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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update: 02/06/09
2/7/2009 12:47:38 AM
I don't quite understand the logic here. A budget is a forgers worse nightmare. It is an unfortunate setback and can destroy a lot of great ideas. It limits the creative mind and sets boundaries. Many forgers, if not all, are infuriated when they spend their entire budget. So why on earth would a second budget be installed? Forgers are already limited to what they can create. On top of having a second budget, you inform us that if we try and make a canvas, we will end up hurting ourselves in the long run. Being forced to move the original objects out of the way in order to forge is an extreme inconvenience. It seems that this would be taking a step backwards. This update was indeed a dream killer, and a barer of bad news at the same time. I do however like the idea of a killball, kudos to whoever thought of it. It would seem that Shishka already made good work of it. I am very anxious to see what people can create using the killball. Unfortunately I am going to have to say that a killball will not revive this map. I am deeply disappointed in, not only the layout and design of this map, but also the inconvenience it brings to forgers with a second budget. Who knows, perhaps there is a diamond in the rough.

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