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10/19/2012 10:18:32 AM

So it's been two years...

And I think Reach's legacy speaks for itself. So -blam!- all of you apologists who spent all of their time in 2009-10 deepthroating mod -blam!- while the aspies at bungie made this monstrosity in their idyllic dreamworld; may the bitter taste of dried semen never leave your lips. -blam!- the leadership at Bungie for managing to mangle a series that had an absolute stranglehold on the FPS market; never have I seen a company so completely ignorant of their community. I hope your future paychecks reflect how much you -blam!- up. Most importantly, -blam!- the mods and community engagement people, especially ferrex and frankie, for failing so -blam!- misearbly at your jobs. I realize that it hurts to admit that thirteen year old boys have a more intimate knowledge of what makes a good game than you, but when your idea of fun includes -blam!- griffball maybe it's time to let the community drive development a little more. Bloom was torn to pieces months before the beta. Arena was torn to pieces months before the beta. Armor abilities were torn to pieces months before the beta. If you would have looked to the web and thought "damn, maybe these people who play our games all day every day are on to something" instead of collectively stroking your neckbeards and saying in your most sagelike voice "we know what we're doing" between games of big-team-actionsack-whateverthe-blam!- you might have come up with something decent. Zanzibar for life
#Halo #Reach

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  • You guys like analogies right? Here's one for you. So, Reach was like.... Bungies Swan Song right? Their attempt to go out with a bang and to release Halo. Kinda similar to the idea of a rich kid turning 18 and being given the keys to brand new mercedes, going to college, getting a girl and starting a brand new life. Only in this case... Everything came with strings attached. You get the car, but you don't get to drive it, nor do you determine its destination. Someone else does. You get to go to college, but you don't get to choose your major, someone else does. You get a girl, that someone chose for you. You get....someone elses life. Server browsers lets you make your own life with no strings attached. You drive the car and decide its destination. Matchmaking is the equivalent of someone else choosing for you. In an attempt to force people together to cater to impatient -blam!-s who don't have the brain capacity to navigate the filters in a server browser environment. What would happen if the internet adopted matchmaking? That would be called censorship. No really, what happens when they stop updating the playlists? Well, I'll tell you one thing... Games with server browsers could care less, because the "playlists" are under community control instead of developer control. Server browser = Thousands of playlists to choose from (Each host is technically a "playlist") Matchmaking = A small handfull of paylists to choose from. (Speaks for itself) Is it simply because you people can't handle such an overwhelming amount of choices? Or is your need to stroke off to a -blam!- rank just over-riding your intelligence? [Edited on 10.19.2012 12:04 PM PDT]

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