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8/29/2007 6:20:04 PM

Halo's Gone Gold!

Before we can ship it, someone's gotta manufacture it. And as of right now, Halo 3 is being manufactured. Golden! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12737] click for full story [/url]

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  • Same..

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  • i cant play cos i got skl :(

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  • hell yer, im ready for the fight

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  • So wait......Halo 3 going gold basically means that there are the "Willy Wonka Golden Tickets" floating around in various shipments? What is the point if you don't mind me asking lol

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  • halo3 isnt jus a has a cult following.i am included in that following.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HaloKing343 This is awsome. Halo 3 is finnished! Holy jesus![/quote] Pretty much; it's beyond awesome.

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  • Congrats Luke & all of Bungie. From what i've heard in the podcasts and what i've seen so far halo 3 has been a hell of a ride. I'm pretty sure it's been worth it though. I'll see all you guys on the 25th (H-Day) =). -Spartan B292x

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  • 19 more days. but, hell yeah! i wonder how many hours will be played in the first day? so, if there are a couple million ppl playin for 24 hours + a couple million ppl, that ='s alot of hours.. but i know thats not how they score it..

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  • horray!

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  • Really, I want a Gold Master Chief...for real

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  • Where can I get a Gold Master Chief? At least a gold plated one?

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  • hmmm

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  • hey guys i was watching demos of halo 3 and i saw the bungie crew playing halo 3 and they where using an\ reg xbox controller i was like wtf...... then i saw the reg xbox underneat the tvs.................. is it possible? …………………………………._„„„„„„„_…………………….„/“……..“*~–„_……….„/“*~„ …………………..._„~”*~~~~**”;;;;;;;;”\„”\„………………...„/“……………..”~„….. .„/“...„/“ …………………..|‚~*;;*~~***””;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”~„……………..„/“……„~””~„….. .„/”.._„/”……”~„ ………………......|;;;;;;;;~*””””””””””””””*\„;;;;”|………….„‹”…….„/”… ….”~*”….(”…………”~„ …………………...”–„;;”…………………..);;|………..„/“…….‹;_……………..„/…………….”~„ ……………………...}……………………‚{;;}……...„/’„~~„”””*…/”…………..„/…….../”*„ ……...) ………………………|……………………[~‹„„…„–”*¯...„-„¯…/„…………..‹*”……. ./”….”\„…„-” …………...„~*~--„_.{”\„_„/”¯¯¯¯”\--~**”¯ ; ; ; ;..\(„„)/”¯”-„_~~-¯”~/~-²…………„/…….../„_…….”` ………..„-”¯……....\.|.¯”*~„___„„~”¯;;_„„-~}./”……. ¯*~„~-„.”\‚…………..‚/….;„~-/.../” ……..„-”¯……¯”-„....”¯\„;;:‚|…::;;|‚::”-„{_„-~‚/ ”………„-~/;;~-„.”\‚………..‚/…../;\„‚/”;/” …...„/*”¯....¯”*~~-„”*-„..¯”-„|…::;;|‚::;;;_„-~ {-„_…..„-”../”;;;;_„_¯}‚…….„-”¯._„…./”_/ …„/”……….__….¯’›;;’|;;:;;¯’\___„‚-~*”„-”*¯”-„*-„ -”„„-”;;;;;„/”..”*-”……‚/”„~”¯”~”¯¯¯} …‚|;;::.._„-*¯”””¯”*~”...|‚……;;;;‚;;;;_„-”¯……-„ ”--/”¯;;;_„-”…..„-”…...‚/”/”..~-”-„~*”¯¯\‚ ….|;;:::.|”/’…..¯”-„……/}„…..._„-~””…._„/”„-*”¯\„;;; _„-”…..„-”¯…...../„;\….”\‚..”~*\„_¯\‚ ….|;;;:::|/’………¯”…..’\_„~*”¯……„~”’„-*¯……\-*”…. .„-”¯…………’›;‚\_„-”……...¯”/’ ….’\„-~””…………._„-*”¯…..”-~*”¯”*”¯…….„-”¯… .„-”¯…………„-”¯;;;;;;;…..„/’;;;;„-” …..{;\‚::;;;;;…..._„-”„/”………”~--------„_:::„-”¯…..„-”~„… ……...„/”………....„/’;;;„-” ….|”;;;”-„„‚-„_..„/’‚-’/’………::::::¯”¯:::;;;„-”¯ ; ; ; ;\…..„-”\‚…..”-„……..{;;;;:::……„-”;;„-”¯ ….|…..;;;;³”\…….|’………:::::::::::;;;„-”¯”\_‚¯”* ”.\„_\……\„…._„-”-„;;;::...„-”;„-” .....|……;;;;;;”-„…|…„„_„-~~~~~~*”„-~*”¯¯”*~-„„„_”\„ …..\_„-”„-”...”-„;;„-”;;„/} …..\……::::::::”-‚_}*”¯::::;;;;;;;;;„-*”¯~”*-‚/„_;;; ;;;;…”*\.’*”¯/..„-”…::;;;;”-„„~”./’ …...}”-„_………../…..;;;;;„-~*”¯-”¯¯”~„…„¯”* ~--„„__\\„.|…..”›…:::::;;;;;;;„/ …...|;;;;;¯”*~~**”¯”-~”¯¯’¯..„/’ ;¯\;;;;;;:...;;;¯¯””*~--„„„_’\|…./”::::::::_: :;;;„/ …...|;;;;;;_„„„__„-”¯………/”\…„-”………;:::::::::::::::::::’/ }:::::”---””¯¯”*-‚/ …...|;;„-”¯„„„-”……„-”…;;;/”¯..¯’*-‚;;;;;;::::: ::::::::::::::::::::‚|;;;„-”¯;;;;;;;;;„-” …...|„/…„/”…..„-*”¯…;;„-”………/‚;;:::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::|~-”;;;;;;;;;;;„-” …../”..„-”…„-~”……..;;‚/………..|;;;;;::::::::„-~-„„_::::::::;;;; ;;;;;;;;„~” .....{„/”…„-”…………./”……:::::„-”„.\„….„-”;;;;;;;¯\;;;;;;;/ ”`\„__„--’¯ ….|/…„-”………:::::;‚/……„-~„/”;;;”\‚.”--”;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;„-”¯ ; ; ; ; .....|„-”¯……………‚|’…„-’¯„-”;;;;;;;„”-„_”~-„__„/”./”. ./’ ….‚|’…………::::::::‚|…::\‚-”…:::::::;”-„_¯”*~-„„_„/’../’ …..|::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;|:::„-”…::::::::;;;;;;;;¯”*~ -„„-”…/’”\‚ .....‚\::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/..„/……:::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;../’….”-„ …...\„::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;‚/.„/”…::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;../”-„…..”-„ …….”-„;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;‚/.„/…:::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ./”-„;”-„…..””*\ ……….”~„„__;;;;;/.„/::::……:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.‚/’;;;;”-„ ;”~--„„..”-„ ……………..¯”’~/.„/:::……:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;‚|;;;;;… .”’*~-„¯’\..”\ ………………..„/:„/::::……::;;;;;;;__;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;‚|;;;;;;;;;…… ;”-„”\‚.”\‚ ………………..{„/”::::………„-*”¯„„¯¯””*~-‚_..|;;;;;;;; ;;;;;…….”\‚”\„.”\‚ ………………..//::;;:::…„-~”¯„-~”¯~--„_”*~„...|;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;.........’\‚;’\„.’\‚ ………………„/::/„”-„_„„„-~*„¯-”¯;;;;;;;;;;¯”\:‚\;|; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::…..”\‚”\‚.’\‚ ………………/:/’..\;;;¯;;;;;„-”¯¯¯¯””””**~ --„’\„\‚|;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;::::......’\‚’\..’\‚ …………….‚/-”¯”*-\;;;;„-”¯…………..:::::::::…‚„-””¯. ¯¯¯””’*~„_;.....„]/’…’\‚ ………….....’\;;;;;;„„~”¯/¯/:::::;;;;;;;;;;;……...„-” ;………...„__.¯”\„-”¯::::….’\‚ ………………};„-”¯..‚/”;[’¯:::::::;;;;;„-””¯¯ ;‚-”;;;::……….„/¯:::¯”*\.’\‚;;;;::::….’\„ …………….„/”„/’…„/’;;‚}.„-~**””¯‹~„;;;„--”¯;;;;;;:::…… ..‚/;;;;;;;;;;;;\..\„;;;;;:::..„„‚”\-~””-„ ……………{”„/’…‚/’;„-’‚-’¯;;;;‚/…….’-’¯;;;;;;;;;;;;:::: ::::::;;;;;;;„„-~”¯_„\„„-~*”¯¯……..”\‚ ……………|„/….”.‚/”.‚/”;;;;;;„/………|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::„/;;;; ;_„„„-~*”¯¯::::::::::::……….’\‚ ………….../”….„-”…’|;;;;;;;‚/……….|;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::_„-„„-~*” ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: …………..{…„-”……|;;;;;;;”…….....|;;_„„„--~~*”¯::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.......:: …………../.„-”……../’;;;;_„-”¯””*~-*¯¯¯:::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: All Hail The Chief

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  • will halo 3 be realesed yearly?

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  • Gold is great...

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  • im ready! im ready! im ready! im ready!

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  • Now might be the hardest part, waiting.

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  • woohoo! : ) Thanks for finishing Halo! weve all waited years for these last few weeks and now it has arrived. youve done a great job and we (your fans) will make you proud and finish our fight aswell : P Im sure it will be an amazing game. Thanks Bungie Team! See you on live!

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  • Oh...YEAH!! oops...Thanks to the people whom are working probably close to 24/7 to get the millions of copies of our beloved game ready for us in just a few weeks time. Ledgends. gamers. By the great journey , the waiting is almost complete.

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  • well, I knew you'd finish tweaking the game sooner or later, the sooner the better :). I've been a devoted fan ironically since August 29th, 2005, the same day I have my two year anniversary of being a fan, you finish tweaking the game and start producing, I know this has been the most succesful game franchise in gaming's short history,though it will probably stay that way for long time,Iknow I haven't been a fan nearly as long as most of you but I can assure you I will be at the finishing line of this franchise along with the rest of you, I know you will have many more projects and I hope they will be succesful too. but anyway, Here's to finishing the game! congratulations bungie!

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  • just would like to say a big thanks to u guys u aint just given me a amazin game to play hours on end while the misses gives me mouth but also give me hope and joy to meet new people from around the world. it wouldnt of bin done with out u top guys. once again thanks from everyone on halo 2 and to become the best in halo 3 good luck to all and wish u all brill fun thanks again

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  • Congrats to everyone at Bungie! You could have added a couple of maps and machines to Halo 2 and it would have sold.... we still would have loved you. Instead, you set the bar above and beyond-- and delivered. You are the perfect example of what a truly great gaming team is all about. I am absolutley blown away by what I've seen so far... I'm not a hard core gamer, and yet I'm counting the days. YOU GUYS ROCK!

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  • Because my Bro works at a game store, I'm gonna get Halo 3.4 Seconds faster than all of you. My Legendary Edition violates yours! :DDD [Edited on 09.01.2007 6:48 PM PDT]

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  • I believe the elites and the humans may have the last laugh thats if the whole elite race survives.

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  • Hey bungie..just wanna say thanks guys I mean i remember when i was just a kid then..about 6th grade and i wanted a xbox for christmas..and i got it the x-mas after..i had no clue what halo was but i bought it with my christmas cash..i played it and fell in love from the start(it's true love at first sight is true!)I played it and beat it..and fell in love with halo'll see me on high scores once halo 3 comes out! Much Love..

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