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originally posted in: Seventh Column Council
5/10/2004 12:31:27 AM
I am probably about to make the longest post in the history of the Septagon. Between quotes and everything, I may have to make 2 separate posts. Maybe. I will find out... when I finish. Ill shut up and start typing. Note- Only took parts in which I am responding to for the following quotes so it isn't the whole quote [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Yoozel Sketch tried to help organize us by opening up the 7th Main page, but what did that turn into? A spam pit, it had the best intentions, but really, I think we need to limit chapters and cut off the ‘fat’ (i.e. old in active chapters) to help free up members. ...these multi-chapter events could go off so much better. XBL opens up new possibilities for a massive community event. Surely changing the Chapter Spot Light isn’t that hard, but someone’s gotta do it, that is one of the biggest complaints I hear about. A council should and will be picked by the web team, because they know who is trustworthy and who will abuse the power. But the Council number one, trait is that is has to be, willing to listen to the concerns of the column goers. People shouldn’t fear the Council, they should look to them for support and guidance, if they have a problem, for example, they should feel free to come and talk to one of the members and not be terrified to talk to them. I’m just trying to say the Council should not be looked at as a terrifying body of ‘elite’ members that even the newest member can’t talk to. And for publicity, maybe we should petition Brain for a bigger mention in the Halo 2 manual and possibly somewhere on the box of Halo 2, a little mention on the back or something? P.S. I already think most other developers loath Bungie for having the best damn fan community on the planet! [/quote] Yes, the 7th Column Main Page is Chapter Advertisement after Chapter Advertisement. I honestly stopped reading news there, although it has helped keep my mailbox empty. I founded a chapter specifically for XBL Halo 2 tournaments. Basically a chapter vs chapter tournament. More details throughout my 2 posts. Yes, spotlight must be updated and yes, it must be handpicked. If it is an election it would be like doing this American Idle style and everyone knows Justin Guarini should have won the first American Idol (/joke) Agreed with the listening to concerns part. Yeah, maybe also at the end of the credits in Halo 2 it could say visit *url here* to get the lastest info on **Halo 3 and meet other Halo fans. Of course we are the greatest fans in the world. Mainly, because I am here. :D **Note, if there will be a Halo 3. Hopefully there will be... [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] deanero Believe it or not, most of the work is done in the beginning. Your in "crisis-mode" early in the life-cycle of your chapter. But once you've grown, you'll notice that the work to get things done becomes easier, once you've broken through the wall. Anyway, my point is, with a little forethought, a little determination, a little planning, a little luck, and a repulsion to quitting, we can do anything.[/quote] Getting your chapter off the ground is defianitley the hardest part. Of course we can do anything, because we can get Bungie's help and when they dominate the world... [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Keeper0fTheTru7h ...common sense will tell you that all these elections and LAN chapter representitives would be just like a government. not saying that government is abad and all, but do we at the seventh column really want that? Or do we just want a time to get together and talk about stuff we did or found out about new up-coming halo stuff?[/quote] A government? Do we have to pay taxes? I don't think we should have a government like council, but a... council like council. You probably don't follow me at all but no president, or prime minister, or emperor, cesear, czar etc. Kind of... like a council where everyone has equal say. The "president" would be Bungie. They would have final say. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] KIAGrunt Like a leader then a cabnet. I personally would like to be part of the cabnet. Like each member has a certain task, and advising the leader as well, and the leader can also VETO or make the final decision.[/quote] No leader needed. Any bad ideas would be vetoed by Bungie Employees. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Zuka Zamamee if we made a gov't i would get taxed and i dont wana get taxed officials should have split power with 5 othere guys 6 total [/quote] Ah, you stole my joke! 7. Definitley 7. I mean it IS bungie and 7 is an odd number for split decisions. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Yoozel I think ‘power’ is the wrong term. Responsibility would be a much better fit, and taxes? And the elections would just turn into a popularity contest, just like a high school prom. The most popular guy/gal wins even if they are the least qualified.[/quote] Yes. Yoozel is so wise. Responsibility is a much better word. Taxes was a joke, I think. Right, and then I would never get picked because no one likes me *cries* [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Yoozel Right on! But the question is how many people will he pick?[/quote] I say 7. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Maraxus6 Perhaps a chapter could be devoted to the SCC. Rip Saw also brought up an interesting point. Making the 7th Column more organized could, I suppose, lead to chapter wars, but only if there's a rift in the council itself. I dont like the idea of a president and advisors, however. I say, that the Council Members should all have an equal status in the group. [/quote] Yeah, good idea. Probably SCC members/Bungie Employees only and everything is members only. A place where the members could discuss topics on hand and make decisions. The poll feature would come in handy. Chapter Wars. I remember those. I was, like France, neutral. :D I guess it would turn into a Republican Democrat type chapter war if there were elections. One group wanting one thing, one group wanting the opposite. Equal status is given the thumbs up by me. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] just another fan The scc should just keep things updated if you ask me, new chapter spotlights, new top news and all. And pehaps moderate the forums since stosh will be in it anyways.[/quote] Agreed 110%. Everything you said is correct. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Yoozel They should be able to do other things than just those typical things, they should watch over the Column and make sure absoulty no wars start. Something tells me this has a way of going to the Star Wars world. A Light and Dark side, oh' god....[/quote] Yes, again agreed. If there are chapter wars, the SCC could act as the Jedi Council and "use the force" to be the "Keepers of the peace' [/nerd] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sigma The equal power thing sounds also like a good idea, though really I don't see any possibility for riffs within the council. Most anyone I can see getting picked gets along with everyone fine. [/quote] Arguements over what should be done will happen based on different opinions but if by rifts you mean fights, if anyone in the SCC is going to start a fight they shouldn't be a member of the SCC anyway. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] just another fan Who do you mean? I have no idea who are going to selected. All i know is that stosh is going to be in it. Maybe shiska or something. And perhaps the council should be some sort of guide for members. Cuz with halo 2 we'll be flooded with hundreds of new members. So some extra guide could be useful. Perhaps the council should be taking care of that to. [/quote] Probably stosh... I don't know... That guy Halo53 seems kind of willing to help :D The SCC should just handle all issues that need, well, handling including the flood of members and a guide or whatever. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Yoozel That's exactly what I'm saying; the Council Members need to be approachable by everyone! [/quote] Again I agree with the wise yoozel. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Live killa The council should pretty much over see the column. Maybe instead of every one complaining about spam and about flaming in chapter to the staff, they could report it to us to free up the staffs message box, and if it is really serious then report it to skecth or achronos. Hopfully we can also try and get some non=spam news into the main page too. I'm not sure if we wan't to include gaming news or event news or what ever, but I'm sure who ever ends up in the council would think of some thing. Lastly 7 people is the perfect amount, it represents the 7th column, and is an odd number so just incase there needs to be a vote on some thing there will be no tie.[/quote] Yes, seeing over the 7th column, dealing with spam, handling the 7th column main page news, (Spam free is the way to be) handling important issues etc. Ah, 7 people. Damn people posting before me with my exact thoughts. You and that guy with the taxes joke. Evil. I am almost out of room so I am making another post. Sorry for any spelling mistakes/grammar mistakes but so much typing... I probably did.

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