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originally posted in: Holy -blam!- Girl gets uppercut HARD
10/12/2012 9:26:07 AM
Honestly, she deserved it. And she apparently hit him, or threatened him in some manner that prompted his reaction. That said, should he have hit her? No. He should have demanded she leave the bus, and, failing that, called the police. Now, that said, if women want equal rights, they can't have double standards. It can't be horrible and evil if a man hits a woman, but no big deal if a woman hits a man. Double standards shouldn't exist, and anyone who thinks they should is an idiot. Simple as that. She did do something to him, and continued to threaten him and harass him. In the eyes of the law, what he did was morally correct. He was defending himself. If a woman hits me, I'm gonna knock her the hell out. Simple as that. I'll never throw the first punch, but if someone attacks me, regardless of their gender, I'll beat them within an inch of their life. And that's my legal right.

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