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9/25/2010 11:15:42 PM
@StoleMyName I always appreciate constructive criticism; any feedback is good feedback. Unless it's bad feedback, of course. Regarding what you said, the reason I wrote this and write my other fan fictions is to improve my writing, and they have helped me do this immensely. The difference in quality between the first chapter and last chapter of this story is, and I'm sure many will agree when I say this, huge. That's one of the reasons why the motive for the war is a little weak too. I don't feel that I'm ready to properly start writing a full original novel yet; I only turned 15 a few months ago and have only been writing outside of school for less than two years. So I still have a long way to go. This is basically my "I'm going to put every awesome character and faction from Halo into one fan fiction over-the-top epic" story, and it's been very fun to write. I hope that I have captured each of the characters well to some degree, although I know fully well that some are better than others. I have various other fan fictions centred around original characters. Of course I will always cameo popular characters from the series, because as Jobe rightly said, they're part of what make fan fiction what it is. Anyway, thanks very much for reading it and leaving feedback, and to everyone else who has read Halo 3: Insurrection. I've read and enjoyed every single one of your comments. For those interested, the PDF file will be created as soon as I have the free time. It would be nice to have a cover for it, but unfortunately I'm no artist. If anyone else wishes to that would be fantastic, but I'm not expecting people to go out of their way to create one. Thanks!

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