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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update: 10/26/07
10/29/2007 5:54:18 AM
Aww crap!!! I hope that this special Halloween content hangs around for awhile… I just got the “Three Red Rings of Death” last time I was playing Halo 3 and had to send it away for repairs… I am dying to get back on, and now even more so, but it’s going to take 2-6 weeks! Please bungie; don’t let me miss out on the fun and games! Also: DRW Dumpy writes: ********************************************************** b) why is it tied to advancement in your EXP rank? so if you can just look at someones skill rank number, then why does the EXP rank system not allow promotions until you reach a certain skill rank? that in itself implies a goal doesnt it? it would be a good way to tell a persons skill if you COULDNT see the number. i.e. this person is a captain grade 3 so i know they have a number of games played and are somewhere in the 20's skill wise. but i can just look and see highest skill achieved. so whats the point of all that? tieing the two systems together and saying they are for separate things doesnt make any sense to me. i think you should split them, let the EXP rank go by EXP alone. its fine when you are in the skill level range for your EXP rank, but ask a captain grade 4 if they are happy with it, or if they are given a ton of $h!7 by others for not being able to skill up and get promoted. i play alot of social matchmaking and i went into lone wolves (which i hate) for three hours one day so i could get my 40 and shut everyone up. ********************************************************** I agree that service rank and your actual rank shouldn't be tied together if you intended to use the rank as a tool. I do think you should still see it though because it should still give you some form of bragging rights, and besides, it helps identify if you and your friends are really on the same level or not. It helps to show who the weakest link is and there by who we should cover or watch out for more. I am however still finding that some people are definitly not the rank they show, and that frustrates the crap out of me. It really isn’t any fun getting totally destroyed by a group that is far superior to your own. The last team tactical that three of my friends and I played we ended up facing a bunch of 40-45. We were all rank 1 as we had never played tactical before… None of us have ever been above a rank of 33 before either. We got totally destroyed, it wasn’t even fun. I do hope that this is taken seriously and is address in some way. DRW Dumpy also writes: ********************************************************** and for recon... you had to know when you put it in the game for only yourselves that people would bug the hell out of you. ... its like being a kid, taking your brand new transformer to your buddies house and not letting him play with it. you KNOW he really wants to play. why even take it over there if you just want to play with it by yourself? because you want to show off, thats why. we all did that scenario, or similar, as kids. so we all know what it is that we are seeing. childishness. hate me if you want, but you know im right. ********************************************************** Again, I feel like Dumpy has made a valid point. You guys should have known that everyone and everyone’s grandmother would want YOUR helmet, so really you shouldn’t get to annoyed at them. Take it as a compliment. Although I am glad to see that you guys are awarding the helmet to those you deem worthy. It would make having the recon gear that much more rewarding to have. I also think it's really cool that you are NOT putting an exact way as how to get it, otherwise it would become the next Hayabusa set.... I think that the Hayabusa gear had real potential to be one of the coolest sets of armor out there, however the second people found out how to get it, EVERYONE started wearing it. It's actually sad how many people wear it now... Please keep the recon a gift for those who go above and beyond to make this game enjoyable time and time again. Anyway, now this is getting WAY too long so I will say good-bye for now, just please keep the Halloween stuff around for a little bit longer... [Edited on 10.28.2007 10:35 PM PDT]

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