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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update: 10/26/07
10/30/2007 5:55:58 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] armeddrunkdonke "Rank Amateurs I’ve had a lot of mails from skilled Halo players saying things like, “Hey, I am stuck at level 41 skill level and I am not going up, so your skill system must be broken.” Actually, what you’re seeing is that it works. What the system is telling you, is that relative to the other players currently playing Halo 3, you are a level 41. You should not be going up in skill level until you become appreciably and significantly better. If you suddenly developed a whole new level of headshot ability, for example you’d find that your skill level would rise commensurately. It is not, like your rank, supposed to climb inexorably based on experience, but rather to judge and determine your relative skill and match you with players of like skill. My experience is that games are closer, tighter and more fairly balanced than ever before. The spikes happen at the low end, as you mix it up with folks who haven’t played enough to determine a steady skill level. As you get better, progress will slow and eventually halt as the system determines your overall ability and uses that to find matches. It’s important to note that it is an increasingly accurate estimate, designed to become more accurate over the long term. So don’t worry about dips in your performance, or unexpected sprees, those dips and spikes are not given much precedence by the system. In theory, it is trying to put you in the most competitive matches. It is not some goal or trophy – it’s a tool" Thanks for a -blam!- explanation for rankings in matchmaking. This still doesnt explain why when i win 15 games in a row ,versus people who have more skill and exp, that i dont level up. Can anyone please explain that, I have gone on TWO(2) 15 game runs in team slayer and not leveled. Then when i lose 1 game i delevel. If anyone can give me a decent explanation it would be nice. How does myself staying at 40 help determine my skill when i own kids who by halo's all knowing rank system are suposedly better than me. This doesnt make sense, not leveling me because i -blam!- kids doesnt make sense, maybe im just a -blam!- idiot or i expect too much in an explanation from developers that i pay money to play their game . "What the system is telling you, is that relative to the other players currently playing Halo 3, you are a level 41. You should not be going up in skill level until you become appreciably and significantly better." appreciably and significantly better, I can go back and scour my games and show you the steaktaculars my team pulls on 45+'s so how are they better than me, what makes them rank up, these are the questions i want answered not just some vague statement where you quote a random fan mail. I am significantly better than the people i play against yet im penalized because......yet another question id like an answer to. Now i usually dont go on tirades of whining but jesus -blam!- christ i dont pay money and invest time into something to only stay stagnant at one rank and then not even get a decent explanation. [/quote] Alright...I'm sure everything else about the update is all nice and dandy. BUT THIS BS WITH THE RANKS IS NOT A GOOD UPDATE AT ALL. Everything here that armeddrunkdonke has said is what I've tried to say word for word. I think this issue seriously needs to get out. I'm sick of all these suck ups to bungie saying what an awsome update this is when its not, this ranking system is seriously flawed and seriously needs to be revised.

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