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9/15/2010 6:52:24 PM
[url=]El Toro - The Bull[/url] El Toro is the gametype. All the others are the maps I've specifically made for that. The Bull is coming! A very fun infection game. Built for 2 to 16 players. One infected starts off, El Toro (The Bull), riding in the Brute Chopper. The rest are highly encouraged to get in a mongoose. El Toro must infect the others using the chopper's boost power - [b]NOT BY SHOOTING[/b]. Others must survive for 2 minutes. 5 rounds a game (Yes, it's that fun). Quick notes: Although you can shoot, it is very cheap and takes away the fun-ness of the game. All names are in Spanish to stay with a theme. The maps and this gametype in my fileshare go hand-in-hand, so I [u]highly[/u] recommend you use the maps I have specifically created. Tips: For those who are not the bull, the mongoose is by far your best chance for survival. To further encourage this, everyone's speed and jumping power has been dramatically lowered. In addition, non-bulls face the restrictions of pistols only and an invincible bull. Therefore, mongooses are imperative for survival - get on the back of someones if you have to.

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