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10/8/2007 5:14:30 AM

Anyone else insulted by this?

"What you’re seeing is roughly the same situation as you would have in Halo 2, but with movies and screenshots available to examine this stuff, you’re seeing more alleged injustice on a frame by frame basis. The sniper IS harder to use now, so sack up, it requires more skill." This is what we got in response to asking why the hit detection is glitchy in the sniper rifle. Are we really being told, in the face of irrefutable evidence that the sniper is glitchy, that we should just deal with it because it's now "harder to use"? I wouldn't mind if the hit detection was a little off and from time to time shots go through heads...I can deal with that. The problem is that IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. By the way, for those who are going to tell me it's's not. I've done it in local games, and against stationary (afk) players on Live. It's not a lag issue. It's a hit-detection issue. I've got over 15 clips of this happening in the past 2 days. (I've uploaded some of the more blatant ones, and more are coming later) PLEASE, Bungie, don't throw this back in our face and tell us it's our fault. The first step to fixing a problem is to admit it's there. PLEASE admit the hit-detection's a little off...even if it can't be fixed. And don't even get me started on the Double Reload glitch... By the way, I know this has been discussed, but it's so infuriating that I needed to vent a little. I was really pissed when I read that "sack up, it requires more skill" crap. Sorry.
#Halo #Halo3

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  • I've played nearly 250 games online. I've got Freinds who's played well over 100 games Online. NONE of us have experienced any proble with the Sniper Rifle. This wouldn't be another They balanced the weapons better in Halo 3 than Halo 2 and i dont like it thread would it??? Halo 2 sucked, Unballanced weapons, Auto Aim which ment you only needed to point in the general direction fo your opponent Totaly destroyed Halo 2 online for me and Most of my freinds. After trowling thru these and forums I found that 90% of the time the people calling glitches and/or weapons/weapon power bugs etc are halo 2 players.Halo 3 is more balanced, Weapons now require you use some skill and judgment to use, GET used to it or go back ot Halo 2. No Doubt some where in the code will be a bug or glitch, it's virtually impossible to get every bug unless you want to spend 10yrs playtesting a game. But bungie did do something that most dev's do not.... play test over the live network with teams based in the US and Japan. Any Obvious Glitch bug and most not so obvious bugs/glitch caused by latency would of most probably been found.. including Snipers rifles that don't snipe.

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