while he shoots. Man I can see it now, MC is driving his atv to capture teh enemy flags, elites are chasing him from behind in a warthog, MC quickly places his feet on the handles and leanes back pointing his needler and battle rifle at the elites face, he fires and blows the drivers head off. The other elites after seeing such an amazing display of skill and strength run off and hide in a little hole hoping he doesn't find them. he does. He drops a gas grenade (i hope they have it) into the hole and the elites die choking on the noxious fumes. The End. wow well sorry if I just bored you to tears but hey, I had fun writing it.

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