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1/28/2008 5:22:52 AM

(Updated) Reports Circulating On Strange New Phenomenon "The Bungie Effect"

There have been many reports in the recent days of a phenomenon known as the "Bungie Effect". [b] [u] Additional Reports. To be viewed after first report is read [/b] [/u] 1) [url=] Preliminary Report Regarding The Bungie Effect, Volume 2, Scientific Investigations of Human Mind. [/url] [i] All findings regarding "TBE" will be published here. Findings may take a while, as reserach is long ardous process and researchers have to ascertain they are not infected with The Bungie Effect through a complicated screening process before reports can be published. Concurrently, head title of journal series will return to "Reports have been circulating of strange new phenomenon, "The Bungie Effect". Title has been changed to inform readers of update regarding "The Bungie Effect". Such reports may be critical to subject's success, and not to mention idiot who does not read additionally data may sue (as The Bungie Effect appears to be be an incredibly dangerous phenomena). [/i] What does "The Bungie Effect" entail? Well basically, The Bungie Effect, means that as members get older their posts get less inflamatory. Some how mysteriously, they lose their flaming, screaming (and whining status) and instead switch to much calmer, more conducted posting. For example, a new user would make the title "Halo 3 *)&@_% IS !@$_(*%_( the !$)(#)$ ( worst ()*)(*@)( game *@(*)(*# ever". A moderately experienced user would post "Halo 3 has problems". Slightly farther along in "The Bungie Effect", users would post "Halo 3 is great, but has these problems", from then they would simply stop posting complaints. "The Bungie Effect" is is the mellowing of users. Users give less hatered of Bungie as they "age", and don't whine as much. Of course, some members appear to be resistant, and others simply are goody two shoes from day one. However, the goody two shoes progressively become "Godly" in their "Goodness" as time progresses. Almost all users who aren't subverted by "The Bungie Effect" quickly enough are found in a roadside ditch impaled on a deadly ninja blade. Occasionally faint letters such asare found [quote] [i] evilcam Achilles1108 Stosh Yoozel just another fan ash55 BobBQ Great_Pretender Recon Number 54 SketchFactor Achronos Gods Prophet THE DON WAN Nosferatu_Soldier KPaul lukems Senor Leche Anton P Nym xTr1GGeR HaPPYx goweb Jeremiah chris547 GameJunkieJim MakaVeli4LIfe1 [/i] [/quote] * The Cause? Researchers had too undertake very strong effort to hack into a cereberal matrix embedded in the human brain and discovered users were being "mind controlled". Quite unfortunately, nothing can be done to save the victims. Currently "The Bungie Effect" is an irreversible process. The tool of destruction? Quite simply The Bungie Effect is created by subliminal messaging in the Weekly Updates, Forum Posts by Bungie Users (which appear to greatly calm down residents of every forum, except one (which had a massive influx of new members. Research is being conducted to decipher if massive amounts of new members can, and will counter the Bungie effect)). Also, it appears that hypnotic immages are imbeded deep into every page, and are so invisible, that it takes years for full fledged hypnosis to occur, but once hypnotized a user can never recover. Studies are being conducted to determine whether alliance to the group of players known as "MLG" has any effect on countering the Bungie Effect ~ Research concludes that this is highly unlikely, despite a few anamolies. Prelimary data has shown that almost nothing can counter "The Bungie Effect" over long periods of time, and members regardless of previous affiliations are eventually subdued by The Bungie Corporation. Evidence has shown that frequent visits of the Xbox company to the Bungie Website, subverted them.Because of this, they made the unsound decision of seperating Bungie, after bestowing the incredibly sum of $100,000,000 to the Bungie Corporation. Unfortunately no hard data could be obtained to prove such unearthly claims. Researchers are investigating a way into which The Bungie Effect can be cured, and if it is necesary to undertake any legal action. Unfortunately, all researchers who viewed too obtain proof, somehow mysteriously got hooked, and said "Bungie is the greatest". A single coherent sentence other then this was unable to come from their minds, for it appears they triggered hidden safety protocols. Researchers finally concluded that subverting a users mind and forcing him to post regarding "The Bungie Effect" was a necessary. Investigations had found a user had wandered to the research site, and his mind was cruelly subverted into being forced to post regarding The Bungie Effect. Unfortunately, the cranial matrix was unrecoverable, but losses are too be expected in deciphering a cure too something as intricate as "The Bungie Effect".* Reserachers are searching for a way to query members of The Bungie.Net community to inquire on the condition (and conduct valuable research). Unfortunately, because of the subversive condition of the Bungie website, such research must be conducted by the subverted user, while being manipulated by researchers. Researchers are ordered to wear complete masks during investigations, as well as anti-nuclear suits in an attempt to stop the Bungie Effect from passing through the subverted user to researchers. Unfortunately research currently indicates, that user may be fighting subversion and may find hidden way too inform Bungie off the investigations being conducted. Such an attempt would cause further research to become futile, as repucerations from Bungie would involve “Giant Catapults” as well as “Mind Control (is that not what we see already?)” and a organization known as “Xbox Live” becoming “Self-Aware”. * [i] Names are listed in no particular order. Studies indicate that names at the bottom of the list are not responsible for recent killings. Research also indcates that subverted user was very inflammatory, and angry at Bungie during initial posts. Would often whine over costs of maps, flaws in game, etc. User was however quickly subverted, and research indicates that users posts were gradually mellowing over the period of one year. Concurrently, studies indicate that user would have been fully subjugated in the matter of less then a year. Luckily, user no longer possess a functioning cranial matrix, so user is cured of “The Bungie Effect”. [/i] * [i] User is completely unaware of complete subversion. User is forced to conduct business in usual manner to alleviate suspicion of subversion. An investigation is ongoing due to evidence of awareness of subversion in users post. User may be attempting to reveal to Bungie Mind Control, information regarding subversion. [/i] [b] [i] Ascertain the fact that this report and press release never falls into hands of either press, nor general public, nor bungie. nor the ugly guy on the fourth desk with the smelly hair. Secrecy is critical to mission's success. [/b] [/i] Edit: [i] Mispellings corrected, idiotic assistant botched spelling numerous times. [/i] [Edited on 01.31.2008 8:20 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xTr1GGeR HaPPYx [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PyRo Tek NikS [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] muffin man one [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PyRo Tek NikS [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Aznb01p Yeah but TGP's like not that old but yet he has good posts. Right>?[/quote] He became a mod at 15, I believe he's 17 now.[/quote]Aren't You thinking of Trigger happy? I was sure he is the youngest mod. [/quote] Nope TGP. [/quote]Actually, I'm about two weeks younger than TGP. [/quote]ZOMG! The battle continues. So who is the coolest? How old is the youngest mod out of curiosity? (I'm not trying to be rude, you don't have to answer if you don't want to ;-) )

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